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Awww. Cleotis wants to know why no one has mentioned the bloodhounds :bgrin



Seriously I'd always wanted one and never thought we'd be fortunate enough to get one. Purely by luck a friend bought one for her daughter for Christmas and I happened to see it and it was love at first site! There was one boy left from the litter and this is him. This guy was the easiest dog that I've EVER house trained, is very obedient and never chewed! He's a bundle of energy in maybe 5 minute bursts now and then and then flat out like a rug!

Just love this breed

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:aktion033: Thank you Runamuk for starting this thread
: I am at the same point as Runamuk, looking for the best breed for me (and my daughter) to start showing with. We are in no rush, will probably not even decide a breed or get a puppy until late this year or sometime next year.

I hope there are more posts to this thread!!
: Love to learn more!!
hairicane, are you out there? What's it like showing Chinese Cresteds in conformation? I knew someone in Phoenix who was very successful with her's in agility and obedience and I would love to try it all someday.
: What's the price range someone should expect to pay for a good quality pup? What are the health tests you absolutely would not go without seeing from a breeder? I know these are probably annoying, basic questions but I'm not at the point where I'm ready to start Emailing a bunch of breeders. I'd really appreciate your input if you have the time to reply and think your pups are just too cute.
(BTW, Bunny is NOT a Pharoah Hound...she is an Ibizian Hound).
Doh.......and I knew that too. Geesh. (long day yesterday........was up at 3am to prep for a arthoscopic surgery at work - on a husky mix)
OK so tell me about the manchesters....I find them very attractive even though I am so not a terrier person....I have had min pins and I love the breed but do not like living with experience is they do not housetrain.......(I don't need to start the housebreaking wars this is just my experience
: )
Min Pins are a completely different breed.

The Miniature Manchesteres I know are incredibly smart dogs (one is advanced obedience titled). Unlike most of the toy breeds these guys are VERY much terriers in personality. Think of them as a terrier without a wire coat. They do still require some grooming (trimming up feet, under tail and whiskers) but it's not something that without a little practice that can't be done by someone with even no grooming experience.

The Miniature Manchesters are natural erect ears. The Standard Manchesters are allowed to be natural eared (button style or erect) or are crop eared (similar to dobermans). Getting a natural erect eared Standard Manchester is very tough and they generally don't do as well in the ring. I personally prefer the button ear tho' there aren't many out there uncropped.
Thank you everyone.....Stacy if we make it over this summer (we plan too) I have to come by and meet those little dogs :bgrin and see all your horses.......I am nowhere near showing myself and currently have 5 big dogs of 5 different breeds :bgrin ...I used to get roped into helping my one boss groom her standard poodle before shows...I am so NOT doing that much about a bummer when they chew off a hip pompom due to a mosquito bite took almost a year to get him back in coat

I owned a retired chow who had been shown and had ten tons of coat but tough to keep her in it........

I love the sighthounds...I have a borzoi who I adore......have known a couple whippets and they were pretty sweet.......I am not a fan of afghan's after having some in my neighborhood growing up who used to try to eat me

I was curious about manchester based just on a look :bgrin figured they weren't like minpins based on the info I found online but have a similar look

I like my aussie but prefer the working type which seem to look a lot different than the show ring type......

I have time like 10 yrs time but I love learning about different breeds of dogs.....that said depending on what happens with our chow chow pup...I might get a taste sooner
: ......apparently it has been tough to get a major in the northwest...can we say I am a sucker and may get roped in by a breeder...geez it was a joke when I teased her about trying to make her own major

again thanks love the info and I will definately make a point of going to our one big all breed show
:saludando: The best way to decide on a breed of dog is to go to shows, talk to anyony who will talk to you . Go to all around shows esp. where there are obedience and agility, Narrow down your choices then go to specieltie shows . i always wanted a border terrier and went for severalyears to The border terrier meet at Montapelier, Virginia. and learned a lot more about temperment and grooming. Since showing poodles for years I didn't want another grooomed dog to prepar for show.
[SIZE=14pt]Jennifer ( hairicane) is at a series of dog shows this week. Kat Sullivan has Cresteds that she shows. A show crested puppy runs 2000-2500. Barbara Fischer of Silver Bluff in TX also shows cresteds, Jen has some on her site and Kathy sullivan also.[/SIZE]

Well, I showed my tiny girl once,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and SHE WON!!!!!!!

Just look what she was up against!!!!!!!! :new_shocked: :new_shocked:


Sorry, couldn't help myself. :lol:

To much knowledge and information to put in my brain I think, but very nice dogs.
Thank you, Lyn, I really appreciate the info. I didn't expect a good pup to be cheap and figured it'd be out of my reach at this point, but someday I would sure like to have one...
Hi, today is my day off from shows this week then back at it through sunday. As a "newer" akc breed u would think there would not be so many show cresteds out there but they are now very popular and many long time show people got into the breed when they bacame akc recognized. Many breeds show entries vary widely depending on the part of the country u are in. At the big January circuit thats going on here now most of the bigger show people from all over the US and Canada are right here in Brooksville showing dogs. We went to dinner last night at one of the nicer places in brooksville and the whole place was filled with all the judges and top handlers that were all on tv all weekend from the eukanuba national championship show. U should have heard all the dog talk going on, lol. Anyway in fl. there are a TON of cresteds being shown and its not unusual to have over 50 cresteds entered per day with lots of pro handlers showing. On monday a puff fe sired by my Champion Burning got reserve winners which is pretty good in this competition. She is a full sister to Angies puff male that is on here too. I am usually homebound with foaling mares so I cant travel enough to finish cresteds anymore myself so I now send them off with friends that show at least 2 weekends a month and they live in missouri and travel extensively. My Zion, another Burning son, only needs 4 points to finish his championship and has had tough competition at all these shows from other relatives of Mine and Barbara Fischers breeding so any win is a well earned one! Anyway in some parts of the counntry very few cresteds are shown so a whole lot depends on what is popular in your area.

I like all the big sighthounds but they are independent and are hunting dogs. I love pharoahs and ibezians but they are high energy and barkers and intense hunters. Many of the the herding and working dogs need a JOB as they are very high energy and will drive u crazy if they dont have something to do. Many terriers are fighters with other dogs and have unbelievable grooming requirements. Many of the sporting dogs are active too, u need to find out what each breed was bred to do and see if u can live with the personality.

Personally i was not sure if I would like the doxies but I am enjoying the minis and they seem very adaptable and have sweet personalities. I love the cresteds sweet, happy personalities. My affenpinschers are great dogs too. So smart, loyal and comical at the same time. But the affens are very rare and u may not have any competition in your area and that means either travel to where other affens are or show more than 1 yourself. Hope u find the perfect dog for u.
Thank you for that information, hairicane. It sounds like you're keeping busy and having fun. I'm looking forward to the day when I'll be out there, too.
: Good luck this weekend!
I am wondering if anyone knows details about dobermans? I've heard quite a lot of negative things about them. From things like "they're the one breed of dog i won't trust as sometimes they just snap" to things like "they're often very timid and fear bite" to things like "they're very high energy hard to deal with dogs". However...that being said where my sister and I used to ride when we were younger for the over five years we rode there, there was three dobermans there. They were always just hanging out with us walking around the farm. From what I remember they were the kindest dogs and so easy to deal with. In fact my friend and I used to "ride them" around...we were very little at the time.

A friend of ours has a doberman and he is the biggest wuss of a dog I've ever met. He's was apparently socialized properly but he is scared of everything. Other than that I don't have much experience with being around them.

I've always liked their "look" although I'm not fond of the cropped ears but that is a different matter.

So does anyone have any if so could you tell me the "truth" of this breed?
Don't believe all the generalizations as they are out there for everything and are almost always wrong. (If anyone still believes Toy Poodles are yappy ankle biters, please come and meet my Phillipe.) You have to understand that most breeds have gotten a bad reputation from bad "breeders" and bad owners. The bad breeders don't care what they are breeding so long as they can make a buck and the bad owners don't care what they're buying so long as they can get what they want when they want it. None of these people do any research or put forth any effort into doing things right. Dobermans are NOT supposed to be huge-mongous OR ferocious OR fear-biters but it might take some searching to find one that won't be any of those things due to genetics. A good place to start would be with the Doberman Pinscher Club of America and most likely not your local classifieds.
The Dobes I have known have been sweet, intelligent, wonderful dogs, even a bit clingy. Unfortunately, the breed has gotten a bad rap, which I think a lot has to do with movies they have been in where they are portrayed as vicious.

Thanks for the info! I always thought they were nice dogs from the dobes I met at the barn I spoke about above. Yes, I deffinetly know about bad reps and poor breeders. I have chihuahuas and have to deal with the idiots that think that a "pocket chihuahua" or "toy chihuahua" or "teacup chihuahua" is a real thing. Which obviously there is no such thing as those. I won't even get started on those people (who are poor breeders that you should stay away from at all costs) because it's so rediculous and gets me so riled up.

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