We will be there and will have a table outside our stall are where I will put out brochures, a T-shirt and I have a CMHR halter also. At this time, we have sent money in for a ringside table also - but have not heard back as to whether or not we have it. IF we get it, we will be putting a sign on it with brochures also.
AND - if we get it, you all are welcome to sit at it at any time so there is someone for folks to talk with. It will be in the name of Amazing Sonrise so please look for it. Hopefully we will have it but sent our request kind of late - didn't have the $300 right away - so don't know for sure when they will let us know. They haven't cashed the check as of today. I hope to get a ride to "A" Nationals this year also and want to pass our brochures there too.