Prayers Needed

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:no: There are really no words can I say so express how terrible I feel for what happened to you. It is worse than a nightmare, at least you could wake up from it. Sending thoughts and prayers your way for you, your family, your minis that seen it, got injuried and for those poor colts.. This is a major tragedy. I've seen this forum pull together to help each other, if you need anything that any of us can help you with, just say it.. I know that mini owners from all over the world are praying for you and will continue too.. God please bless this family!!
What a horrible tragedy, I'm soooo very sorry for your losses and hope your gelding heals well, inside and out ~HUGS~ You take care of you too!
I'm so very sorry!

I am so glad to hear that the bear was disposed of and you don't need to worry about him coming back.

I hope & pray that your gelding will heal & recover. Poor guy, scared half to death & then trapped & injured.
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I am so sorry for your loss, I wish I could say something, anything to take some of the pain away.

That had to have been a horrific thing for you to have to go through, please know my thoughts & prayers

are with you & your injured horses. I am sure all of the horses are in different stages of stress from very, very sad. :no:
Since I cant sleep I thought I would give an update.

I truely appreciate all the kinda words and prayers. I am still in shock over this whole ordeal. Words just cant discribe it. I have never seen such a thing and never want to again. I am really thankful for the small horse community we have around here for taking in some of my horses in for a fews days so we can clean up the mess and repair all the damage to the fences. It's a mess.

The game warden came out and took the bear and examined it while he was here. And it happened to be a momma bear which probably has cubs. So he brought some traps out tonight and set them up. He seems to think that they my come back looking for mom. So we are on high alert tonight. He will come back in the am to check them out. I hope for the cubs sake that we do catch them and take them away from here. I know my neighbors are on the look out for them also. I just dont want anything bad to happen to the cubs. They didnt ask for any of this, as did I. The momma bear is also going to be sent away to be tested for rabies. Which neither I nor the game warden think was wrong with her. We think it was hunger from just waking up and having cubs. But it will be nice to know.

My boy seems to be resting as comfortable as possible tonight. He finally ate a little of his mash and drank some water. He is a little more alert than he was earlier. He had a really bad reaction to the rompom(sp) the vet gave him to lay him down to stitch him up. I have never seen such a thing in my life. It went straight to his brain which caused him to have a seizure. He was up one min the next second he went stiff, fell over and started seizing. It about scared the life out of me. I had never seen a horse do that before, and i have seen some pretty messed up stuff.

Have any of you ever experienced this before??? Or do I just have all the luck?

Thanks again everyone! You guys are GREAT!

Oh and another question has anyone had to deal with an injury like this one with the tendon severed? And how did the horse make out? I'm going to try to pic again. I dont think it worked the last post. So I will try again.

Oh I'm so very sorry about this horrible ordeal that happened today. I hope your little one will be ok...and I'm so sorry for your losses.
:no: My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, the minis and the 2 you lost.... If there's anything you need just ask... HUGS!
OMG I am so very sorry for your losses and am praying for your injured boy. What a horrible horrible thing to have happen - I can't even imagine what you are going through. I am very glad that the bear was found and destroyed. I cannot even begin to type what my heart wants to say to you. Please know that people are here for you and your boy are OK.
Oh and another question has anyone had to deal with an injury like this one with the tendon severed? And how did the horse make out? I'm going to try to pic again. I dont think it worked the last post. So I will try again.
Alice, I had a filly a few years ago just as bad or worse then he is, up farther on her leg than his is, clear to the bone and cut that tendon clear threw, after 3 months and a lot of intense care and meds, she healed fine, and now you would never know it was so bad.

Any thing I can do let me know, what I did to help her and what we went threw. my email is on here just email or PM me any time.

Prayers and Hugs to you and yours.

I am so sorry for your loss and for all the heart break. I will keep your boy in my

prayers that he will heal with no permant damage. I do pray also they will catch the

clubs. How so scary.

Prayers and hugs

Wow, I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot begin to imagine how devastated you must be. I am definitely praying for you and your boy.
I am so sorry to here :no: I can only imagine how terrifying that must have been.

Prayers for your boy, I hope he recovers
Oh my that is incredibly horrible! I am SO sorry to hear what you went through. I lost my first mini, a yearling filly, to a mountain lion where I used to board. Like someone said, glad they shot the bear or she'd be back... the mtn lion came 3 times, we believe. The first time nothing really happened, but my VERY lazy paint mare BROKE through her stall, we think the lion was there and caused her to do that? The second time it attacked my poor filly, but the owner of the place's dogs save my filly by waking owner up and she and the dogs scared it... we thought we had my filly in a lion proof pen she built after that happened, but we were wrong
THe rest of my horses (she was my only mini then) were moved that day, and I couldn't even go there to do it, had my b/f do it and get all my stuff, I just couldn't go there... for it to be at your own place, man that must be hard. I'm so so sorry. *HUGS* and praying for you, your minis, and especially your injured gelding

Alice --

I am so sorry for what you and your horses went through!!! I can't even imagine :no: :no: :no: You and your boy are in my thoughts and prayers.


I am so very, very sorry to hear about the loss of your two incredible Pockets Fillys. I've always been a big Pocket fan. Thank goodness you were able to destroy the bear or he would have come back again and again.

Special prayers that your boy heals up completely which based on prior experience while working for a vet clinic and treating such injuries - it is possible.
OMG!!! I am so sorry for your loss and the shock of it all. My thoughts will be with you and your gelding.

I just can not imagine. I am so extremely sorry for your loss and prayers coming your way for your boy and you.

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