Question for those that have chickens...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2008
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Derby New York
I really love animals of all kinds and I dont think Ill be able to get another mini for a year or two, so I was thinking chickens, maybe. We have this 6x6 shed that we are currently are using as storage, it has a back window with a wire mesh screen across it, and we have a wire mesh door that goes across the front, but we took it off when the rabbit died, and it can be put back on, so I could put them in when it rains, or when Im at school. Could 3-5 chickens live in the little shed??? Can any of you post pics of your coops??? Ive also looked on back yard chickens or whatever it was, and I didnt really like any of them. Also how big do bantams get??? Ive heard that they stay small and really like how they look, now mind you, this is not for meat, mostly pets and some fresh eggs. Here is a Cochin bantam (I think) that I like.



Thanks in advance

Well you COULD, but it would get disgusting in a hurry. But an alternative to what you could do, is raise them in the shed... so they make this their 'home', and let them free range during the day. You'll need to keep them in there about a week, and when it gets dark they'll start heading in there. Keep their feed and their water in it, and they'll know that the shed is the place to be! Plus, if you free range, they eat those nasty bugs you dont want >.< You don't have to worry about putting them up for rain - they'll do that themselves XD

If you want eggs, you'll do best with Rhode Island Reds, ISA Browns (a red and white Rhode Island hybrid) - ISA browns make up approximately 60% of the egg production in the USA - and you can color sex them. The roosters are white, the females are red - my females have white feathers here and there, and my rooster has red speckling. If you want something that looks AWESOME, buy Black Sex Links - they're a mixed offspring of Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds - so they're good egg producers as well. I dont have any pictures of mine, but they're mostly black with some wild red markings.

And edit- yes bantams do generall stay small - but you'll never have to buy eggs again if you buy one of the breeds I have listed. You'll also need to make sure they have access to grit - be it a gravel driveway, or you can also buy grit in feed stores.
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I have chickens and ducks and keep them together, 5 chickens and 3 muscovy ducks. Not sure what size our shed that my husband built for them is, I will go and ask him and post. Attached to their shed is a chicken run which is totally fenced (ceiling as well because of predators. I let them free range when I am home basically and when not home they have the option of being in the run or going into their coop. I didn't look to see where you are located. Being I am in ONtario and winter gets cold here their shed is insulated and so is the floor of the coop. I do not use shavings in their shed because they fling the stuff around all the time, lol. My hay guy gives me the hay he won't use as feed and I find it a breeze to keep them clean and smell free. I also line their run with hay so they don't have to ever deal with mud. The girls all seem really happy. I have 3 cuckoo marans that lay the dark brown eggs and then I have 2 ameraucana that give me blue eggs and the 3 muscovy ducks who are a pain at ths time of year because they go broody and sit on any eggs that have been laid. They so want to me mothers BUT I gave away my muscovy drake 2 years ago because he was unreal with the girls, wouldn't leave them alone for one second. I think a drake should have at least 6 females to one drake and perhaps then the girls would be more accepting of his amorous interludes.
I absolutely LOVE having chickens and don't understand why more people who have the space don't have them! They are quite easy to take care of, very entertaining, and the bonus of eggs is wonderful. When I was ready, I went to 'chick days' at my feed store and said, "I'll take two of those and two of those and two of those!" So I have a very colorful flock. My best layers are my black australorps and barred rocks. The americauna's (easter eggers) lay pretty eggs but they don't lay with the same frequency as the nearly daily layers. I have wyandottes and they are good layers, but I find them to be kind of mean to the other chickens and not nearly as friendly. I did get a couple of bantams for fun and they ARE! I love my banties! They are so sociable and even lay nice little eggs regularly.

I think you could certainly have 3-5 regular sized chickens in a shed the size of yours. Like someone else mentioned, I think you would best be served by building a secure run off of the shed for them to use. My run is 10x30 for a dozen chickens. I also let mine out to free-range when I am home, usually in the afternoon and evening when they've done laying, as I used to let them out earlier but then I started finding eggs under bushes and stuff!

There is a lot of good chicken information on the internet. You also need to decide whether you want to start with tiny baby chicks, or get some older pullets that don't need supplemental heat and who will be laying earlier. I see ads for all ages of chickens on Craigs List.

Lots of people on this board have chickens, so please feel free to post whatever questions you might have!! Good luck!


I had some bantys. Just got rid of the whole bunch. The rooster was a mean little sucker and would attack my legs every time I went by him. I had them free range, but they decided to roost in my new barn and poop all over the walkways and feeders. So we locked them up. We had 3 roosters since we bought an "assortment" of eggs and they crowed all the time. The banty eggs are small - some are tiny! Takes 6 eggs to make a decent breakfast.

So long story short - they are gone.

I had also gotten 2 wyandottes in the mix. Nice big chickens that lay X large eggs. One hen/one rooster. They stay in the old barn and are perfectly happy. She is sitting on 4 eggs right now, so I hope I will get some good layers out of them. If they stay around the old barn life will be good. If not, they will be in "hot water"!! I do like going to the old barn and getting a fresh egg -it's like getting a present every day!!
Thats what I was thinking, put them up at night, and then put them in a fenced yard in the afternoon becuase we have a dog problem. Thanks for the input everybody
Our coop is 7 feet by 10 feet my husband tell me. I will take some pics tomorrow in better lighting to give you an idea. Here are some picks of my "girls"

First Henny Penny (ameraucana)


One of my Cuckoo marans) with one of the kittens born here from a wild mother cat who showed up pregnant here.


and some of the "ya-ya's" (ducks)

Here are some of the eggs they lay (chickens and one duck egg)


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