Since convention is coming soon thought we could talk about some of the rule change proposals. Remember if you cant be there at least let your director know what you think. I tried to only copy and paste the ones that affect miniatures. If I made a mistake then I apologize in advance.
My comments in bold just so its not confusing
Section III Part 17A PG 65
Add or Delete: Add
RULE CHANGE: The horse or pony used in a PMC class shall be owned or leased by
the PMC exhibitor or a family member.
The horse or pony shall not be “solicited” for at the gate or while at a show by the PMC
exhibitor or a family member for showing in a PMC class.
Effective Date: 01/01/2
I agree with this one! Will totally vote for this if I go.
Section AMHR Part 31;C.2 PG 292-293
Add or Delete: Add
RULE CHANGE: Horses shown in multiple hitch classes must have at least one horse in
the team qualified as specified above for the National Show. Horses participating in
multiple hitch classes without meeting the stipulated qualifications may NOT participate
in any halter or performance classes except multiple hitch classes and ONLY when
hitched with the qualified horse.
NOTE: The current economy and fuel prices make the qualification of multiple teams
(heavy harness) (light harness) (fine harness) which are all different styles and types of
AMHR horses very difficult. This necessitates traveling to multiple shows and long
distances with up to 12 to 16 horses to get all qualified to participate. With economic
Recovery, this amended rule can be deleted.
No deletions to the current rule. The proposed paragraph would be added to the rule.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred:
Section XII Part I Paragraph I.4 PG 321
Add or Delete: Change + Add
RULE CHANGE: Show facilities: area shows must be held under a covered facility
with lights and with adequate number and size of stalls designed and safe for equine. A
facility that is not covered may be considered only if no acceptable covered facility is
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred:
Totally agree with this too!
Section III Part 3 PG 39
Add or Delete: ADD where appropriate
RULE CHANGE: If a mare is exposed or bred to one stallion, 30 days must elapse
before she can be exposed or bred to a different stallion. If 30 days does not elapse
between exposures or breedings, DNA parentage verification will be required before the
foal can be registered.
NOTE: This rule would apply to all registries. If this rule had been in place in 2011, it
would have prevented two ASPC foals and one AMHR foal from being incorrectly
registered as there was less than 30 days between exposures on the stallion reports their
dams were listed on.
NOTE: This would replace number 8 on the back of the Stallion Service Report and also
be included in the Rule Book.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred: Board of Directors
Section III Part 3 – new paragraph PG 39
Add or Delete: Add where appropriate
RULE CHANGE: The stallion owner must provide a Stallion Service Certificate for any
mare they sell that is listed on the Stallion Service Report. Stallion Service Certificates
for mares not owned by the stallion owner are to be issued solely at the stallion owner’s
discretion. Stallion Service Certificate disputes arising between the stallion owner and
the mare owner are considered a civil matter and will not involve ASPC/AMHR/ASPR.
Note: The current #5 on the back of the Stallion Service Report reads “The stallion
owner must give a completed, signed stallion service certificate, giving the dates of
service to the owner of each mare bred. If the mare is sold, the Stallion Service
Certificate should be given to the new owner.” This rule violates a stallion owner’s
legal right to withhold a Stallion Service Certificate for a breeding transaction that is
incomplete and gives mare owners an opening to drag ASPC/AMHR/ASPR into a
civil matter between the mare owner and the stallion owner. The proposed change
Would prevent ASPC/AMHR/ASPR from being drug into such civil matters.
Note: This rule would not replace language currently in the Rule Book , but would
replace #5 on the back of the Stallion Service Report and should also be included in the
Rule Book.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred: Board of Directors
Section Part PG
Add or Delete: Add
All registration rules are to be printed in the Rule Book. This includes all rules that:
currently appear in the Rule Book; appear on various forms including but not limited to
registration applications, stallion service reports, customer work orders, applications for
transfer, height verifications; appear in any office manual; or that are elsewhere recorded.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred: Board of Directors
Section X Part 2E PG 242
Add or Delete: DELETE OLD: ADD NEW
RULE CHANGE: “Youth” an individual who has not attained eighteen (18) as of
December 1st of the current competition year (example: For 2009 a youth must not have
attained by December 1, 2008). A youth 13 – 17 may show senior stallions (3 years or
older) in Youth or Open Hunter, Jumper, Obstacle and Versatility. Youth 13 – 17 years
of age may show stallions in Open Halter and Performance classes. Youth are not
allowed to show a stallion in any Youth Halter or Youth Showmanship class with the
exception of 13 – 17 year olds in the Junior Stallion class at Nationals. Youth 13 – 17
may show senior stallions (3 years and older) in Youth or Open Driving classes.
A: Youth under 13 may not show yearling or 2 year old stallions.
B. Stallion foals of current year may be shown by any age youth.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred: AMHR, Rules, Youth
Section III Part 1 PG 35
Add or Delete: Add
Rule Change: “HALTER CLASS”: Horses to be shown in hand with the lead in the
exhibitor’s hands. If not, the exhibitor will be asked to collect the lead or leave the arena
and the horse will be DQ from the class. This will pertain to ALL divisions of Shetlands
and Miniatures.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred: Rules, Stewards, Classic, Foundation, Modern, Modern Pleasure,
ASPR, Miniature
A lot of us know why this one was submitted which cracks me up. I think the trainer showing the horse without holding the lead was brilliant but I get why they dont want more doing this.
Section V Part 6 PG 102
Add or Delete: Add
ADD: A: After horse/pony has been set up for measuring by the handler, said handler
may not touch the horse, i.e. stretching or pulling the head upward and/or up and forward,
moving the feet once set, touching any part of the animal’s body including the back by
pressing down on any part of the back causing horse/pony to drop it’s shoulder or back.
Handler’s hands must be in full view at all times to the Steward while measuring said
horse/pony. If handler does touch horse/pony, then Steward will refrain from measuring
and ask handler to not touch the horse/pony. If handler doesn’t comply, then said horse
will not be measured or allowed to show. This will pertain to ALL divisions of Shetlands
And Miniatures.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred: Miniatures, Classics, Foundations, Moderns, Modern Pleasures,
ASPR, Rules, Stewards
Section III Part 1 PG 37 & 38
Add or Delete: Add
Any member not in good standing and/or suspended with any other equine association
(i.e. horses, donkeys, mules, zebras) will be denied membership with the
ASPC/AMHR/ASPR for the duration of the disciplinary action and any horses/ponies
registered to member not in good standing and/or suspended may not be shown and
earn awards.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred: Rules, Office, BOD & any other committees
I am so glad someone proposed this one. Would definitely vote for this!
Section XII Part 5, A,B,C PG 329
Add or Delete: Delete
Part 5 – The Modern, Modern Pleasure, Classic, Foundation, Show Pony and Miniature
Horse of the Year in Halter, Driving, and Performance.
A. Purpose: To honor the top pony or horse showing the halter, driving, and
Performance division.
B. Method: When Hall of Fame results are tabulated up to and including the entire
year (November 1st thru October 31st) horses and ponies will receive credit in the
following manner: Points to be awarded in the same method as Hall of Fame
Point system. Using the total Hall of Fame (from current show year) points from
The ASPC/AMHR Computer System.
Halter Horse: “A” and “B” Division, Halter Pony: Modern, Modern Pleasure, Classic
Foundation, and Show Pony. (HOF points earned from the appropriate Age Class,
Secondary Championship In Hand, Grand Championship in Hand, Reserve Grand
Championship in Hand).
Driving Horse: “A” and “B” Division, Driving Pony: Modern, Modern Pleasure, Classic,
Foundation, and Show Pony. (HOF points earned from the Open and Stakes classes that
Horse or Pony participated).
Performance Horse: “A” and “B” Division, Performance Pony: Modern, Modern
Pleasure, Classic, Foundation, and Show Pony. (HOF points earned through participation
In Hunter, Jumper, Obstacle, Liberty and Versatility).
Miniature Horse………..Driving Horse of the Year Under
Miniature Horse………..Driving Horse of the Year Over
One class from the following divisions: Pleasure, country pleasure, western country
pleasure, roadster or park harness) and the Championship class for that division. May be
a height (within the over or under division), amateur, youth, ladies/gentlemen or stallion/
mares/geldings class. Horse must exhibit at an Area National show and place and at the AMHR Nationals and place.
Not sure how I feel on this but lots of controversy over it
Section X AMHR Part 2A PG 241
Add or Delete: Add
RULE CHANGE: All horses shown at the AMHR National Show must be registered by
the opening date of the AMHR Nationals. Registration to be verified by show
Effective Date: immediately for 2012
Committees Referred: AMHR
Section III Part 17
Add or Delete:
1) Any new class added to the Open division of the AMHR must also have a
corresponding class added in the PMC division. (For example, if a new driving division,
“black horse driving” is added to the Open division, then “black horse driving” must also
be added in both the Adult and Youth PMC divisions.)
2) I have worked with a team of physicians as well as looking at the National database
for classifications of “disability”. I am proposing that each person who chooses to
exhibit in the PMC division, be given a form (to be signed by their primary doctor) which
answers 5 –10 questions and acknowledges the person as being disabled. Also, this has a
checklist. The link below is from the World Health Organization and is their
International Classification of Function worksheet. I am hoping to adapt something
along those lines, again with only 10 or so questions.
3) The PMC Youth Division will be changed to the Youth PMC division. This sounds
really petty, but unless the word “youth” is listed first, these classes are treated as OPEN
classes, thus allowing horse changes, etc….that are not allowed in the Youth classes.
4)4) Finally, I want to propose a judging criteria to be used for all PMC classes. My
proposal is this: 50% - type, conformation, and turnout of the animal. 30% - how the
animal is handled, degree of handling by the PMC exhibitor. 20% - rules of the class
(like turning the right way, etc….). This would still allow EVERY PMC exhibitor to
show, with help if needed, but those requiring help would be penalized so that people
who are attempting to show their own animal without any assistance will not be placed
below a PMC exhibitor who “never held the lead on their horse”.
I hope that this helps, I think that focusing on these four areas will not overwhelm the
Board, but will bring the PMC division into check again and allow for fair and equal
exhibiting for our PMC exhibitors.
Effective Date:
Committees Referred:
I cant agree with this one at all
Section IX, Part 14; Section X, Part 32
Add or Delete: Delete: ASPC/AMHR FUTURITY GUIDELINES Fact Sheet as posted
on the website and/or distributed from the office
In order for a horse/pony to be eligible for sustaining in the Futurity, all horses/ponies
must be registered with the ASPC/AMHR by December 31st of their foaling year. A
registration number must be on file with the office and listed in the Stud Books by
December 31st of the foaling year. Paperwork in the office by the close of December 31st
does not constitute a registration, and therefore the horse/pony is not eligible for the
Futurity Program.
All future sustaining fees will be due by March 1st and must include a registration number
to continue to be eligible for the Futurity. Any time a sustaining fee is not paid, that
horse/pony is no longer eligible for the Futurity.
Effective Date: January 1, 2012
Committees Referred to: Classic, Foundation, Modern, Modern Pleasure, Show Pony,
Miniature A/B, Rules Office, Futurity Program
My comments in bold just so its not confusing
Section III Part 17A PG 65
Add or Delete: Add
RULE CHANGE: The horse or pony used in a PMC class shall be owned or leased by
the PMC exhibitor or a family member.
The horse or pony shall not be “solicited” for at the gate or while at a show by the PMC
exhibitor or a family member for showing in a PMC class.
Effective Date: 01/01/2
I agree with this one! Will totally vote for this if I go.
Section AMHR Part 31;C.2 PG 292-293
Add or Delete: Add
RULE CHANGE: Horses shown in multiple hitch classes must have at least one horse in
the team qualified as specified above for the National Show. Horses participating in
multiple hitch classes without meeting the stipulated qualifications may NOT participate
in any halter or performance classes except multiple hitch classes and ONLY when
hitched with the qualified horse.
NOTE: The current economy and fuel prices make the qualification of multiple teams
(heavy harness) (light harness) (fine harness) which are all different styles and types of
AMHR horses very difficult. This necessitates traveling to multiple shows and long
distances with up to 12 to 16 horses to get all qualified to participate. With economic
Recovery, this amended rule can be deleted.
No deletions to the current rule. The proposed paragraph would be added to the rule.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred:
Section XII Part I Paragraph I.4 PG 321
Add or Delete: Change + Add
RULE CHANGE: Show facilities: area shows must be held under a covered facility
with lights and with adequate number and size of stalls designed and safe for equine. A
facility that is not covered may be considered only if no acceptable covered facility is
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred:
Totally agree with this too!
Section III Part 3 PG 39
Add or Delete: ADD where appropriate
RULE CHANGE: If a mare is exposed or bred to one stallion, 30 days must elapse
before she can be exposed or bred to a different stallion. If 30 days does not elapse
between exposures or breedings, DNA parentage verification will be required before the
foal can be registered.
NOTE: This rule would apply to all registries. If this rule had been in place in 2011, it
would have prevented two ASPC foals and one AMHR foal from being incorrectly
registered as there was less than 30 days between exposures on the stallion reports their
dams were listed on.
NOTE: This would replace number 8 on the back of the Stallion Service Report and also
be included in the Rule Book.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred: Board of Directors
Section III Part 3 – new paragraph PG 39
Add or Delete: Add where appropriate
RULE CHANGE: The stallion owner must provide a Stallion Service Certificate for any
mare they sell that is listed on the Stallion Service Report. Stallion Service Certificates
for mares not owned by the stallion owner are to be issued solely at the stallion owner’s
discretion. Stallion Service Certificate disputes arising between the stallion owner and
the mare owner are considered a civil matter and will not involve ASPC/AMHR/ASPR.
Note: The current #5 on the back of the Stallion Service Report reads “The stallion
owner must give a completed, signed stallion service certificate, giving the dates of
service to the owner of each mare bred. If the mare is sold, the Stallion Service
Certificate should be given to the new owner.” This rule violates a stallion owner’s
legal right to withhold a Stallion Service Certificate for a breeding transaction that is
incomplete and gives mare owners an opening to drag ASPC/AMHR/ASPR into a
civil matter between the mare owner and the stallion owner. The proposed change
Would prevent ASPC/AMHR/ASPR from being drug into such civil matters.
Note: This rule would not replace language currently in the Rule Book , but would
replace #5 on the back of the Stallion Service Report and should also be included in the
Rule Book.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred: Board of Directors
Section Part PG
Add or Delete: Add
All registration rules are to be printed in the Rule Book. This includes all rules that:
currently appear in the Rule Book; appear on various forms including but not limited to
registration applications, stallion service reports, customer work orders, applications for
transfer, height verifications; appear in any office manual; or that are elsewhere recorded.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred: Board of Directors
Section X Part 2E PG 242
Add or Delete: DELETE OLD: ADD NEW
RULE CHANGE: “Youth” an individual who has not attained eighteen (18) as of
December 1st of the current competition year (example: For 2009 a youth must not have
attained by December 1, 2008). A youth 13 – 17 may show senior stallions (3 years or
older) in Youth or Open Hunter, Jumper, Obstacle and Versatility. Youth 13 – 17 years
of age may show stallions in Open Halter and Performance classes. Youth are not
allowed to show a stallion in any Youth Halter or Youth Showmanship class with the
exception of 13 – 17 year olds in the Junior Stallion class at Nationals. Youth 13 – 17
may show senior stallions (3 years and older) in Youth or Open Driving classes.
A: Youth under 13 may not show yearling or 2 year old stallions.
B. Stallion foals of current year may be shown by any age youth.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred: AMHR, Rules, Youth
Section III Part 1 PG 35
Add or Delete: Add
Rule Change: “HALTER CLASS”: Horses to be shown in hand with the lead in the
exhibitor’s hands. If not, the exhibitor will be asked to collect the lead or leave the arena
and the horse will be DQ from the class. This will pertain to ALL divisions of Shetlands
and Miniatures.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred: Rules, Stewards, Classic, Foundation, Modern, Modern Pleasure,
ASPR, Miniature
A lot of us know why this one was submitted which cracks me up. I think the trainer showing the horse without holding the lead was brilliant but I get why they dont want more doing this.
Section V Part 6 PG 102
Add or Delete: Add
ADD: A: After horse/pony has been set up for measuring by the handler, said handler
may not touch the horse, i.e. stretching or pulling the head upward and/or up and forward,
moving the feet once set, touching any part of the animal’s body including the back by
pressing down on any part of the back causing horse/pony to drop it’s shoulder or back.
Handler’s hands must be in full view at all times to the Steward while measuring said
horse/pony. If handler does touch horse/pony, then Steward will refrain from measuring
and ask handler to not touch the horse/pony. If handler doesn’t comply, then said horse
will not be measured or allowed to show. This will pertain to ALL divisions of Shetlands
And Miniatures.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred: Miniatures, Classics, Foundations, Moderns, Modern Pleasures,
ASPR, Rules, Stewards
Section III Part 1 PG 37 & 38
Add or Delete: Add
Any member not in good standing and/or suspended with any other equine association
(i.e. horses, donkeys, mules, zebras) will be denied membership with the
ASPC/AMHR/ASPR for the duration of the disciplinary action and any horses/ponies
registered to member not in good standing and/or suspended may not be shown and
earn awards.
Effective Date: 01/01/2012
Committees Referred: Rules, Office, BOD & any other committees
I am so glad someone proposed this one. Would definitely vote for this!
Section XII Part 5, A,B,C PG 329
Add or Delete: Delete
Part 5 – The Modern, Modern Pleasure, Classic, Foundation, Show Pony and Miniature
Horse of the Year in Halter, Driving, and Performance.
A. Purpose: To honor the top pony or horse showing the halter, driving, and
Performance division.
B. Method: When Hall of Fame results are tabulated up to and including the entire
year (November 1st thru October 31st) horses and ponies will receive credit in the
following manner: Points to be awarded in the same method as Hall of Fame
Point system. Using the total Hall of Fame (from current show year) points from
The ASPC/AMHR Computer System.
Halter Horse: “A” and “B” Division, Halter Pony: Modern, Modern Pleasure, Classic
Foundation, and Show Pony. (HOF points earned from the appropriate Age Class,
Secondary Championship In Hand, Grand Championship in Hand, Reserve Grand
Championship in Hand).
Driving Horse: “A” and “B” Division, Driving Pony: Modern, Modern Pleasure, Classic,
Foundation, and Show Pony. (HOF points earned from the Open and Stakes classes that
Horse or Pony participated).
Performance Horse: “A” and “B” Division, Performance Pony: Modern, Modern
Pleasure, Classic, Foundation, and Show Pony. (HOF points earned through participation
In Hunter, Jumper, Obstacle, Liberty and Versatility).
Miniature Horse………..Driving Horse of the Year Under
Miniature Horse………..Driving Horse of the Year Over
One class from the following divisions: Pleasure, country pleasure, western country
pleasure, roadster or park harness) and the Championship class for that division. May be
a height (within the over or under division), amateur, youth, ladies/gentlemen or stallion/
mares/geldings class. Horse must exhibit at an Area National show and place and at the AMHR Nationals and place.
Not sure how I feel on this but lots of controversy over it
Section X AMHR Part 2A PG 241
Add or Delete: Add
RULE CHANGE: All horses shown at the AMHR National Show must be registered by
the opening date of the AMHR Nationals. Registration to be verified by show
Effective Date: immediately for 2012
Committees Referred: AMHR
Section III Part 17
Add or Delete:
1) Any new class added to the Open division of the AMHR must also have a
corresponding class added in the PMC division. (For example, if a new driving division,
“black horse driving” is added to the Open division, then “black horse driving” must also
be added in both the Adult and Youth PMC divisions.)
2) I have worked with a team of physicians as well as looking at the National database
for classifications of “disability”. I am proposing that each person who chooses to
exhibit in the PMC division, be given a form (to be signed by their primary doctor) which
answers 5 –10 questions and acknowledges the person as being disabled. Also, this has a
checklist. The link below is from the World Health Organization and is their
International Classification of Function worksheet. I am hoping to adapt something
along those lines, again with only 10 or so questions.
3) The PMC Youth Division will be changed to the Youth PMC division. This sounds
really petty, but unless the word “youth” is listed first, these classes are treated as OPEN
classes, thus allowing horse changes, etc….that are not allowed in the Youth classes.
4)4) Finally, I want to propose a judging criteria to be used for all PMC classes. My
proposal is this: 50% - type, conformation, and turnout of the animal. 30% - how the
animal is handled, degree of handling by the PMC exhibitor. 20% - rules of the class
(like turning the right way, etc….). This would still allow EVERY PMC exhibitor to
show, with help if needed, but those requiring help would be penalized so that people
who are attempting to show their own animal without any assistance will not be placed
below a PMC exhibitor who “never held the lead on their horse”.
I hope that this helps, I think that focusing on these four areas will not overwhelm the
Board, but will bring the PMC division into check again and allow for fair and equal
exhibiting for our PMC exhibitors.
Effective Date:
Committees Referred:
I cant agree with this one at all
Section IX, Part 14; Section X, Part 32
Add or Delete: Delete: ASPC/AMHR FUTURITY GUIDELINES Fact Sheet as posted
on the website and/or distributed from the office
In order for a horse/pony to be eligible for sustaining in the Futurity, all horses/ponies
must be registered with the ASPC/AMHR by December 31st of their foaling year. A
registration number must be on file with the office and listed in the Stud Books by
December 31st of the foaling year. Paperwork in the office by the close of December 31st
does not constitute a registration, and therefore the horse/pony is not eligible for the
Futurity Program.
All future sustaining fees will be due by March 1st and must include a registration number
to continue to be eligible for the Futurity. Any time a sustaining fee is not paid, that
horse/pony is no longer eligible for the Futurity.
Effective Date: January 1, 2012
Committees Referred to: Classic, Foundation, Modern, Modern Pleasure, Show Pony,
Miniature A/B, Rules Office, Futurity Program