They are closing school to save gas

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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It's true and it's starting in Georga tomorrow. They are closing school for the next two days and predict it's going to save the state a bunch of money in gas to do that. They will be doing that periodically now until the gas prices stabelize.

Betcha anything Tennessee is next! Ooh, not so sure I'm going to like that one ! lol We'll have to wait and see.
Our school system her in NE Minnesota is considering that also. They are looking into going to 4 day weeks, it will save 20% on a lot of things like bus fuel, food, etc. We are extremely rural so the busses go a long ways into the woods for pick-ups. Surprisingly the teachers think it is a good idea. Our schools are considering it because of a very tight budget, this was before the hurricanes.
O.K. did that here too..which I sure don't mind since I keep a few children and I'll love having the ones here I hardly ever get to see except for summer...matter of fact it's 6:20 a.m. and one just got here bless his heart he's so excited. Wouldn't we have been excited school for two whole day!

NOW....a lot of people don't have childcare. Some use the before and after childcare at the schools. Some people the price of gas is a huge hardship and now they have to find someone to keep their children.

How many kids ride those buses 50-60?

We got that many kids now whose parents have to for, and TRANSPORT back and forth to daycare for two days children who could all ride one bus. BIG, big savings huh? For who?

Our secretary of state even thinks this was not a real good idea and I tend to agree.
They were considering doing the 4 days a week thing here ( Va) but when the school board voted a few nights ago they said No....alot of parents were upset b.c they would not have any place to take there children to for daycare...that was the main concern about the whole thing here. But if gas does go up higher then it has been then they did say they will have to figure out something b.c there is no way they can afford for us to come all the time, the county I go too is quite poor now anyway and this is just putting a bigger strain on it.

The one thing they did say they were going to do which I think may cause problems this winter is they said they are cutting back on they won't heat alot of the rooms in the winter and they published this in the newspaper and many people are not to happy to know their kids will go to school with no heat.

What they have done to save energy costs at one local school district here in mid-Michigan (not the one we live in) is to add 20 minutes to each school day, then school ends two weeks earlier in the spring. So the kids get out May 20 or so instead of the 2nd week in June. I wish our schools would do that. (or better yet, start later - maybe after Nationals).

So if they start doing the schools to a four-day week, does that mean that work is next
I would like to think so since the parents can't find proper daycare don't ya think that's a good idea
Our school system just stopped field trips, don't think that's going to make much of a difference
Yes, the children & their education lose again........... If our elected officials would redirect the money being spent on their 'pork barrel' projects they would have the money for the bus fuel.... Whats more important - a museum or educating tomorrows leaders..................... Sure is going to be hard & expensive on the parents that have to have daycare/ baby sitters for just one day a week.
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Well, museums ARE part of educating our children -- too much of the arts have already been cut.

I'd like to know why our country hasn't invested more in alternative fuel sources, hybrid vehicles, and such rather than making tax cuts that only benefit the wealthy. (Of course, the oil lobby would never allow this) These cutback are at the expense of the poor -- the ones who truly cannot afford childcare. How many more latchkey kids will this create? You can bet that those who benefitted from the tax cuts have no concerns about where their children will go after school!

I'm all for encouraging less fuel consumption, but there are far better ways to do this than by cutting school days. Just think of all the SUVs being driven in town by people who have never even gone offroad, people who could get by easily with a compact car. I'm not talking about those who need such a vehicle...I mean the Hummers being driven to the grocery store -- stupid.

It wouldn't hurt to lower the temperature in schools (and businesses and government offices) by a few degrees and encouraging everyone to wear sweaters. Schools could be designed to take better advantage of natural daylight to save on electricity. The heat could be turned way down for the last hour or so of class, and it would not be felt until after school was out.

With a little creativity, there are so many ways we can cut costs and energy consumption without anyone having to suffer. Unfortunately, it takes foresight and a willingness to try something new, which will typically be defeated.
I see on the news this morning Bush is asking that all of us cut back on driving and using fuel. Sure hope he sees that the thermostat is cut back in his rooms and Air Force One and Two aren't used excessively. If we have to cut back so should the top. Personally I think it is a good idea for schools to cut back at this time just the same as any business. To make the days a little longer so the kids still get their lessons will save on all the fuel used in transporting the kids. We have given up our long anticipated trip to help the conservation of fuel...can at least do that much. We always have been conservative with any fuel knowing there is only so much of it. I don't want to see parents hurt by having their children home an extra day but it might make us a little more creative in figuring out ways to deal with it. Many families can come together and share their resources, time and help each other out in a pinch. We are all kinda spoiled by the luxuries we have become accustumed to and it is about time for things to change and we need to adjust... even if it is nothing more than carpooling and helping each other with the kids. I sure would love to see all these teenage kids have to ride buses instead of driving their cars to school when not necessary. They would be safer, it would save gallons and gallons of gasoline and there would be fewer accidents and deaths.
In our state 15 year olds are allowed to get their license and they think this means they should have their own car and go whenever they want.....burning the point, wasting gas! JMHO
Wow what a stupid idea... I just dont see how kids being in school less time with no one to watch them is in any wayshape or form a good idea.

I do realize that in some rural communities the buses go very far I know my kids used to be on the bus for over an hour to get back and forth to school.

But to make less days doesnt seem to be the answer at all well not a logical one anyway
Just this morning, I heard a story on the news about this kind of thing!!! I heard some systems are going to a 10-hour day, and being open 4 days a week. In a way, if they are adding to the days' hours, it may not really be all bad. I work a 4 day week usually and sometimes if you are into something, you get a lot more done by spending a little longer at one stretch.
OK, I can agree we have to cut back on fuel. BUT, last winter I had my house at 65 degrees---do I go down to 60 degrees? I take a van pool to work with 10 other people and make one trip PER WEEK to be with my horses for the weekend (fri-sun) and no longer go to play with the horses during the much more can I cut down?

I think half the white house could be shut down and the temp turned down to 65 degrees and the president would not have to be taking private jets so much...less trips for air force one? would he consider this?

the working parents will have huge problems---the cost of daycare is so high now (and my kids are long since out of high school) and YES, there will be more latchkey kids....oh, my, OUR POOR KIDS!

ok, ok, off my soap box! jennifer
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Wow Jill I hadn't heard that 10 hours a day is just flat out silly for elementary school kids
Our school district did go to four day school days a few years ago. They just added an hour on to each day. They would go to school from 8:00 til 4:00. Our children did fine as far as test scores and learning. But we had parents that had issues with daycare for the day we had off. Our sons were in the school system at the time and I liked it. We could go three day weekend trips. I thought we had more family time. But I can understand working moms issues for their younger kids. We can never please everyone!

Lisa has a good point -- the little kids have shorter attention spans, and I would imagine that extra hour is pretty much just wasted time.
Oh man this is one of my hot buttons so I apologize up front for those I'm about to offend

I don't believe our school system should be used as day care for kids and I'd rather see a few hours of concentrated study where teachers actually teach than to use our teachers for babysitters. Frankly, from what I see my grand kids studying most of it is useless drivel. These kids are bored to death! No wonder they are getting into trouble.

I really don't see the cutting back of the time spent in school due to the gas shortage as being a bad thing. Perhaps if the artifical hours quota per student for federal funding was done away with and teachers were given that time to actually teach instead of being made to be surrogate parents and warehousing kids it might actually make a difference in how some of these kids turn out.

I'm also not sympathetic to the argument that it's a hardship on parents monetarily. Deciding to have children is a responsibility like everything else and certainly not cheap in this day and age to raise one. Why do some people seem to think it's society's responsibility to pay for and raise a child they made? The idea is totally disgusting to me

for spelling etc.
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Lisa-Ruff N Tuff Minis said:
Wow Jill I hadn't heard that 10 hours a day is just flat out silly for elementary school kids

Oh, you are right! I had not thought of it from that young a perspective but now that you say it, it is obvious that is too long for little kids!
well triggy i agree and disagree to a point with what you are saying... and tammi as well but again for those on the bus 30 + min each way a 8 yr old kid or 6 or 7 forthat matter going to school and being gone a total of 11 hours is insane then coming home and doing homework for 30 + min. a day .. high school i can see even Jr high or middle school i guess but no way for the little ones

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