Recovery time for a complete hysterctomy?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2002
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I will be having surgery on Monday.. Thought it was going to be Thrusday, but they making me go thru a bunch of pre-op stuff first. I had a complex cyst found on my ovary, was sent to a OB GYN, he said lets wait one month repeat the ultrasound. Well a month ago it was about the size of a golf ball. Now, its quite abit bigger, so he said it HAS to come out. Especially since he said I was bleeding into it, and it has cell structure.

I am NOT looking forward to this one at all. I have had previous surgeries so I am not a candiate for laperscope surgery. Of course.. I was just wondering. I know there were alot of ladies that have had this done on the Forum. I remember thinking, geez, they almost all said they have never felt better after they had a hystectomy, I was thinking maybe I should do that. Well, be careful what you ask for I guess.

Apparently, the scar tissue could be an issue, and when I was 21 yrs old, I had to have a temperary colostomy.. That was reversed 6 months later. The recoup time for that seemed long. Just need to know what to expect..


I had mine 6 years ago next month - do I miss it? - NO! - Do I feel great? YES! Personal life
: ? Still fabulous
: Only problem (just started about a month ago) is I think my bladder has dropped some :no: I have an appointment next week to check that out...

About recovery...I was back to being me in 2 weeks (but I am also one who gave birth on a Thursday and was riding my horse the next Tuesday
: ) Good luck!
i left the hospital early when i had mine done and that was a mistake. ended up goign back in. but after that setback i felt really good about 10 days later and by 3 weeks was fine. I had a huge incision becuase i had a fibroid that had gotten huge. but i have felt so great ever since.
Hi Lara,

I had my surgery on Jan 30th of this year. I was up and around and going for walks after the first week, and was back to riding and cleaning stalls at about 6 weeks (with Dr's permission). I really started to feel GREAT at around 10 weeks and have never felt better now. My recovery was easier than I expected. I had the surgery on a Tuesday morning and came home on Thursday afternoon. I didn't use any painkillers other than Motrin for the first week and the pain was really not bad at all. I think you will be fine if you follow your doctors instructions.

Take care and be sure to let us know how you are doing.

I went to the Lippizan Stallion Show at 7 days post-op and that was a bit tiring. At 10 days I was riding my horse! (Not recommended). Overall, I recovered fairly quickly (had it done when I was about 31 or 32 years old). I think I would have recovered even More quickly if I would have followed Dr. orders. I am sure my doc would have been HORRIFIED that I was riding 10 days post-op. But hey! I posted the trot! NO sitting it, that was for sure! lol
Lara, I had a complex mass on an ovary in 2002 that they sent me to the cancer clinic to have removed as they were just so uncertain as to what it was. They cut me from belly button on down as low as they could go to get it out in one piece(it was large grapefruit size) and then went poking around everywhere to make sure there was nothing else that looked off. I had it done on a Thursday, was up and walking a bit on Friday, left the hospital Sunday morning and went to a bridal shower Sunday afternoon. I was supposed to lay low of course for six to eight weeks I think. On Monday when hubby went to work I went shopping. Of course I would get tired very easily and moving around was ouchy since I had loads of staples and bruising but I was just so thankful that it wasn't cancer that I just wanted to get on with my life!! Listen to what your body tells you, if it says lay on the couch all day today then that's what you need to do and if you feel up to doing something a bit more than that, go for it!! I went back to work after two weeks because I was getting bored and spending too much money keeping myself entertained. Good luck!

Lara I had a complete hysterectomy done on March 20, 2007 but it was Laparoscopic (spell?) and vaginal and I was back to work in two weeks. I have a large fibroid tumor and they found a bleeding cyst on my ovary with lots of blood in the cul de sac. The only set back I have is being tired all the time. My doctor said it could take up to 2 months to get my energy back.

I am now 1 month post op and I feel wonderful.

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Thanks guys, other than Kay, sounds like it all went good for yous.. At first they were going to do a frozen section on the cyst to find out if it's cancer, wake me, and if it is cancer I would have to go thru some major stuff.. I said I don't think so, hey, put my little butt to sleep, do whatcha got to do and tell me about when I wake up.. Nothing like adding more stress to the situation. Because of my age, ol woman here at 52, they just feel because its a complex cyst it and everything else needs to come out. And geez, I so wanted to have a baby.. (just a joke).

Thanks again all