Sat. AMHA Meeting

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NO - how did that measuring rule go down? There will be major fallout if the one about "any time the horse on the fairgrounds" rule gets passed. That means that any horse that is there - for whatever reason (mare w/foal, transporting to aother farm) could get their papers pulled -- just for being there!
They are just now voting by ballot. There is sound. Try closing your browser and opening it again if nothing else works...

(Still voting)
If the rule is passed, then you may protest if the horse is still on the ground. If it does not pass, you may protest up to 2 hours after a class. Nothing is being mentioned about papers being taken.
Did anyone mention my point about the new rule possibly affecting "any horse" on the show grounds whether it was entered in the show or not?
If the horse is not showing, why would anyone protest?

A horse may not be protested if it has not been measured.
-they are moving on the to special needs division as they collect and count the protest vote -

If haulers could measure horses was talked about - inconclusive, though the pres. did state that no one but him was able to do anything with his own horses... <- It was phrased as if I leave right after a class and leave my horse with someone else...
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There you go. Horse may be protested after a class. I would read that as if horse isn't in a class it may not be protested.
I'm still having sound issues. Making it very hard to follow. Thanks for the updates!

Trust me on this one - it just opened up a can of worms -- as passed - any horse on the show grounds can be protested - it says nothing about being entered in the show or when it showed in a class. Taken word for word it can be very damaging.

The protest at a show that results in a horse measuring over 34" could then result in that horse having its AMHA papers pulled - it states in our rules that at any time a horse measures over 34" then the AMHA papers are null and void - hasn't been enforced because most of the time it only involved the show horses - but as the new rule is written if someone was stinky enough to go after a horse that is just "there" - then they could and that horse & owner would have a fight on their hands to keep the AMHA papers.

Sadly, this kind of thing happens.
They are talking about the balding and oiling rule.

Comments are that it is voluntary for owners - and a question to judges - is the word excessive objective? Judge says that the word "may" is problematic.

Vote: Looks like it failed.
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Actually if the horse is measured and registered to go in a class it may be protested before or up to 2 hours after

The horse cannot be protested unless it has been measured

The sound guy has not made it back yet
Passed: You can braid & glitter in single fine harness and viceroy.

Passed: Delete special needs classes (where they are in book) as they fall under new rules and will be included elsewhere.

Passed: Add Adult Showmanship, Golden Showmanship, Roadster Race, Jump Off, Children Leadline to class line up if wanted, delete special needs classes and move those to fall under new special needs rules (see above).

Passed: Only person to control a horse is the driver rule. Driver cannot be changed.

Voting on reinsmanship class. Discussion: Added spectator interest. Are judges educated enough to add it today? Time constraints at shows comparing it to versitility - already showing until midnight. Financial impact of adding? - In 2009 will have to add a day to class list because of AOTE classes. Already stretched to a full schedule - even with an added day according to show folks (last year's world 4 nights out of eight were showing after midnight). Still looks like a fun class. Is it a one by one class or multiple horses at once?

Passed as an optional class.
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I sure hope he gets it fixed during lunch break! This is really great, all that's missing is the ability to vote!

Any horse found to be measuring over 34" should have it's papers revoked or at bare minimum suspended until the measurement is review by committee. Not only that but the owners of such a horse should face disciplinary action and possible suspension of membership.

I would like to add that all the lying and cheating that has gone on in the past has got to come to a stop. It is destroying the registry.
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Video feed??? I'm not getting any.....

Now it's up.
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