strand fencing experiences?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
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Madison, WI
Hi all, Merry Christmas!

I would like to move my minis into a larger area, where they will be free to graze, and have a LOT more space. However, I have concerns over having them in electric strand fencing, rather than the paddock they are kept in now, which is wire mesh.

My front pasture is over an acre, and is currently fenced with four strands of Electrobraid, the entire fence being 5' high. I'm not sure on the spacing of the lines, been so long since I installed the fence. But my minis have always been in a 5' tall horse mesh fence, with electric on the inside to keep them from rubbing on it. So they definitely know what electric fence is. I just wonder about minis....not sure I feel totally comfortable putting them in that kind of fence.

Does anyone here have their minis in strands of electric wire/braid, and have no issues with it? The fence is in perfect condition, properly grounded with ground rods, as per electrobraid's installation suggestions. I have more electrobraid on rolls, and I would definitely put one more strand in, making the number of strands 5, and could have the strands spaced evenly, about a foot apart, or choose to have the two or three lower strands closer together.

I would really like to give them this space, but don't know why I am so worried about the fence. Should I be?


If they already know about the eletric fence I wouldn't worry about it personally. I hope one day I can refence mine with the electrobraid. I'm tired of my horses tearing up my fences which are the mesh.
This looks like high class, visible stuff, so I would say, so long as you put in that extra strand to discourage the inevitable one who will put it's head through and then push, I would say it will be OK.

Use of electric fencing, for me, depends on the dangers that would occur should the worst case scenario happen- say the power goes down and something spooks them and they get through, which is always going to be easier than if it were a permanent stock fence- where would they be??
LOVE electric rope. Very much
Replaced all the wire on the farm with the rope, and couldn't be happier. Of course, I rather wood, or no-climb, but for quick cheap options, LOVE the rope. Never used the Electrobraid brand personally, I've just used the generic stuff.
Thanks for the input! They are used to electric fence, just not rope, and not as the ONLY fence. For anyone considering it, I LOVE my Electrobraid, it looks nice, is easy to put up (the hardest part were installing the Mule fiberglass corners), and I have 10 acres fenced in it. We replaced it almost 10 years ago...we had smooth wire, but our pasture borders the woods, and we were CONSTANTLY going out to fix fence because deer ran through it. I got tired of that...especially in the winter! It was quite a price tag up front, but worth it in the end! Every now and then we'll have a deer run into it, or jump it and snag it, but the Electrobraid has never had a problem...I've only had to replace some insulators here and there. Just last year a portable run in shelter got blown over it in winds from a small tornado, right over the fence, and once we removed the shelter, the fence popped right back up again. We only had to tighten it once, and that was the same year we installed it, and have NEVER touched it since! So...for anyone interested, it's awesome! I did, however, waste some money on electrified "bungee" rope for a "gate" I wanted to put in. The bungee rope (which looks like the electrobraid, only you can just tighten it without any tools) is worthless crud.... it frays badly, and snow and ice weight it down to the ground in the wintertime. But I, too, just love my electric rope fencing....
Gosh when I use electric tape I only use 2 strands. One low enough so that the horses who like to lower their heads and race under...can't ....and one high enough to discourage the horses who fancy themselves jumpers. I have more than 20 little guys and haven't had any problems. Of course if they were to get through it really wouldn't matter so it's no great concern.
We have had our Electrobraid brand fencing for around 7 years now and love it. We checked it out for about 2 years before we purchased it. Went to a few folks places that had it nearby and they all had nothing but good things to say about it. I like the 'rope' better than wire or tape. It's super low maintenance. Ours is 4 strands about 4' high and we even had a 13.3 hand POA in it and he was fine. Our bottom strand is about 12" from the ground and the 3rd strand up is the 'ground' strand (not hot). We have a device that hangs off the top strand at one point that will blink red on and off if the fence is off (for whatever reason). It packs a pretty good jolt (ask my hubby LOL!!!!!!) and they really respect it. We have had an A yearling crawl (or was 'pushed') through to another paddock once-but I doubt he did it voluntarily. There are 'what ifs' to everything-but we are happy with it.
I used three-strand, 4' to hold my QH stallion
When I put the ponies in it, I added a lower, 12" rung for a total of four. I've also kept APHA and donkey stallions in it too!
I have the electirc ribbon around my pastures and love it. I used 3 strands of the 2" ribbon and a strand at bottom of the wire. I have had this for 3 years w/o any problems. The stallion area has 4 rows of ribbon with the wire on the bottom and he respects that fence ! It is qiuck and easy to put up or take down to more around. Looks nice and neat, used wooden posts at corners so ribbon can be pulled tight and then white step stakes in between. If an occassional stake breaks just put in another. But the horses do not try to push out or rub on posts. I will also say I do not have anyone that like to "escape" and the stallion is very easy going. I have left the fence charger off accidently several times and no one tried to make a break for it. Hope this helps.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and Happy New Year.

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Thanks for the input! You're putting my mind at ease some.

I, too, have that red flashing light that tells me if the fencer's not's great! I live on a busy road, so if one were to escape, it would be a big deal for me here. Which is why I considered respacing my strands and adding another one, just to be safe!

I'm off this week, so figured it would be a good time to try it...since I'd be home to keep an eye on everyone.

I have my large area fenced with electric wire. 2 strands. First one about a foot off the ground and the second one about "butt-high" for the minis.

If you get a horse that has never been exposed to electic before they will run up to it and might even try to run thru it. But every horse I have had only does this once. Once is all it takes and they figure out what it is and respect the hot wire alot more than any other fence that I have.

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