Roxy's Run
Well-Known Member
I have been trying to clean up around the house lately and came across a boat load of pictures. So I went through them and was thinking what I could do with the ones that I really liked. I am not a picture frame kind of person as I just don't have the shelf space and well, to me frames are boring and the real nice ones can be too expensive. Photo albums don't cut it for me either. They tend to get lost in the closets. So I tried to think of a creative way to display the pictures and this is what I came up with. What do you think? I really like the way it came out. This one is 5" x 7" but I could do different sizes also. I think it is a great way to preserve those precious pictures.
Thanks for looking.
Roxy's Run Miniatures

Thanks for looking.
Roxy's Run Miniatures