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Thank God he's home! No animal should have to go through what he has :no: - and he's been soooo brave! I know you'll provide him with lots more love and continued excellent care because you guys love him so much.
That is wonderful news to have TopCat home with you again. I wonder if you couldn't somehow train his forelock to cover the ear to keep it warm etc. Or maybe he could have a little knitted sock made for him and figure a way to fasten it there. He sure looks good for all he's been through and knows he's happy to be home again. Thank God he lived.

Joyce L
:aktion033: I am so glad Top Cat is home. He will feel better being in his home area. I hope and pray he recovers soon.He looks alot better then he did.

Keep us posted,

Boy not too many horses could of come out of all that :aktion033:

Thanks Tony for update and pictures
Oh my...I just read the original story about the dogs, and I am in shock. I can't EVEN imagine what you have been through. Thank God for caring people who saw the attack...I am tearing up just thinking about the string of angels that were with Top Cat that day.

I'm so glad he is recovering. He will be in my thoughts and prayers. So will you.

I had to chase off some boxers that went through the fence here one day and the next day I learned how to use a gun. I never thought I could do such a thing, but the way that those dogs started after the mini's changed my mind.
So glad he is home, Tony... :aktion033:

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
I am glad he is home and healing.

Although he has come a long way and had such a big heart through it all I just get so angry when I see pictures of him. Poor little guy.

I just wish you could do something to get the law involved with this dog issue. It has been a terrible year for you and your herd.
Tony, Glad to hear Top Cat is home. I have been following the post's concerning his attack and recovery and I am very happy to hear he is still with you and recovering. I am not one to post much but wanted to let you know I am very happy Top Cat is still here and on his way to recovery.You see just a couple of weeks before this unfortunate event a very good friend of mine lost 2 bred mares to a dog attack, one died instantly and the other one had to be put down by the vet. In our instance the dogs had removed both ears off one mare in the fight .The ear played a very key role in the capture of those dogs and the dogs were recently just put down by the animal control.

Again I am happy for you and I pray for a speedy recovery for Top Cat.
I'm so glad that Top Cat is finally home. I still got a cold shiver looking at his wounds-- he's had to endure an awful lot, poor boy. Tough boy though!
So glad to see him up and around and back home again. I'm so sorry this happened to your little horse.
I have been following Top Cat's story, and it was so sad to read what had happened. I am so glad that he is ok and home at last. I will be sending prayers for him.
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OH MY! Tony, you give that stallion a nice big hug from me and tell him I still think he's a handsome boy. He looks like he's got a long road ahead of him!! He sure is a fighter!

Good luck... My thoughts and prayers are with you and Top Cat!
Poor guy!! I'm so glad he's back home. I'm sure that makes him happier also. Continuing to keep Top Cat in my prayers!

Thanks for the update on Top Cat. He is such a fighter and certainly has shown the desire and will to live.

Hugs to you, Top Cat and just think on the positive - the loss of that ear gives you "character!" Now you will have lots of stories to tell the mares and all your new foals!
Hi I was wondering to protect Top Cat's ear canal could you sew a fly mask with ears directly to a halter to keep it on. I know a halter can get caught up but it would protect his ear canal and stuff the ear with sponge to keep it in shape, if you can't find a fly mask with ears you coudl use one without ears and take material and sew it onto fly mask where ear goes to close the opening. Just a thought.
I am so glad your handsome boy is home and will be okay, Tony. I can not imagine what he and you are going through. I was a big Top Cat fan already, now seeing the heart he has just doubled that.

I am so glad to hear that Top Cat is home and recovering! He sure is a tough one. Hugs to Top Cat and his wonderful owners, also to the vet and staff that helped him on his road to recovery.

Tony, Carrol, and Lauren

I am so sorry that this happen to Top Cat. What a beautiful horse. I am glad to read he

is improving and he is home. I just pray there will be no more dog attacks on your horses.

That is so scary, and so heart breaking. I do hope you can make the owner pay all of his

Vet Bills, and money on the damage of this beautiful horse. I am glad you were able to

get this dog, and shoot it. So it won't attack your horses or anyone again. As once they

get a taste of blood, they will keep killing. I just hope you can get the other one before

it attacks someone or any other animals. I was reading above on the ideal of the fly mask

with the ears, that sounds like a great ideal, at least for now. Maybe with a breakaway halter.

I don't know if it would out in the pastures, but while he is up in pens or stalled it might help.

Prayers for Top Cat continuing.


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