Need Titles of Good Spooky movies

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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My mother , over retired age, a friend and myself are getting together for Halloween. I need to rent some scarey but not gross movies.

I walked around Block Buster for over 40 minutes and couldn't find anything that looked right.

So I am asking for ideas from my forum family.


A really good one that isn't gorey at all is called The Others. It has Nicole Kidman and is very well done.

Another one is The Forgotten. Not really a "scary" movie but it has a lot of sudden things that make you jump out of your skin.

Seems like Stephen King's "Something Wicked this way Comes" is pretty scary without the gore. It's been a long time since I saw that one.

The Village is lame.
~ The Haunting ~

without a doubt...

There is an old version and new...both are great

*Another is the "Ring"...the original version.

~Happy Halloween~
When I was a kid, House of Wax scared the bejeebers out of me. It's an old Vincent Price movie.

Also, Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho with Anthony Hopkins and Janet Leigh.

Scary movies are definitely NOT my thing so I can't recommend any recent ones, but these 2 oldies were definitely scary, and your mom (since she's "over retired age") might enjoy them, or even remember them.
I thought The Secret Window from Stephen King was pretty has Johnny Depp in it..I just watched it last night..the end sure isn't what I expected..
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The Grudge! AGH! It does have some "gore" but it's not much.

Sixth Sense gets mixed reviews here- It creeps me out due to the visuals of the ghosts, but Hubby says he always falls asleep watching it :lol: . It's more of a suspense/mind trip then a horror movie. I second the opinion that The Village is lame... don't even bother!

I like the non-gorey horror movies... sadly, I don't like how they freak me out for weeks afterwards ROFL So I don't see many of them.

Ahh, don 't go with... I think it was Resident Evil. Gore factor is high, and unless you've played the video games the movies were based on, the plot is very lacking.
One that wasn't gross but scared me BAD is The Exorcism of Emily Rose! It really scared me big time!!!

IF you are ever wanting to watch a scary, gory, GROSS movie, try Hostel. That is the first movie in maybe a decade of lotsa scary movies that made me scream out loud and I couldn't stop thinking about it after I saw it. It was very disturbing but I loved it (wierd, I know).

THEN another gory one I highly recommend is the remake of Dawn of the Dead. OMG! I am a fan of those zombie movies from when I was a kid and this remake is even better than the original.
One that wasn't gross but scared me BAD is The Exorcism of Emily Rose! It really scared me big time!!!
They must have cut the heck outta that show or something... I watched it once and was frankly bored stiff!

Gothika is a GOOD one, and not gory that I recall. Husband and I went into it thinking it was just going to be "ok", and we came away quite surprised by how good it was!!
~ The Haunting ~
without a doubt...

There is an old version and new...both are great

YES! But go for the older, black and white version with Julie Harris. Much better than the newer one...

Well, I know one that really creeped me out.... 13 ghosts......It does have some gore though. Im a BIG fan of scary movies, but this one disturbed me!LOL

We rented Stephen Kings Depseration , and Slither, Lotsa gore in that one, but a lot of funny stuff too. Then we might wind down with Monster house... The cartoon.

My daughter said , she heard that Stay Alive was good. Its about a video game that kills you the same way you die on the game. Been trying to rent it, but it is always out.
OOOHHHH....scary movies. :aktion033: I LOVE scary movies, but it takes a lot to scare me. To this day, there is one in particular that still scares me. When I was little, my mom was watching THE FOG (the original one with Jamie Lee Curtis) and I begged to watch. Boy was that a mistake!!! To this day I am reluctant to watch it, and the music gives me the eebie jeebies.

When they did the remake, I was scared to watch it because I figured it would be scarier than the first, yet curiousity got the best of me and I had to see it. I LOVED IT, and have seen it three times since. It is so different from the first one. You may also want to try Steven King's "Sometimes they come back". It has a little suspence and a good story line. Hope you have a great movie night.
What about something like PRACTICAL MAGIC with Sandra Bullick? (sp)

I also love to watch the old Abbot and Costello movies the Invisible Man Frankenstein

All you have to do is turn on SCI-Fi and USA and they are up and running all day and all night long

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