pumpkin seeds??

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2005
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I work at a tack shop and I had a customer come in today asking if I had ever heard of feeding pumpkin seeds to horses/dogs to help rid tapeworms.


I did a search online...and this is what I found...

Pumpkin seeds and Melon seeds are rich in nutrients and also help to remove large quantities of uric acid in the urine. They also contain an amino acid-cucurbitin which gives these seeds their anthelmintic actions. Pumpkins seeds are noted for expelling tapeworms from the body. It most be noted that one should never ever used pumpkin seeds that have been packaged for planting. These seeds have been treated with insecticides, fungicides and sometimes-powdered fertilizers. One most never use these seeds for human or animal consummation. Use only certified organic seeds.

I'm not sure if she was thinking as a true wormer replacement or a supplement??

I haven't heard of it, was wondering if anyone else has experience with this?
Do not, please, use these remedies instead of a proper one.

Ask your Vet what they think of the idea!!

Some of these old remedies are useful but you have to remember that if they really worked, properly, there would have been no need to invent the cures we have nowadays.

Willow Bark contains the active ingredient for Aspirin- but we don't chew willow bark we buy aspirin or a more effective painkiller- do you see what I am getting at??

People used to worm dogs with tobacco- I think there may be some things in tobacco that do have any effect on some worms but I would not use it- for many reasons.

The other thing with these home remedies is the dosage- how do you know how much or how little??

Basically, I would not risk it
Thanks Rabbit.

I told her that I hadn't heard of it.

Then again, I was new to the idea of BOSS and Flax seed, so I thought to myself..."gee, maybe I just hadn't heard this one yet!" lol

I also don't think that she was looking to it as a replacement for wormers, but moreso a "hey, if they aid in the prevention, why not throw some in w/ the grain or give it as a treat." ???

I was curious to see if others have ever used it (not necessarily for worming) or have heard anything about it.

I'm assuming they're not harmful???

Thanks for the help!
Pumpkin seeds make a fine snack for horses, especially overweight horses, as they are low in sugar. Don't know that I would depend on them as a de-wormer though (especially for tapeworms), as there are so many other proven alternatives.

Robin C
I have never heard of pumpkin seeds but a woman I know feeds her 2 horses raw potatos. She swears it kills worms. I have tried to explain the whole wormer thing to her but she just doesn't get it. :no: It might kill a few but by the looks of their big bellies and dull coats (that don't ever seem to shed out), there are still alot hanging out in them.

Pumpkin seeds sound like a fun treat but I think I will stick to stuff in the tube