Saying Goodbye

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Arlington, WA
Today my sweetest dog was put peacefully to rest. Carly, an australian shepherd , was not typical of her breed in that she was fairly low energy and, to put it nicely, if she was a kid she'd have to ride the short bus. But she made up for it in absolutely sweetness. There was not a mean bone in her body and she loved everybody she met. She did not tolerate raised voices without being just crushed, so for the past eleven years she made our home a haven for gentle speaking and kindness. She was never really asked to do anything other than lay at our feet and be the wonderful companion that she was. The last few days she had labored breathing and this morning she was lethargic and wasn't excited about breakfast (for the first time ever), so we knew something was very wrong and took her to the vet right away. Xrays showed that her kind and gentle heart was twice the normal size and not meeting her needs any longer, so we let her go to puppy heaven. Just yesterday she went on her last walk in the park and ate her favorite things. So it's sad she's gone, but a blessing that she did not suffer.

We have so many good memories with her. Like the time she found a lizard sunning himself on a rock in our yard and she guarded him, not letting anyone close until he was done. Or the time she, when we were away at our Christmas Eve service, that she ate a stocking full of little mounds candy bars and pooped white and red wrappers for a couple of days. But the best thing about Carly was that she was a 'foot dog'. No matter where you were sitting, even if it was in the bathroom, it was her sworn duty to sit or lay on your feet. This is a very important job and she took it seriously and was committed to never let your feet go un-sat-upon.

Carly's sunny face and sweet disposition will be fondly remembered for the rest of my life. She will be laid to rest on our little farm with her food dish filled with her favorite treats. Night night sweetheart.

Oh goodness Jayne. I'm so sorry for your loss in your special friend. Carly sounds like such a beautiful spirit, she'll live on in your love. Holding you in warm hugs through your sorrow over her. {{{HUGS}}}
Oh jayne....I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet little angel, Carly. Your post brought tears to my eyes. What a sweet gentle soul she was. And I believe that dogs have a purpose in everyone's life for the good. Making your home a more gentle and quiet one was defintely her gift to your household. Oh...I have a foot sitter Boxer girl.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
What a wonderful life Carly had, and what a terrific "teacher" she was.
i'm so very sorry for your loss.


We have a secret, you and I

That no one else can know.

For who, but I, can see you lie

Each night in fire's glow.

And who, but I, can reach my hand

Before I go to bed

And feel the living warmth of you

And touch your silken head.

And who, but I, can see you run

Far out ahead of me

Your young form racing in the wind

So young again and free

And who, but I can see you swim

In every brook I pass

And when I call,

No one but I can see the bending grass.

author unknown

Thank you for your heartfelt portrait such a beautiful soul.

Carly will always be with you. Your feet will be warm and cozy and the smallest creatures will be watched over thanks to her gentle spirit.

Take care,


Charlene, that is a beautiful poem!
so sorry for your loss

I do know how it feels just a few weeks ago, Our Collie Lady, passed away, I thought when I looked out she was just sleeping but no she had passed.

She was laying just outside the horse pen, doing what she did best guarding her herd.

Lady also loved to sleep on the porch right at the door, so she knew when we where coming out.

Today I still look down before opening the door, thinking she is there.

So glad she brought you some wonderful memories.
Thinking of you
Jayne --

I am so sorry, more than I know how to say. Your post really touched me. She was a beautiful girl, in all ways.

She was beautiful
And now I must go cry
Your goodbye has made me a little teary. I am so sorry she is gone.
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What a sweet and heart-felt rememberance story of you girl. Sounds like she served her purpose well, and brought love and joy to your life. Hopefully the pain will pass soon. My Taffey will be waiting for her as she crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
Have a big ol' lump in my throat reading that. She sounds like she was one of God's little angels. What a special girl, and her eyes express that!
Jane I am so sorry. What a beautiful tribute you sharred.
What an absolutely beautiful tribute for a special dog. She sounds like she was a puppy with angel's wings.

A fur-family member like that is one of a kind......
I am so sorry. She will never be far away, she will always be with you in your heart. I hope someday soon, that your memories make you smile instead of cry.

Thank you, friends, for all your kind words. My husband and I got to talking about her tonight, remembering all the goofy and sweet things that she did. It was such a blessing to have lived with her gentle spirit for 11 years. I picked her out in her litter even before her eyes were open. We brought her home at 8 weeks old and she was the constant companion not only to us, but also to our golden retriever/border collie (Sandy) who is also mourning her loss. Sandy got to say her goodbyes when my husband brought her home and had Carly in the little cardboard casket the vet's office gave us. Frank opened the top and Sandy sniffed her for quite a while, then laid by the box the whole time he was digging the grave (a long time as it was as deep as his hips).

A vet told us one time, when we put a cat down, that the remaining pets need closure. They don't understand a live animal going off with Mom and Dad and then never coming home with them. So we always bring the body home and let the remaining pets spend some time. It's always interesting because they all do visit the body and sniff or lay by it for a while.

Thanks again for your support and kindness. While we miss her presence in this world, I know she'll be with us always in spirit.



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