Squiggles my Shi Tzu

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Wednesday I went to lunch with my two favorite Vicki(e) s (One is Vicki and one is Vickie) I have Squiggles to sit and stay until I get the door open and then give him a piece of chicken jerky (made for dogs) which he loves. When we got back he hadn't eatten it.

Later on he vomitted a little. After a while I gave him a bath, and dried him really good, but he was shaking more than from being cold....then he really started to vomit a dark liquid. The next morning I cleaned his ears which I do after his baths and his ear looked infected so I knew he was going to the vet. He didn't eat and was moving slow. I took him to the vet thinking it was an ear infection. They told me to leave him and they would call me. When they called, they told me that he had been vomiting blood and that he had blood in his feces and listed the tests off that they wanted to give him.

They ran all the test and gave him two iv's and still no conclusive results. They questioned if he had gotten into rat poison and I said no....so they sent me home with 7 prescriptions. special diet and told me to come back if he vomited again and to bring him back in a week for a check up.

Have any of you ever had this to happen? I was a nervous wreck. They said he was too old for parvo and he has had all the shots but I told them to check him anyway. Test came back negative.

He has been much better today....but runs when he sees me coming with the medicine. Yesterday was a horrible day......my elderly parents are in Arkansas without electricity because of the ice storm (Dad was 90 today) and my husband's uncle passed away. I should say he is my uncle too since I had known him since I was 13. Tomorrow has to be a better day.... thanks for reading my whining.....and if your dog has experienced anything like this please let me know.
Oh no Theresa, I can sure see why your day would have been so stressful yesterday! I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your uncle, and hopefully your parents won't be long until they get their power back on.

I sure hope that those prescriptions will fix whatever it is that is ailing your little Squiggles! That must be very worriesome for you. I sure hope all turns out well for him...poor little guy!
Teresa --

I am so sorry for what you and Squiggles have been going through. I know how much he means to you. I hope today will be another better day like yesterday was. It is so scary when they are sick but such a ton off your shoulders when they are feeling better.

Take care,


Could he have possibly gotten into something with lead paint. I know that isn't used any more but????? I had a poodle years ago with the same symptoms and she had lead poisoning from something she chewed on with lead paint on it.
my little Boston, April, just went through something similar. She did not vomit, blood, but passed lots in her poo.

She never acted very off so it took awhile to figure out WHo was having the runny dark stool. I figured it out when she finally pooped while isolated. It was a mass of blood and mucus! Very scary.

The vet did tests and she had a bacterial infection and a rareish form of worms. The worms did NOT show up on first tests. But he kept testing as they hatch at diff times ect. The vet thinks she must have ate something really gross, dead something.

The blood she was passing came from her intestins being SO inflamed. Her little colon was just raw. One of the worst he had seen!. This happened during and just after our vacation, then Thanksgiving. I feel terrible we did not get her to the doc sooner. But she never acted off! Was always a crazy wild Boston! And having so many dogs, figuring out whose poo is whos is sometimes hard.

Anyway she was on a course of antibiotics for a while with special food . Science Diet ID. She cleared up and has been great since but it did take quite awhile. We now give her Nutrina food for sensitive tummys, it has oatmeal and chicken as main ingredients.

Maybe your little one has something similar to my girl? Test for worms, even weird ones and have them look at his bactiral levels in his colon.

Good luck!
Thanks for all your comments. Squiggles has been playing like normal..but seems to get tired a little faster. He is finally eatting his special food. Chewing something with lead????? That might have happened ..I don't know where he would have gotten it but he is definately a chewer. He has more toys that my grandkids. lol (not really)

They gave him some pill for worms - they said that it soothed the stomach and was not for worms, but that came from the nurse.

I give him heart worm medicine........just wondering if anyone treats their dogs for worms? Seems like they should be.
just wondering if anyone treats their dogs for worms? Seems like they should be.
Oh, MOST DEFINATELY!!! That is VERY important in my opinion, and I have always dewormed my dogs as a preventative.
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Squiggles is on a health plan at Banfield (located in Petsmart). He is on a regular vaccination plan and they do the regular testing. The only worming medicine (prior to this event) that they have given me to give him is the heart worm medicine.

What do you give your dog? I need to call them............and find out....because it only seems logical that they are going to pick up worms, but I don't know if that is part of his regular health care.
Oh Teresa,

I'm so sorry for all that's happened to Squiggles and for the loss in your family of your Uncle. Holding you all in prayers, and holding in prayers for your folks in Arkansas.


In His Hands,

Teresa --

I actually think the heartworm medicines get rid of most all worms they can pick up. They are for more than "just" heartworms, but then I'm sure there are some rarer types they do not get rid of. I hope Squiggles is still feelng better than he was!


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