New Mommy needs advice

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Kynedi's Mom

Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score
Central Texas
I have been around horses all my life, but never mini's - My 3 year old daughter took a fall off of our 16hh gelding last spring ( she was not injured, just scared) and she has not wanted to ride since. However, she asked for a "yittle bitty" pony for Christmas. So my husband & I bought her a miniature, Princess, she is about 5 the lady that we bought her from told us that she was broke to ride & that she had been living with a handicapped woman for the last couple of years that did not make her mind AT ALL. I don't really know much about mini's - but I did not want a Shetland because of their temperment. Princess has tried to kick me several times even when I was trying to feed her, or she will paw at me. However, after working with her a little, without my daughter of course because it was to be from Santa- she allowed me to saddle her & let me lead my nephew around on her a bit without any problems. She just needs time I know & I really want my daughter to feel comfortable around her & I want them to grow together., does anyone have any suggestions ? Also, she could possibly be bred, I have read alot of terrible things about mini mares & foaling, this is possibly more than we bargained for but we are in it for the long haul now, so any advice will help greatly. THANKS & HAPPY NEW YEAR !
Congratulations on your new mare.

Safety is a huge factor here. The best advice I can give you is to go to Breeders Connect and do a search and try to find a professional trainer in your area that can come and give you some hands on lessons in ground manners for you and your new mare and correct her bad habits immediately. A horse that is territorial around her food, anywhere, and that kicks is a huge red flag to be having around a child (or anyone) so I think this needs to be addressed right now. She does need time, much time, to get used to her surroundings and I would not have put a child on her back that soon. You don't know her and she doesn't know you. I would most definately put the riding part on the back burner until you get her manners in tact and much time to adjust.

As far as her being bred, I would have a vet ultrasound her asap, because that means you are dealing with a whole nuther ball of wax to add to the equasion.

Best wishes for many years of love with your new mare.
if you just got her for christmas shes only been there a couple days. she needs some time to get used to all the changes. keep in mind everything is new, new humans, new water, new hay, new pasture. give her some time to just settle in

if shes trying to kick you when she eats thats food aggression. make her turn and face you before you feed her.
Hallo and welcome.

How are you feeding her, what are you feeding her, where is she living, how much is she getting to eat??

Kicking is not always aggression- it can be fear, she also may just be hungry.

It is not acceptable, but how you deal with it depends a lot on what is causing it.
Okay to answer several different questions- I have actually had her since the first weekend in December, she stayed at my sister in laws until Christmas morning. she is being fed horse& mule 1 cup with 1/2 cup oats 2x daily with access to Coastal hay at all times & I put out a slice of alfalfa:) once a day. She is with my son's little mare who is about 20 & a small horse - They have only been together for a couple of days now but seem to be getting alone nicely.

another question if she is was exposed from Mar-May, does this mean that she could be foaling in the next couple of months & if so shouldn't I be able to tell if she is bred or not by looking at her ?

Thanks for all your advice & comments

God Bless & Have a Great Day !
The easiest thing would be to have her ultrasounded.

If she is not a maiden and she were to be due in February I would have expected her to be bagging up by now.

It is really good that she has a friend, that will help lots.

It sounds to me as if she is just being territorial about her food- what about holding the bucket and getting her to eat when yo are holding it- is that a possibility??

You do need to be firm with her and stand up to her- even small hooves hurt.
First, you'll get lots of good advice from this forum so stick with it.

Next, remember that she is a horse not just a big cuddly pet. That's where so many mini owners go wrong. You said you are used to big horses so treat her like one. So many people think that rearing, ear pinning etc by a mini is a cute "immation" of what big horses do. WRONG. If you treat these little ones like the big horse - demand respect which means don't allow bad behavior, then you and they will get along better and be much happier with one another. I'm not saying to be rough. I am saying to train her like you would train any horse. If you've never had to work out behavior problems with horses then definitely come on here and describe the problem and someone (probably a lot of someones) will try to help.

If you can get the assistance of a trainer, then that's great too. In the meantime go slow and be patient. I too had big horses to begin with and so far have found that these little ones, with the proper approach, are so much more willing to learn.

Good luck.
I want to add a comment about feeding.... her feed needs to be adjusted to her size so she does not get too heavy- then you will have other issues.

I agree in having her ultrasounded to see if she is pregnant or not. You will need a safe place, not in with the bigger horse, for mama and baby and a safe place to foal. And yes, compared to the full sized horses, I have had more foaling problems in the Minis.

I also agree in treating her just like the full sized cousins. If it is unacceptable behavior, dont allow it. Hopefully there is someone in your area that can help you. You will find that the Minis are amazingly smart and learn VERY quickly (what they can and cant get away with!)

Good luck, and welcome to the world of Minis. You will have a lot of fun!
Don't forget to take her off the grass now if she's bred.
What do you mean "take her off the grass"? We really don't have any "grass" to speak of here but she does have Coastal available at all times & Alfalfa once a day.

#2- We have now been having to seperate the two during feeding time, because Princess(mini) gets our mare off her feed. I am afraid that she will founder & that our older mare with not get enough. Short of penning them twice a day for feedings ( which will be hard seeing as my husband & I are both employed elsewhere) I really don't know what my options would be. Maybe a higher feed trough for my mare ?

#3 As far as ultrasound we are in rural rural rural Texas & I will have to travel for an ultrasound, any suggestions- our closest larger towns would be Lampasas, Brownwood or Llano ?



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