I hope this doesn't sound like a sore loser's rant, but I'd like to chat about this.
I took my stallion to his first show for the year last weekend. It was a tiny agricultural show (to give perspective, the local village has a population of 70 people). There were a total of about 6 Miniatures there including my horse, and only one other competing in his class. He was placed 2nd out of 2, which I would be fine with, except for the judge's comments and the quality of the winner. The little colt that beat my stallion was very cute and I'm sure his owner loves him as much as I love Bambi, and I don't care that he beat my stallion, but I honestly think my stallion was the better horse in the class, and not just by a little bit. A lot of people show for fun at this level, and sometimes the horses competing aren't top quality. The colt that beat him was also shown in the Miniature Pony classes, which is against the rules.
Anyway, you win some, you lose some, and I was fine with the 2nd place (he was Champion at the same show last year) until the judge said to me why she placed Bambi 2nd. She told me he was 'terrible type' with a 'bad neck' and that she 'really didn't like anything about him' and told me she had 'judged a lot of Miniatures'. She was really quite rude and I was a bit shocked to be honest. She had nothing positive to say about him at all and I left the ring feeling really upset. Even if that was her honest opinion there are nicer ways to say that to a competitor, or she could have said nothing at all and just left me with the 2nd place.
Bambi is 3rd generation bred by me, and I am proud of him. I started showing him at age 3 (he is 4 now) and in his first show season he rarely came home without a championship and was supreme multiple times. He is National and State Grand Champion in halter and harness. He has won best trot, best head, best colour and best presented at National level.
He has done far better than I ever expected and yet this judge's comments really hurt. I've never been spoken to by a judge like that before. I put so much effort into him and he always looks his best at the shows, and last weekend was no exception. I guess I'm just trying to figure out why the judge hated him so much and if anyone has had similar experiences at shows?

I took my stallion to his first show for the year last weekend. It was a tiny agricultural show (to give perspective, the local village has a population of 70 people). There were a total of about 6 Miniatures there including my horse, and only one other competing in his class. He was placed 2nd out of 2, which I would be fine with, except for the judge's comments and the quality of the winner. The little colt that beat my stallion was very cute and I'm sure his owner loves him as much as I love Bambi, and I don't care that he beat my stallion, but I honestly think my stallion was the better horse in the class, and not just by a little bit. A lot of people show for fun at this level, and sometimes the horses competing aren't top quality. The colt that beat him was also shown in the Miniature Pony classes, which is against the rules.
Anyway, you win some, you lose some, and I was fine with the 2nd place (he was Champion at the same show last year) until the judge said to me why she placed Bambi 2nd. She told me he was 'terrible type' with a 'bad neck' and that she 'really didn't like anything about him' and told me she had 'judged a lot of Miniatures'. She was really quite rude and I was a bit shocked to be honest. She had nothing positive to say about him at all and I left the ring feeling really upset. Even if that was her honest opinion there are nicer ways to say that to a competitor, or she could have said nothing at all and just left me with the 2nd place.
Bambi is 3rd generation bred by me, and I am proud of him. I started showing him at age 3 (he is 4 now) and in his first show season he rarely came home without a championship and was supreme multiple times. He is National and State Grand Champion in halter and harness. He has won best trot, best head, best colour and best presented at National level.
He has done far better than I ever expected and yet this judge's comments really hurt. I've never been spoken to by a judge like that before. I put so much effort into him and he always looks his best at the shows, and last weekend was no exception. I guess I'm just trying to figure out why the judge hated him so much and if anyone has had similar experiences at shows?