Our Foal didn't make it.....

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2007
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Yelm Washington
Our roan mare had her foal on May 3rd he wasn't due until May 25th. The vet that came out told us it was more an abortion than a birth, he was a perfectly healthy foal but suffocated before getting out. Vet said it was a VERY hard birth mama wasn't relaxed and ready cause it was to early.

The mother horse is now partially paralized in the back end with nerve damage, But the vet claims she should recover it will take time.

we have allready decided to NEVER breed her again just incase.

But my question is once a mare does this and has such a hard birth it is most likely she would repeat this problem every time?? Like I said she wont be bred again I am just curious if they usually follwo the same pattern.

Thanks Gracie
:no: i am so sorry for your loss.

poor mare

you all will be in our prayers.
No, just because they have problems once doesnt mean they always will.

ARe you sure he didnt die because he didnt get out in time?

He really wasnt born to early to survive.

I'm so sorry you lost your foal and that your mare had such a hard time. I agree that just because one delivery was difficult doesn't necessarily mean the rest will be. But I do understand your decision to not breed this particular mare again.
Yes he died because he didn't get out in time, Thats why I said he suffocated before entry.

Well maybe someday we will let her have another go but I would HATE for her to have to go through this again. So most likely we WONT.
I'm sorry for the foal. It's heartbreaking to sit for almost a year watching and wondering what the foal will look like, act like only to have them disappear in an instant.

Some foaling problems will cause scarring and issues down the road and some breeding problems are genetic but a good portion of the time you should be fine to rebreed. Any doubts have a vet do a breeding soundness exam before exposing her to a stallion.
Yea a soundness exam would be good. I hope she totally recovers from this time.

And he WAS the COLT we had been waiting for...Pinto with a huge white spot on withers and over his tail both sides solid color, He was cute. its very sad. Ive never had one of my horses lose afoal and to watch the mare guard and try to get that dead baby up is heart wrenching.
When you say he was due on May 25th - what was that based on? 340 days? If so, for a mini, May 3 was NOT too early. That would have put him at 318 days - about normal for most of our mares. I wish that more vets were aware that minis do not always have the same gestation as big horses. All that being said - any foal in a difficult delivery may simply not make it. Or even with a normal delivery - last year a lovely pinto filly arrived here after a textbook, easy delivery.... and yet she never took a breath - and foal CPR could not revive her.... :no:

So sorry for your loss....
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Yes I dont think it was to early either, He just didnt make it out fast enough, SADLY not many vets in this area are MINI educated I guess, I had NEVER met this vet before we always use the gal at this vets office but shes 8 months pregnant herself and was off doing other things that day. lol

I wish just one vet close by would decide to specialize in minis..
I'm sorry for your loss
I lost one myself once and it is heartbreaking. (((hugs)))
The nerve damage is not all that uncommon when a foal is stuck or the mare has a" dystocia" I am thinking when you say the foal didnt get out on time people are misunderstanding? I am guessing you don't mean he didnt get out of the sac in time but that he was stuck "dystocia" and didnt get out of the dam in time?

It is just a horrible experience and anyone who breeds long enough will have to face it. I am so very sorry for your loss

The mare should get better in tme is she able to stand and walk? While I agree that often one dystocia doesnt mean the mare will always have issues I personally would not re breed one who has had some nerve damage like this.. have no facts to back up my personal decision just what I would do.

Again I am very sorry
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I am also sorry for your loss............ As for a pattern I can't answer that one either. The only mare that we had consistant problems with was not quite 29 inches. We sold her for a pet never to be bred again.
I am so sorry for your loss. This is the hardest part of breeding, the long wait and the devastation you feel when things don't go right. I hope your mare recovers fully.
Sorry for the loss of your colt always a blow after the long wait. l'm sure mom will be fine with a little time.
Thanks Everyone, Yes the mare can stand and walk, she walks liek a drunk sailor and her legs go out from under her at times but shes allready trying to run and buck with her friends, She just today went back in with a mare and her 1 yr old daughter and seems happy to be back with friends.

And YES the baby did NOT get out of his Dam in time he suffocated inside her, not in the bag.

Sorry I should have clarified better.
In 2005 my mini mare, Des, had a hard birth, vet had to pull the foal, a filly of course, lost the foal. The mare also had nerve damage and we had to carry her to the barn, etc. She was like that for about a 2 weeks, then got slowly better. We rebred her later in the summer and she had a healthy colt in 2006 with no problems at all. We were watching her closely but of course missed the birth by minutes. Grr. She is due for a 2007 foal to the same stallion and hopefully I get a healthy filly. :aktion033:
Hi Gracie,

So sorry about your foal.. It hurts..In 2003, I had 5 pregnant mares and lost 4 of the 5 babies.. That was the year, that alot of mares here in Ky.(big and small) were losing their babies.. I have sure been blest this year with 5 healthy fillies, wishing the same for you, next year.. :aktion033:

Take care and God Bless!
