Question for those who ride...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2006
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There are 2 fears I have when riding. One is that a horse jumps out into a car if riding on any sort of road... (some people can be so cruel and blow their horns and spin out on gravel as they pass), but the other is of an agressive dog running out to tear into me and my horse... which seems to be common (at least dogs running out barking with hair raised on end). It makes me so mad when this happens and even more angry when a person is outside and witnesses their dog(s) acting this way. How do you handle this situation? I have carried rocks with me to try to ping the dogs in the past, but I am such a poor aim, and when on some horses, I couldn't just do that because dogs would frighten them too much for me to be able to throw a rock.

Good Question, I used to carry a crop, and when seeing a dog, did slow down to a walk and before getting up to the dog make sure I was on the other side and be yelling to the dog get home....

Hope someone else can help you.
I live in an area of yidiots, absolute MORONS. The will not do anything about their aggressive/chasing dogs and since we are 'in the country' there isnt a law that says they should. Common sense of course doesnt matter.

Anyhow. I have a few things that I do. One, I have a drawstring bag that is filled with rocks I hang on my horn. Have a great aim so i just ping them once and usually once again on another ride and they leave me alone. I used to carry a BB/Pellet pistol ( that hubby painted bright neon orange so there was no mistake) but opted out on that. You could also try a water pistol full of water or vinegar etc, but your reach is very limited. For me the rocks worked best. The ignorance of the people that allow their dogs to run free, amazes me. Yet they are the first to flip out if something happens to said dog.
I gave up riding on roads. I just had too many close calls.

One that stood out was we were riding along a road leading to the beach, and a log truck pulled out, and purged his air brakes (loud sound). My Arabian mare went straight up in the air in fright, and then while still on her hind legs, did a series of leaps (think Lippizzan/advanced Dressage maneuvers) into the road in front of this great big ol' Peterbuilt. At this point, the driver decides it's time to blow his air horn (did he really think I had control of the situation, clinging to her neck and scrambling to stay on her while getting some leverage to pull her down and not go over backward?). She was slipping then because of the shoes on her feet, and we slid into a drainage ditch, where she stood, trembling, and I sat quietly on her, talking to her while he went through his gears driving off like nothing had happened. it could have gone a number of ways.

Not long after that, I read a story of a young girl riding her horse along hwy 36 and she and her horse were hit and killed by a log truck.

We began using only paths which didn't also have cars on them, and being very selective about our riding areas, and trailering to and from our riding destinations.

As for mean dogs, I did keep my whip with me, and I had to anticipate the demeanor of dogs to get past some of them safely. My horse was not afraid of dogs, which helped.

Good luck and be safe...

Liz M.
I carry pocketfuls of rocks and bear mace. If the dog is really aggressive, I have to get off so I don't fall off. I keep the bear mace on me in case the dog gets aggressive to me. I have only had to use it once.

My 1/2 Arab mare Ferrah also kicks at dogs. I don't encourage her to do this, but it does a lot for making the dogs think twice before coming so close again.
when we ride we take a high powered pellet guns!! Art and I are both good shots, we don't even wait for the dogs to start in on us, as soon as one of us see them coming we stop the horse face the dogs and when they are in range start shooting!!! :new_2gunsfiring_v1: Works every time! :488: Once we were on our own property and here came the neighbors dog, small dog but none the less a dog...KA-PING!!!!! Bulls eye!!!!He took off running and yelping, the neighbor saw what happened and here he comes... :new_argue: how dare you use that pellet gun on my dog! You could have put his eye out!!! I told him he and the dog were lucky...his dog was on "MY PROPERTY" (and so was he) chasing at my horse, that I could of just as easy of shot the dog with the 22 rifle that was attached to my saddle. ( That I carry because of snakes). From that day on he kept the dog on his property and the word got out that we would shoot to kill if we had to. So when we ride and the neighbors hear the dogs barking at us they call them home!!!!
: Don't get us wrong, if the pellet guns will scare them off thats great! If not and it comes between our horses blood or ours, well that is not going to be a choice that we will like or will the dogs owners. And the sheriff's dept. said we are out in the rural and people don't have to fence in the dogs, but that we also can shoot to kill if our livestock or ourselves are threatened.....

Just wanted to add...We do not let the dogs get so close to us that the horses have to kick at them, in my opinion that is just asking for trouble, (Dog bites horse, you fall off, Horse runs down the road, etc...) And our horses are bullet proof, we shoot off them all the time..
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I always carry a crop and if I see a dog I jump of immediately and yell at it and raise my crop and tell it to get away and this usually works. Because I live in a rural area I have had a few close incounters with dogs as I am always riding along the roads etc etc...
I use the pellet guns as well and most of my horses are good to shoot off of (and if not they get to be soon LOL) Any way that works on almost all dogs. They usually turn tail and head for home, and it's pretty rare that you have to shoot the same dog on two different occassions. I've only had one so far that it did not work on, he was a VERY agressive pit bull. I used the pellet gun on him and luckily he backed off, but not really. I was glad that he didn't get too mad and attack because I couldn't have stopped him. The owners were standing right there and didn't do anything about him coming out to eat me and my horse. I figured if they didn't care any more than that then I would have to deal with it myself. So the next time I went out I also took a 22 pistol loaded with bird shot. The dog once again came running out towards me, as soon as he cleared his own property, about 50 feet, I shot him with the bird shot. He slowed down, but was still far enough away it must not have gotten him too bad. My horse jumped a little when I shot and he must have thought the chase was on and charged even harder, I shot him again from about 20 feet and then again at 10 feet. He turned tail and got one more in the butt for good measure at about 25 feet. The owners were sitting right there and said nothing. I never had a problem with that dog again, he'd lay on the porch and just look when I rode by. Most dogs aren't near this bad, but I can promise you that had you stepped off your horse to face him with a whip he would have took you down. That is no exaggeration he was MEAN. About a year after all this the owners finally had him put down because he was getting mean towards them as well.
We don't have nearly the kind of nasty animals on here, but my way of handeling it is always to turn my mare around and 'get 'em'. My one mare is Nasty with dogs, she'll kill 'em. Around here, nothing is that agressive, and just the act of her wirling around and coming After said dog is enough for most. Fot the ones that a bit more dedicated, a thoughtful stomp usually changes their mind.

I would Never get off my horse with a crop. You are much safer on your horse as long as said horse gets the idea to not be a looney. You are much more vunerable on the ground!! :new_shocked:

Not sure my mare would let me shoot off her though... should try that sometime!
Thank you for the ideas. I have considered packing some small bird shot pistol just wasn't sure about the legal standpoint, and as mentioned, I'm not that good for aim. But while reading, I got to thinking... What about a paint ball gun? They sting well enough, and the dog would be marked, lol. If missed, it really wouldn't do any damage, just a splat of paint somewhere... perferably on the dogs owner that just stands by and does nothing or encourages the dog.

Only one of my horses was "brave" enough to stand off with a dog. She would just carry on, minding her own business, but she sent a Border Collie flying in the air when it thought it could run up on her barking. Never had any more problems from that dog again. But some others of mine would spook and want to run from the dogs.

During times we have had to ride in 'town' (neighborhoods) we have had dogs many times come out to get us. We turn the horse to the dog- scream 'GIT' and trot or run the horse at the dog. This usually startles them. Then turn back and continue walking the way you were going- if the dog comes back out, do it again. They usually get it the second time around.

We also though, have packed guns, due to the amount of strays that we would come across on the ranch or where ever and many times they are going after livestock. Of course, you can't very well shoot a dog coming from someone's yard.

Make sure, if you know that it is a yard with a 'notorious' dog, that you are walking your horse. A dog likes nothing better than to go after something that is already going at a good clip.

Try the method of chasing the dog and make a lot of noise like you are really angry at it- GIT!! GIT HOME!! and we have had good luck with that. Just watch out of the corner of your eye, as when your back is turned, it may come again. I do the same and usually the doggies will growl but stay at their driveway or at least grumble but not continue to chase. You will probably have to do that almost every time you go by there, since hey, this may be a different horse to chase than the one who came by yesterday!!
I am sure glad some of you don't live in my neighborhood. I shoot back. Flame away but think about it you are coming up into a dogs territory also. I trial ride all the time and I have 5 very good horses that do not get bothered by dogs barking at us as we ride. We ride around and if a dog were to attempt to bite a horse then I will get off and deal with him. Not shoot at him even for coming toward my horse. If my horses were spooky over such things I would want to expose my horses to this so they can get over it and have less time on my back from being thrown from a spooked horse. As soon as I get a new riding horse the first thing I do is pen him up next to by dog yard and chicken pen so they can get all the barking and bird flying out of their system. That helps a lot. Expose your horse to different things. That is what will make your ride safer. I've heard of people getting thrown over opening a coke can on their horse. So would your horse be able to handle a shot of a pellet gun?

My dogs will bark when people ride by and I did go and correct them when they did this. I don't want anyone getting hurt but the more I did this the more people asked me not to. They would rather expose the horse to this so they wouldn't be spooked from it. I have a local girl how trains horses and she rides by my house a lot because of my dogs barking.

Plus I wouldn't ride next to a major road way with my horses. Any thing can happen and you can't burge your air breaks from inside a big truck. That happens automatic to keep the tanks from filling with water so you will have enough air pressure to stop when you need to. So that guy didn't do that on purpose. Now the one with the horn needed his butt whipped.
Well I'm way out in the sticks so I don't know how the laws would differ from where you're at, but here it is legal to shoot one if he is not on his own land. That is why I made sure he cleared his property before shooting. I talked to some of the officials and they said that the road is public so I was in the right to shoot him. I do think that a paint ball gun would work on most dogs, especially if they got fairly close before you let loose. The bird shot is actually too much for the common dog, most aren't that agressive, plus if you aren't that good of an aim it isn't hard to kill one with a misplaced shot. Granted sometimes that would be good,but on most dogs that are all bark and no bite I'd feel bad.
When I worked at a large llama ranch there was one field that had a VERY rude male llama in it and he would knock you over as soon look at you, anytime I went in that field I had a can of pepper spray with me.

It would shoot out about 15 feet or so. I don't see why a person couldnt used it while riding--just dont spray it in your horses eye. It came out in one stream and was pretty good at hitting what you aim at .

You may wat to ask someone at the post office what the letter carriers use?
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Am I on the same page or am I missing something. Are some of you talking about shooting to kill dogs just for barking at you and your horse. That is just mean. In my state the only way you can shoot a dog is if you are afraid for your life or your animals life. And if you get caught shooting someones dog with a gun or BB gun for that matter you are facing charges by the sheriffs office. I would not shoot a dog just for barking at me going down a road. That is just mean. Now if he tried to bite my horse I would be on the ground ready to beat his a**. I'm not afraid of any dog and have been bitten several times but by the time I get done whipping them they don't mess with me again.

I'm sorry if most don't see this from my point. I'm a animal lover and don't believe in being hateful to any animal with out reason.

Best way to make your ride safer is to get your horse use to the barking.
Thats the way I was thinking 'Voodoo'... I wouldn't want to kill a dog, just keep it from being agressive, (unless it would be a matter of life.) A barking dog, and one that stands at his territory doesn't bother me. But one that charges out like it is after blood my only answer was to run (which I hadn't done, but was all I could think of to do) Me and my horse might would be able to outrun it, but the horse would remember the situation and want to run every time any dog came out, and that could spell danger. If facing the "show down" calling the dogs bluff, etc. it could be dangerous. So to use best judgement without getting me or my horse hurt is what I was in search of. It is one of my biggest fears, only because I don't have a clear answer to controlling the situation, but I don't want to let it hinder a good ride down the country roads.

I watched a friend of mines horse go bazurke when a big rig romped his jake brake! The horse jumped straight up into the air like a scared cat. Came back down acting crazy and nearly got her and her rider hit by that truck! It was so scary! And the stupid jerk driver, laughing, and laying on his horn, hollering for them to get out of the way. I will never forget that ride, and my friend was so shook up she had to lead her horse home. Why isn't there any laws against people who do this intentionally? There are laws for everything else you can imagine.

Those of you who drive leaisurly, what do you do in situations such as these? It seems that you and your horse would be even more volnurable this way.

Am I on the same page or am I missing something. Are some of you talking about shooting to kill dogs just for barking at you and your horse. That is just mean. In my state the only way you can shoot a dog is if you are afraid for your life or your animals life. And if you get caught shooting someones dog with a gun or BB gun for that matter you are facing charges by the sheriffs office. I would not shoot a dog just for barking at me going down a road. That is just mean. Now if he tried to bite my horse I would be on the ground ready to beat his a**. I'm not afraid of any dog and have been bitten several times but by the time I get done whipping them they don't mess with me again.

I'm sorry if most don't see this from my point. I'm a animal lover and don't believe in being hateful to any animal with out reason.

Best way to make your ride safer is to get your horse use to the barking.
I would never shoot a dog for barking!!!! But if the dog(s) come at me in an aggressive run or showing their teeth, I will use the pellet gun on them first....Our horses are a "good" judge of a dog, and we will usually see how the horses react. If they get jumpy I will defend them...We are big animal lovers, I know it don't sound like it but our horses depend on us to protect them....
Oh no I don't want to shoot to kill. I think we got all crossed up, I said be very careful using a gun with bird shot because if you hit a dog in the face you can kill them. If shot from the correct distance, and in the butt or ribs you won't hurt him permanantly. No I don't want to kill one and I don't shoot unless I feel threatened that's why I said paintball gun would probably be better. The dog that I was talking about is something that would tear into your horse and if you stepped off he'd kill you as quick as he'd look at you. My horses aren't scared of dogs and if something comes running out barking it is usually no concern to me. I don't mind a dog guarding his territory, it's when he comes running out and hes SERIOUS then I want something there that will stop him not just tick him off. I do not advocate shooting anything to kill unless your life or that of your horse is threatened, but with some dogs there is no other way to stop them. They get mad and will go through almost anything without slowing down. I haven't had to kill one and I don't want to, but I don't want to be killed or landed in the hospital either. I always figure it's better to go prepared and not need to use your weapon than be laying on the ground being attacked and wishing you had it JMHO. Sorry if I came across as some cold hearted moster that wasn't the idea at all.

Edited to add

Ok I just went back and reread my second post and it sounds like I killed this dog. No I didn't that is the one that I shot with bird shot. I was just stating that it is legal to use a gun to protect yourself when you are on public property. If you look closely at what I said

The bird shot is actually too much for the common dog, most aren't that agressive, plus if you aren't that good of an aim it isn't hard to kill one with a misplaced shot.
MISPLACED meaning I don't want to kill one and truthfully I'd rather not shoot one at all, but that is my way of defending myself and my horses from agressive dogs. Barking and agression are totally different things.
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[SIZE=12pt]Hi Karen,[/SIZE]

When I used to ride my buddy in my avitar, I finally had to resort to chasing and stepping on them with my horse. Then I would also carry mace, but this was never for dogs who would try to attack my horse. I never had a problem with that as he could take care of himself quite well :aktion033: , but it was for my DOG who would ride with me.

After she was viciously attacked by a yellow lab, I had to either choose to not ride by homes(just up in the woods) or take something to propect her with. She would mind me very well and my gelding would also let her get right under him for protection. If that didn't work I would tell her to run and she would RUN...but that one time she got out run in a heavy durt field...that dog caught her and pulled her whole side off!!! I was soo angry with the people as the roads are not owned by anyone but the county or city, yet they saw us riding by and let her out just to cause trouble. My dog lived, but THEY paid the vet bill....

I would not road ride on a horse that I didn't feel 100% comfortable with..and fortunately for me I never had that problem...not that I didn't get dumped every once in awhile.... :lol:

I am thinking about getting another horse again. I haven't had my own since 1995 and I would certainly carry mace, a long crop and a pellet gun. Oh and a cell phone and never ride alone, and ALWAYS wear a HELMET to protect your noggin is MY MOTTO! :aktion033: Have really learned from experience of over 30+ years of riding!

Good Luck!

Well for me it depends on which horse I'm riding. If I'm riding my arab I bring a crop and a paint ball gun. If it's my appy I don't carry anything because I don't have to worry about anything bothering us when I'm on him. He'll stomp anything into the ground that annoys or bothers him. Both of my horses are used to dogs and we have very few neighbors so I don't have to worry much here but when we lived in VT my appy almost killed a golden retriever that made the mistake of running at my appy barking. Appy kicked said dog in the head and sent him flying knocked him out cold but the dog recovered and no longer chases horses. His owners told me he doesn't even leave the yard at all anymore. I felt bad for the dog but there wasn't much I could do to stop it. Once appy wants to hurt something that's all he focuses on.

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