Rain...Rain....Mud Mud Mud

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2004
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Where is spring?

We have had heavy rain for two days now and the streams/rivers are flooding. My poor horses

are muddy and miserable. It is suppose to be one of the top ten wettest March's in history for

our area.

Please send me spring. I need to get a new run-in shed and a new barn build so I really need

some good weather. (the one barn blew away with straight line winds in Feb so I am lacking as much shelter as I need)


Silver Ridge Minis
Well where are you ??? Doesn't say in your thingy there.

We have rain, lots of rain, high winds, and now it's blasted chilly out there tonite.

It's rainy here too all day long and all night long yet again but we sure need it to over come

our drought conditions from last year.

Not to worry, just use brushes and the horses will be cleaned up. Add some braids and

scrunchies and make them some Easter baskets full of carrot treats and all will be good.

Spring will be here in 40 minutes. I'm going to sleep and when I wake up it will be spring.
Ooooooohhhhh.....I feel your pain! (Marty, I love your solution)

Even as a perpetually rain-soaked Oregonian, this year has truly tested me. Our "dry" lots could host the Olumpicswimming trials, and I think my horses have moss on their north sides...

Today is the vernal equinox, and pagan that I am, I think it's time for the rites of spring...I am SO

Yes, happy birthday, Spring!

This time of year is the hardest for me with all the mud and nothing quite growing to the point of absorbing enough water. The horses' winter coats are dead, they are shedding, they look ratty...UGGGGH.

It will be over...I wish I had any advice other than try to keep them as dry as possible, they will survive if they can manage here when there is 150"+ of rain annually, some of it in 24 hours can be over a foot of rain. Bleah.

Good luck...

I too...feel your pain! We had alot of damage to our house...TWICE...and lost a stud shelter...on a lighter note
today is sunny...72 degrees and ONLY 50mph winds mmmmm OMG I think I just saw a mini fly by
Ugggggh! Tell me about it! It was 55 degrees today, but we're supposed to have a SNOW storm tomorrow. Bah! And guess whose mare finally bagged up!
I can deal with snow ..i can even deal with ice but i cannot deal with MUD. It just makes it look so depressing and dreary out.

The sun was shining bright today, i was pleased, but we also have about 6" of mud out in my drylot.

Love the thought of spring, however, the mud really makes it hard to condition the horses. I am not graced with an indoor arena to work them in ..i will not roundpen in mud.

If it drys up im going to clean this place up a bit ...it looks so depressing

I want dry (not frozen ..just dry!) land, a dry roundpen, a sun out shining and 70 degree weather (i like it 70-80 degrees) with a light breeze ...ohhh happy sigh!!!
i really sympathize with you guys who are dealing with mud, i did that for 20 years. although we've had our share of rain with more on the way, mud is something i don't have to deal with because we live on sand. we can't grow a lick of grass, i have to be diligent about the horses not eating off the ground, we fight prickly pear cactus and wicked sand burs, you can add 10 degrees in the heat of summer but, i NEVER have to deal with mud, mud, mud!

ummm, marty, you lied. forty minutes went by and it still isn't spring here! :DOH!
well y'all could send a little of that water to us! we had a few nice storms, enough to grow a HUGE crop of weeds :DOH! it is supposed to be in the 80s this weekend which means next week it will be summer <sigh>

we generally get one really nice week of spring and one really nice week of fall, other than that it is summer or winter here. (however i will admit that what is winter to us, a lot of you would probably really enjoy...)
Alrighty my metal roof arrived a little while ago and was dropped off...guess what we will be doing this weekend (and it isn't an easter egg hunt) pray we DO NOT get any rain so I can get our roof on before
more damage is done
Hey Marty. I am about 25 miles southeast of Cincinnati,OH. A little town called California, KY so

not really too far from you. I always tell everyone that I am on the dry side of California, KY because

most of it floods when the Ohio River comes up. There is also a California, Ohio on the other side of the river if you like strange pieces of trival.

We had wonderful sun and 60 degrees today so spring is teasing me! The mud even tried to dry up

a little but guess what back to 30's and 40's tomorrow. The horses sure enjoyed the sun today and didn't miss the rain too much. We had the draught last year so I don't want other one this year but so far it has

been the opposite and the 8th wettest March ever for us. Sounds like it is going to be a cool Easter Sunday.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend no matter what the weather does.


Silver Ridge Minis
Yeah well I can tell you we are so over it with the snow and ice! Hard for horses to get any excercize on ice and it was a damp cold bone chilling 20° this morning and snowing! again! ugh..well it can't last forever right? Lets all do a "welcome to Spring dance"

Well the sun is out here but the ground is frozen solid and windy, my gosh yes. Yesterday I had to do two big horses [a freisian and a dutch harness horse] and the wind was incredible. I left my guys in because it was cold and so windy I was afraid someone might lose an eye. Branches falling and really strong gusts, and so dang cold it can't be spring. Anyway the owner of the horses I had to shoe had to go to work so I had to do them alone with my daughter. Thank God he left his horses in too! I normally do them on the crossties in the wash stall but it was so noisy in there there was no way I could handle it, let alone the horses. The metal roof on the barn kept blowing up and smacking back down and making a heck of a racket. I thought for sure the owner was going to come home and find me on the ground with hoofprints up the front. Courtney held the guys in the barn aisle and they were jewels. First time Guardian had back shoes put on too and he was fine. You just never know. I was more nervous than the horses every time the roof panel smacked. I really thought the roof was coming off cause you could see the outside everytime the wind hit. Linda
Wow, Linda...I can only imagine how stressful that must have been, especially with the horses' owner not being there...

Thank goodness the horses were jewels and not jerks! My horses are mostly good for the farrier, but I'm not sure they would have done so well under those circumstances.

Glad it all worked out okay!

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