PICS-Going thru the water hazard at Happ's

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2003
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This is both Ally's and my first time thru the water hazards at Happ's. I think these pics taken by my friend Sandy Carr capture perfectly the intensity and fun of playing with the ponies on the CDE course! :D Woooohooo!!!

Won't you come and play?



That does look like fun but you are on the wrong side of the state for me to come play. I need to do some more training too.
YEEEEEEHAAAWWWW! Looks like a LOAD of fun-how I wish I lived somewhere near a facility like Happs!! How lucky for you....! (Who's the person with the lovely mature head of hair??!)

Thanks for letting us 'share' the experience vicariously!!


PS- the Albuquerque area driving club is actually going to have Hardy Zantke here for a clinic in late October; how cool is THAT? I am the one who suggested him to the organizer(she was thinking of Muffy Seaton, but he's closer(=less travel expense)-and VERY well-thought of, too,of course....I also spoke for a lesson slot when she first contacted me for input on holding such a clinic(I was the organizer for having Portia Sue here to do a clinic for LEMHC several years ago, and am very familiar with available facilities and other arrangements)-so I believe I am already 'on board'--exciting!!
YEEEEEEHAAAWWWW! Looks like a LOAD of fun-how I wish I lived somewhere near a facility like Happs!! How lucky for you....! (Who's the person with the lovely mature head of hair??!)

Thanks for letting us 'share' the experience vicariously!!


PS- the Albuquerque area driving club is actually going to have Hardy Zantke here for a clinic in late October; how cool is THAT? I am the one who suggested him to the organizer(she was thinking of Muffy Seaton, but he's closer(=less travel expense)-and VERY well-thought of, too,of course....I also spoke for a lesson slot when she first contacted me for input on holding such a clinic(I was the organizer for having Portia Sue here to do a clinic for LEMHC several years ago, and am very familiar with available facilities and other arrangements)-so I believe I am already 'on board'--exciting!!
Margo, my "spotter" is Maureen Harkcom of Happ's. She is the wonderful one who makes the magic happen there, along with her hardworking hero of a husband, Ken. :aktion033: I agree that we are VERY lucky to have such a terrific facility and the support for the VSEs here in the NorthWest.

How wonderful that you will get a clinic with Hardy! I think you will enjoy it thoroughly! I love reading his column in the Wheelhorse newsletter each month. :bgrin
Great pictures, Amy! Ally certainly fills the frames better than the tiny ones do and her enthusiasm and willingness are obvious.
Who's the little guy waiting in the meadow in the first shot?

I was wondering how you'd gotten so lucky as to play in the "water hazard" when Maureen had told us it was still way too deep for minis the last time I was there. What you've got pictured is the creek crossing. Not that it didn't prove hazardous with that flat tire you told us about!
: But the official water hazard they are building was so deep for awhile that the warmblood who tried it last spring without asking Maureen first actually had to swim out. :new_shocked:
: :lol:

Margo, Hardy JUDGED here at Happ's last June! :aktion033: He is so cool and I can't wait to start getting the magazines he writes for. I've loved the online articles I've read by him. My sole regret on having met him is that to a punctual, well-appointed German I'm afraid my first impression was probably...well...regretable. It's a long story. LOL

Amy, thanks for the answer--I have often read compliments about Maureen Harkcom on the various lists-good to get an idea of how she looks 'in person'(Love those "mature" types-sorta like MOI!! Heehee...!) Whatever the official name of the water is, it looks like lots of fun!

Leia-a water hazard that a Warmblood had to SWIM out of? Wow--sounds like some adjustments might be necessary!! That's what you all get for living up there where there actually IS water!!!! Down here, even the 'mighty' Rio Grande is just a trickle(however, no crossing it, as one would disappear in the quicksand--and the windstorm we had yesterday in central NM-which included where I live--likely blew the rest of the water out of the river!! I've seen some BAD winds, living in NM most of my life, but yesterday PM was about as bad as I've endured-62 MPH gusts-it nearly knocked me down while I was out doing the chores!

I confirmed that I am on the list for a lesson slot with HZ-yes, though he seems definitely a nice guy, his correctness and precision comes across in what he write-guess I should 'spruce up' before my lesson??<grinning!>. By then, I should have my marathon-type vehicle, so I can take it and the pair, OR, my B single. Can't wait!!

(Sorry about the previous double post-didn't think I hit the button twice, but...????)
That looks like way to much fun, Amy! I would love to try that one day!
That looks like so much fun!! Wet and wild!!!! Once I get a bit more experienced I may have to give that a whirl. :bgrin
Margo- *snicker* Well, the hazard had flooded from all the rains and they hadn't gotten the drains working properly yet so no one was supposed to use it. But the driver didn't ask, just went in, and got what they deserved for not checking the depth first!
: It's one of Maureen's favorite stories.

I think you'll be fine with Hardy as long as you don't do what I did and show up late for your first full CDE vet check presentation...with your horse in a barn halter, ungroomed and misbehaving....and the handler wearing camo pants and sneakers! :new_shocked: Oh my gosh, I was mortified. I got stuck in traffic and when I got there they said I had to run straight to the vet station or I was going to miss out and be eliminated. No time to change so I went as I'd bathed the horse and loaded everything, which is to say casual and covered with grime. Hardy's raised eyebrow said it all.
: Considering you are apparently supposed to be in your Sunday best, horse bridled, braided, and can see his point. Oye.

What great photo's! Those are wonderful for all the questions 'What are they good for?" that people ask about minis. I wish the registries would get behind the CDE to promote this as another avenue for minis.

I will admit though, I'm a complete newbie (I can't use the term novice as I've never driven and the cart has been in a box for a year so far!), but do enjoy all the conversations about CDE and driving. Some day . . .

Thanks again for sharing!
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