Tip for watering orchids

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
I was given an orchid for Mother's Day in 2009. Almost lost it once, but repotted and it survived. I got special orchid "soil" from repotme for the type of orchid. Usually when I water, I get water from the rain barrel, mix in the feed, set the orchid pot in a bowl and run the water through till it won't absorb any more, then let it drain. Sort of a pain.

A guy who grows orchids said to lay 2 ice cubes on the top of the soil every week; that is all the water they need. I didn't want to use my tap water ice cubes, so I mixed rain water with the food, froze it in ice trays, and it's working out well! I think it would work for small house plants, too.

Anyway, I thought I would share my tip.
Y'ep, my mother got one a year ago, does the ice cube thing and also occasionally ads miracle grow, she has had to repot it twice so far. The thing is growing like crazy. Me, on the other hand, I'll take a cactus, I see to kill everything else.
Y'ep, my mother got one a year ago, does the ice cube thing and also occasionally ads miracle grow, she has had to repot it twice so far. The thing is growing like crazy. Me, on the other hand, I'll take a cactus, I see to kill everything else.
Cacti are one of the only things I bring in for the winter. I have had some for 20 years. I'm going to try the ice cube thing with them also. I dont' care for houseplants, but I've liked cacti since I was a little kid. The orchid was a gift and I sort of am enjoying the challenge of keeping it going.

Interesting about the ice cube thing for orchids. It is not mentioned on the orchid site, nor anyone else I know who dabbles in orchids ever told me about it. Your mom must have good tap water; I think ours is too high in minerals, so that's why I use the rain water. Maybe it doesn't really matter...

I doubt I'd get any more orchids, since I'm not into house plants, but it's been rather fun to see what this one will do. I've repotted it 3 times since I've had it. I should be getting a spike this winter.
The secret is usually the lighting and not as much the water. Same thing with African violets. And most people usually over water them all, too. If ice cubes help you ration the water, then that's good

The secret is usually the lighting and not as much the water. Same thing with African violets. And most people usually over water them all, too. If ice cubes help you ration the water, then that's good
I've been growing orchids for years (some of the rarer Stanhopea's) and never heard about the ice cube trick...thanks. I'm going to try it

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