Please pray for our new baby

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Southern CA
I really truly think I am the most UNLUCKY person when it comes to the horses. We noticed yesterday that our new colt was a bit jaundiced so when we pulled blood for his IgG we did a full blood panel as well. The results are very suspicious for neonatal isoerythrolysis. We are waiting right now for a second panel to show if there is a trend in his bloodwork that will confirm our suspicions.

He is acting fine, running around, nursing well and looks pretty good (please! Stay looking good little guy!) so we are hopeful that if he has it it is very mild. We should know by tomorrow if he will need transfusions or any other treatment.

My husband and our friend (equine vet) keep assuring me that he'll be fine regardless but I feel TERRIBLE for not testing his blood and her milk - in all the excitement it never even entered my mind to do it. Rest assured that mares will now be tested before foaling and the agglutination test will be added to our routine for every foal from now on!!

I just love this little guy so much.... I swear I am the living version of Murphy's Law.... I am feeling very emotional about this right now but I know the fact that I am 26 weeks pregnant isn't helping me be very rational about it
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Oh Shauna! He's just GOT to be ok!!! :DOH!

My thoughts and prayers go out to him and to you. Please let us know how he's doing.

Hang in there!

Your hubby and friend know best and wouldn't tell you he'll be fine if they didn't believe that. I'm keeping your little guy in my prayers.

How do you test for this again? I know it has to do with mixing blood with mares milk?!?
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Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. I'm so nervous waiting for the results. Of course, it's something that is fatal if not addressed quickly but my husband and friend are telling me that even if he needs treatment he will probably recover just fine because it's being caught so early. However I've been reading about all the foals who don't survive, even with treatment and I'm freaking out.... I assume they were diagnosed at a later stage but still....

I'm watching him on the camera right now and he's kicking the daylights out of his mama and running laps so he seems to be feeling pretty good!


How do you test for this again? I know it has to do with mixing blood with mares milk?!?
There are a few ways to test - you can blood test the mares for certain markers prior to foaling (not sure the details on that but I'm researching it right now) and if a mare carries them you make sure you only breed to stallions without certain markers. Again, I'm fuzzy on the details but something like that.

You can also collect some of the baby's blood (before it nurses) and some of the mare's milk and mix them together. If it separates out then you muzzle the foal until the mare stops producing colostrum. After that the foal can nurse. Foals are fed every hour or two with an alternate source of colostrum until then.

There are few people that ever test. They find out the same way you did. You did everything right.

Hang in there. He sounds like he is doing just fine and you are fortunate to have a husband that is a veterinarian that can walk you through all this.

Please update us when you know more and continue to enjoy him. He will get through this and so will you.

Sending positive thoughts your way
Most people do not test all the time please do not beat yourself up and I know it is hard and you are stressed but PLEASE take care of yourself as well and get some rest and try and relax
Oh Shauna! (((((HUGS))))) I am so sorry you are having to go through this worry! I DEFINITELY know how you feel! Sending prayers and well wishes your way.
Shauna, please don't beat yourself up. Most people do not test. I never have, but now maybe I will thanks to your post.

I am praying your boy will be okay!!!

Please take care of yourself!!!
Our little guy seems to be doing really well! Yesterday's bloodwork came back with values that continue point towards a progressing NI (slight but increasing anemia, high bilirubin and some others) but it must be very mild because he is active and thriving so far
At this point we've decided that a blood transfusion holds more risks than benefits for him (can increase the risks of liver failure and reactions in young foals) so we are going to hold off on that unless he seems to be going downhill. We will be redoing his bloodwork every 24 hours and watching him closely for any changes.

I've emailed UC Davis about the genetic test for NI so hopefully the mares will be tested soon. I'll be making an information page about NI in the coming weeks on my site if anyone is interested.

I'm about to post some new pics of him on the photo forum - he's so fun


Thank you all for all your support!
This breeding stuff is NOT EASY!
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Interestingly enough, I've never had a problem with that in all the years I've been breeding. Fortunately! Last year I asked my vet about it as I've never done the blood/colostrum test when a foal is born. He told me that in his years of practice that he's never had a miniature foal with this condition. And he has a large miniature practice! He says he sees TB foals with it all the time but never miniatures.

Your little guy sure is cute!
Well I just wanna hug the poop right out of your little guy
...Gosh he sure is cute and I think he will be fine
He's SO CUTE!!! I just want to cuddle him!

Good luck with the lil guy!

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