OFFICAL "weigh in" thread

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Well I cant play or I would. I have lost any weight I gain so considering I am almost 4 months im doing good!
Mona...go ahead and unpin it. If it stays on the front page...great...if not, it was meant to go bye

I am glad it lasted over a year...hope it helped some people get motivated and get healthier..which was the point!

BTW, congrats on your weight loss Mona!!
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I just dont seem to be going anywhere - not up (a good thing) but not down either. This is pretty frustrating!
Hi all. I just spotted this thread... I didn't realize people were still chatting on it. I am weighing in weekly to weight watchers and so I decided to write something. I joined the new weight watchers plus the first week of march 2011. I have lost 21 lbs so far but still need to lose 15+ more. First diet I have ever tried that worked. I lose between 1 and 2 lbs a week. Just wondering if anybody else has tried the new weight watchers plus plan. It is the first diet I have ever tried that worked (at least so far it is working). So different from the old weight watchers that I failed on and hated. Not hungry on this diet. I am also walking a lot which helps... anyway.. hi everybody
shorthorsemom: are you doing the WW + online or with a local group? I only want to lose 18 lbs. But I just go up and down between 1-4 lbs. I'M STUCK!!
The excercise thing is the hard part to get in for me. With my job and trying to get the housework done the horses even don't get worked, let alone me. Any suggestions? How costly is joining WW? Thanks for the help in advance.
shorthorsemom: are you doing the WW + online or with a local group? I only want to lose 18 lbs. But I just go up and down between 1-4 lbs. I'M STUCK!!
The excercise thing is the hard part to get in for me. With my job and trying to get the housework done the horses even don't get worked, let alone me. Any suggestions? How costly is joining WW? Thanks for the help in advance.
My work has a sponsored weight watchers program and they give you half the money back if you attend 80% of the meetings. I know lots of people weight watchers on line too because you can get recipes and have access to tons of information. This points plus plan is TOTALLY different from the old weight watchers plan. It cost me $186 and I will attend meetings until fall and get half back from my work, but even without the money back I would have joined... I seriously never had a diet work before. It is more like teaching you how to eat healthy and proper than a real diet in my opinion because you can eat treats as long as you calculate them in.

They recommend power foods that are more filling for less points... You can eat 5 cups of microwave popcorn as long as it is the 94% fat free one for only a point. for example. Choose movie popcorn and you can eat very little for the same point.

. The money seemed like nothing when I started losing the weight... I have battled my weight all my life, yo yo losing and steadily gaining until I just felt so defeated. I hit the "over 50 spread" and thought I had to look that way because I had no control over it. With weight watchers you also get money back if you achieve your goal weight and become a "lifetime" member where you just need to stay within 2 lbs of your goal weight and weigh in monthly.

The new plan sets high points on the bad stuff, low or zero points on the good stuff. They tell you to eat what you want, but be sure to count the points on everything so if you really want that piece of bread, count it in and it will balance if you count the points to 29 a day. Most people get 29 points to start for example.

Fruit and veggies are FREE points if they aren't in sause or sugared, in their "whole state". Lean meat for example is about a point an ounce. Bread is higher, but you can still eat it, just have to count it. I used to starve myself on a diet and I didn't know my body shut down and stored fat and and as I ate less and less I gained more and more. Something scientific about the 29 as a magic number because I am eating more than I usually do, just healthier... I feel satisfied and losing steadily since I started. I never cheat on the program, but then I wanted fast results.

You get 45 extra points to use during the week for special occasions or if you go over your 29 but I never dip into the 45 personally. Maybe after I lose more...

I put on a pedometer and noticed if I kept my steps over 12,000 steps a day I lost faster. I don't work out, but I do walk and make sure every day is over 12,000 steps. I found that at work if I used the bathroom down the hall it was 400 steps back and forth one trip. At lunch I go to the cafeteria farthest from my desk.. I take laps around the kitchen while cooking. I don't walk it all at once, but rather just keep moving around during the day, I don't have time to work out, this is working for me.

On this program, you will steadily lose weight if you follow it even without exercise, walking is a bonus and gets faster results, but you will lose if you don't feel like exercising, just slower.

It takes some people longer than others to lose, but everybody that truly follows it seems to lose weight from my observation. Be strict on the diet and exercise and you lose faster, follow it any way in their guidelines and you will lose weight. I saw a woman lose 40lbs in a year!.

You can buy a calculator from them that you can use to calculate points of your packaged foods. I bought the food scale too, but I am a scientist and attacking this diet like a science experiement apeals to me so I weigh my portions too.

I have my miniature horses to thank for my motivation. I have a short driving boy. I had a meadowbrook and I watched him struggle to pull me up hills. I bought a lighter cart and went on a diet. My boy rips in the cart now.
Try weight watchers plus if you can afford it..., you will like it. I fix a fruit smoothie almost every day... it only costs 4 points, it has yogurt, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, peaches and all kinds of frozen treats in it. It only costs me the points of the zero fat yogurt. Everything else is zero. very yummy. best wishes.
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Thanks for the info Adair and the hints!! Sounds like it's working great for you. I am in the same position that I have a sit down job at a computer all day long- then come home and try to keep up on horses and household things...I am not doing bad on my eating habits- just the excercise part or getting in enough steps per day.
Thanks Adair: I do have a pedometer. Never opened the package yet; but I am going to now. I am so glad you wrote all that. I am going to try to fit the WW in the budget ASAP. There are local chapters here. I might join because I am the type who might need the person to person help to keep me motivated when I get "down". I am a real sweet tooth and I am a cake decorator who works in a Bakery.
THAT is where I gained the 18 pounds when I started working there in September of 2009! With that and winter (where I get "couch potato-y" ) I just started gaining on and on. When I hit 131 a few weeks ago and we had a nurse here to take blood, weight, etc. for a new insurance policy; she told me I was 5 lbs. over the top of the scale for BMI for my size (5' and very small boned). I know the health problems that come with that; and I want to lose for health. So many people say; "you're not fat, heavy, etc. -you don't need to lose'. But they don't realize it's not looks I am particulairly wanting to lose for; it's health. I have had Irritable Bowel Syndrome since I was young and always had a problem with weighing ENOUGH
. Yeah Probiotics!
My IBS is under control. NOW I can each so many more foods. That way I gained needed weight. But I got overconfident; started eating wrong and too much and here I am! Well, it's time to get healthy. Got rid of the IBS main problems-now I have to keep away the overweight and sugar health problems.
I do really believe the people that this program does not work for are the ones who really aren't following it. My friend at work that did not lose any weight.. I noticed that she wasn't counting the points!. If you don't do the counting, you really aren't going to lose IMO. She eats good foods all day, but doesn't count anything at all...

My personal rule... if I can't count it, I don't eat it. I enjoy the weight watchers ice cream fudge bars for 3 points when nothing but something chocolate will do. I keep the good foods around the house. I make my points mostly good lean protein and limit the points for breads, but I do enjoy one of those little flat round bread roll thingy's for three points every day. I am trying to stay up beat and excited and keep up the energy and motivation to see this through. I am 4 foot 11 inches tall and I topped out at 156 lbs! I started in March and I weighed 134 this morning.. I still have far to go, but I am happy to share because I really do believe in this program. If anyone knew how I have struggled to lose weight. . I had three kids in my 40's and was depressed that I had topped my pregnancy weight at delivery for my son.
My son is now 9 years old, can't call it baby weight any more.

I really got heavy after I had a bad wreck on a horse a couple of years ago, and last year I had major abdominal surgery. Some of the complications of the surgery was from being too heavy and then I gained more because I couldn't do anything for months and months except sit around.

People have said they love the etools that weight watchers has on the internet. I haven't tried it yet but plan to this week.

I get motivation from the group of people that are struggling just like me to find a healthier lifestyle. The money was hard to come by for us, some would say... just eat less, that shouldn't cost money.. easy to say. I think there is a real science with this 29 points. At least for me there is, but I am following this diet better than any one I ever did. Eating lots of fruit and veggies and lean meats and less sugars and not as much bread...It really is about a lifestyle change. better than those diets where you eat their food, lose the weight and then need to function in the real world again without their foods. Weight watchers helps you grocery shop and you aren't without snacks, just choosing smart ones!
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Hi. I just found this thread. I joined the forum a few weeks ago and wish I had spotted it sooner. I could really use a weight loss support buddy! I need to drop a lot of weight for my health and for my minis.

I have a B who loves to drive but I feel so big and awkward in the E-Z cart. I know he can pull me around on level ground with out any problems but I just feel guilty asking him to. I bought a 4 wheel wagon 189 lbs. for him but by the time I clean the barn, groom him , pull the wagon out, harness and hitch,....I am pooped. At my recent Dr.s appointment for semi-annual blood work and prescription renewals, I was shocked at my weight. I'll put it down here, kind of like a confession...233 lbs. They have upped my thyroid med. so that may help with the tiredness, but I am also on blood pressure and cholesterol meds.& hormone replacement.

Just a few years ago, I was at my ideal weight (for me) of 170 lbs. I am 5'6" and every weight program I have checked into wants me about 135 lbs. 11 years ago, I lost over 100 lbs. in less than 6 months, down to 145 from 250 and looked terrible! I did not know it at the time, but I had an infection in my thyroid that caused the sudden wt. loss. My face resembled a blood hound. A bat would have envied my upper arm flaps and my thighs moved down to my knees. Which made sense since my knees moved down to where my ankles had always been! At 170, things seemed to return to their normal places, and I felt much better about myself.

I get lots of exercise. In fact, I work in a fitness club! ! do lots of walking every day. Back at home, at least 1.5 miles walking my dogs in addition to lead line work, long lining weekly and daily pasture picking. One of my favorite things to do is to harness Bucky and just walk through the neighborhood. I was going to 3 weekly Sr. Fitness classes (I am 59) but when gas went up, I stopped going. Plus I was getting tired of it. So I guess it boils down to..... the food I eat. Too much, too often, too fatty, too salty, too sweet. I eat when I am tired, bored, worried, alone, happy, with friends, etc. Notice I left out hungry? Can not remember the last time I was hungry. I never get the chance!

I vow to eat better... I know how. After all, I have been on diets most of my life! Weight Watchers may be my best bet but for now, it will be spacing out my meals in a structured manner, not just grazing all day. Water with my meals. Lean protein and 1 veg, 1 fruit, 1 brown starch on a luncheon size plate 3 times a day. Skim milk and 2 ginger snap cookies for evening snack. Piece of fruit mid- afternoon. Oh, yes. I will have to end my love affair with Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Darn it!

Please keep posting about your experiences. I have not read the whole thread yet... only up to page 7 and then the last couple pages. I know some of you have lost interest but thanks for getting the thread started. Here it is, over a year later and you have inspired a new comer to make improvements in her life. Love this site! I thank you and Bucky thanks you! Melinda

Melinda...I do hope this thread stays on the front page of the Back Porch. There are still a few of us who hope to both inspire and get support from others on here thru our "weight management programs".

I think you do know the right foods to eat, but it is OK to also "graze" during the fact it is beneficial to do long as it is the right kind of grazing...raw low sugar/starch fruits and veggies. Drinking lots of water also does 2 things...cleanses the toxins from your body (which creates bloat) and of course hydrates you.

I also know the right foods to eat. My problem seems to be exercising enough and getting bored with the same foods. I continue to "try", tho, which is better than giving up and altho I have plateau'd on my weight, I still try to eat healthy choices.

It is and always will be (for me) a lifelong power struggle with my cravings, guilty pleasures and my body's lack of desire to MOVE!

I forgot to weigh myself yesterday...but I wasn't very good over the weekend, so...
Oh Melinda...yes, we need to keep this alive for you! Welcome to the group! Let me know if you folks want this pinned again. And since I am replying, I guess I'll report in too, since yesterday was weigh-in for me. UP 1/2 lb.
Welcome to the group.I finally know that I will have to struggle with this weight issue for the rest of my life.What works best for me is not thinking of this as a "DIET" but a better way of eating.Nix the fried stuff and fatty greasy things.Lots of vegetables(except watch the corn, peas, limas, and white potatoes)Get rid of white sugar things and bakery type things.Use whole grain breads and pastas and easy on those.There are so many low fat or fat free products which also help.Lots of chicken, fish, and turkey.You will be amazed what they are doping with turkey these days(meatballs, sausage, bacon, etc)You just have to really read labels and watch for sodium and sugars.I am one who has lost some weight(70 lbs in the last 3 years)and got off blood pressure meds and cholesterol meds.I got rid of my bigger clothes so I am not tempted to go back to previous weight.It will always be a challenge-but 1 day at a time.Good luck and welcomee.
Sounds like we need to ask this one to be "pinned" again. Too much motivation here to let it slide down. Hang in there with us Melinda! I get lots of exercise and still struggled..

We have a dairy farm, I work all day and then milk cows at night. I walk alot, over 18,000 steps a day on my feet and often over 20,000 steps. Plenty of exercise but still battled my weight. Thyroid tested fine... I tried dieting.... I tried skipping all the foods I loved... tried eating right and then watched my weight creep up and up. It was seeing photos of me driving my boy Ike to make me say... OH MY where did all that weight come from?? My quest to lighten the load for my horse has become my motivation. First I bought a lighter cart... haha. That was an easy out to lose for my horse, but didn't help me any... Then I didn't like what I looked like in my new lighter cart, and along came my choice to join weight watchers. I weighed in today and am down 2 more pounds.
I love this diet. It really has a science involved I do believe. I am not hungry. I don't feel deprived and I have been losing steadily on it. I think you can actually cut out too many foods and then your body stores fat. Eating 1000 calories a day and gaining weight. Now I count points and I do not cheat and for the first time in years I am winning the battle. I lose on average 1-2.5 lbs a week. Not too fast, but fast enough to be motivating. I need support in my quest... so thanks everybody for the kind words and motivation and for sharing your experiences and struggle. That is the best thing about this forum, the friendship.

I discovered last year that too much weight on a 4'11 inch frame can ruin your feet and also can cause your pelvic floor to collapse and your "everything inside" to prolapse out. After major tune up surgery last year and the pain and recovery from the surgery and from the repair "bonus" surgery I got when they accidently disconnected my kidney during the surgery... oh yeah, am I ready to succeed with this quest, you betcha. More than 22 pounds down since March... Lose a little more and I might be convinced to look at a bathing suit for the first time in 9 years... Stay strong everybody! Adair
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Melinda: (Your mini is beautiful!
) I, too, just discovered this thread recently and am so glad to have "buddies" to chat with about the struggle. Although I don't have as much weight loss to struggle with as some; it is still a struggle. I also want it for the health benefits. I have a terrible time with grazing the wrong things; I have a terrible sweet/salty tooth and tend to eat to console myself.
Being on the low self esteem side and negative side; that happens a little too often. I have the knowledge tools to work with; but as we all know; sometimes we just let ourselves fall into the "pity pit"
. I am hoping this will be a place to help get the boost to crawl out faster and get more knowledge and ideas. I will be looking for your posts. Hopefully you have read all the posts up to this one now. There is some great information on it!
Do you guys want to start a new, fresh thread? A new beginning? Or have this one pinned again?
Re-pin this one...I'd hate to lose it!

I'm glad to see there are still others who want to post on it!

I admit, I kept up with reading it, clapping for everyone's TRIES & triumphs.
Hi Everybody. Just got in the house. Thought I would see if anyone posted after me today, than grab a snack! After seeing all the replies I am more motivated than ever. Thanks to all! I have made it 1 day. Now to make it 1 day tomorrow too. I have not had a chance to finish reading the earlier postings but did see all the tips you have just given me. I agree that it is a fine line... eating too little doesn't work. I do drink a lot of water, eat plenty of water/fiber filled fruits, lean meats, no fried foods, rarely eat at fast food places. That is all before 8:00 PM... I am a night time snacker!!! Chips, nuts, chocolate covered raisins, ice cream, left overs. I think I feel like I always need to be busy and eating is busy work. I have tried crafts but they just do not hold my attention. I can read a book, watch TV, and eat all at the same time. Going to bed early has not worked either. I just toss and turn, think about food. I realize I need help... so...

Thursday evening, there is a WT. Watchers meeting about 12 miles from me. I will try to go and see about the new system. Thanks again for the encouragement. Have a great week everyone!!! Melinda

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