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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Ok, if this were you guys what would you do?

I have been wanting to go to school part time while working as my job obvioulsy isnt going well. My biggest regret in life so far has been going to work there and not going to school even though I was excepted in during high school.

Anyway I talk to a forman tonight. Basically wanting to know if there was a possiblity to work straight 3-11 when we go down a line. If I go to school I can not work days as that is when I would take my classes. . I could take them at night, however it would be easier on me and more motivation for me to get up in the morning if it were school and not work.

THe forman can not garantee me anything. She said if we go down before lay off I will be farmed out, in that case it is out of her hands. But if not then yes it would be no problem to work my needed shift.

She said if I get farmed out the best she could do is to put a recommendation in that I get on a 2 shift rotation allowing me to go to school still.

So my delima. Do I go ahead apply, and if I get in do the neccessary steps including money, but should I not beable to go I will lose the money that is invested.

Or do I not apply until next summer?

I really really wanna go, even thou im scared to death and not sure I can really afford it. I almost am leaning towards applying and if I lose the money it will suck as I cant really afford to do that either. But not sure I wanna lose my chance.

Somebody decide for me please!!!

I don't know all the particulars in your case very well, but can't you get some money help as a non traditional student? Aren't there programs to help you get into school and stay? If I were you I would research that a little, I believe there are many programs out there that will give you some free money. That would get you going. You may qualify for a "change of life" grant or something like that. I can't help you make a decision, except if this job falls through, surely there is a more school friendly one? Sometimes you can even work for the school and get paid a real check, that is how I worked my way through college. I don't know if that helped, but I think school is definately a good answer. I just don't know the HOW. You have to decide that on your own. Best wishes.
That is one of those things you have to decide for yourself. Sorry! I don't, however, see how you will be able to work nights and go to college during the day and be at your best to do your best at school. Your brain will be telling you to sleep. Been there done that. Everyone has a different priority list for them selves. I had two wee ones and was working when I went to college. I took all of my generals first so I could handle being a mom and working. That was the best thing FOR ME to do at that time. When it came time for my clinicals I had to find other employment because I could not get the hours I needed to finish college education. Life will work itself out. Just don't drown yourself in the process. My youngest, just turned 22, works 4 ten hour days a week and is starting schooling. Some of his classes are online so that helps him.

Good luck, Ashley, you can do anything you set your mind to. Just sit down and make a plan. One that is reasonable to live with and it will make it easier.


For now, that I don't know what direction you want to go, I suggest you take one class your first quarter and only one. That course should be your school's version of college survival skills. It will not only be the best money you ever spend on tuition, it can be used as an elective, and teach you what you must know to make the most of the time you spend in school. Even if you had a similar version of it in HS it is nothing like what you will need as you progress in your upper level courses. Anyone can be a freshman wonder without it but most start losing steam the second year from the frustration after the initial motivation wears off. Plus it introduces you to what to expect with the learning routine and how it will affect your personal life, job, etc. and you won't be losing a huge chunk of money if you find college is not for you or your job situation ends up preventing it.

The course teaches you how to organize your time, the best learning styles for you to use, how to take notes that are effective, etc. You will have close to three months to investigate what type of program will fit you best whether that be a bachelors degree, a career training program, or even a certificate program that focuses on getting you up and running in a new career without a long-term commitment.

I can't begin to stress how important a class like this is to your future success in college and it was the only way I was able to graduate with a 3.86 GPA while I worked raised a family and maintained a household--and I was in my mid 30s to boot!

Good luck and please tell us what what you'd like to study and what your aspirations are after you graduate.
I wouldnt really be working nights and school during they days. I would be doing school during the day and working 3-11. I wont be takeing but a couple classes at a time anyway.
I congratulate you are trying to go back to school. I always planned to go back but didn't and boy am I sorry now that I slipped through the cracks. In your case I don't know what to say because I don't think you would be a very good student if you were under the stress of loosing your job status.

Can you look into maybe some government type jobs that will pay you to go to school?
They are eliminateing my job next year anyway.

I cant afford not to work the my job and go to school at the sametime. The only way possible is to move back home, and im NOT doing that.

I do still have bills that I need to pay and place to keep up while going to school.
Ashely, I would talk to a counselor or financial aid officer at the school you are planning on attending. They should be alot of help with financial information that may ease your mind. Between grants and student loans maybe you could work part time and devote more time to your studies. What kind of classes are you thinking about?


p.s. i have a friend in her late 40s that just went back to school a year ago for nursing. she is working part time and doing school part time. she often spends 4-6 hours a day easily studying. luckily her work is helping her flex her part time hours in a warehouse. it CAN be done and i give anyone doing it LOTS of credit!
Ashley I cannot help you make the decision but I thoroughly commend you for taking this step. If there is any way you can get this worked out you should go for it. Go and see someone about financial aid- no time for pride- you take what you are entitled to- so many others who have not your work ethic do it anyway.
Thanks Rabbit. At least someone has something positive to say.

If I went I wouldnt be starting until Jan 9th. Pending I get in, which shouldnt be a problem as I got in when I was back in high school.

I would be going for Criminal Justic. From there not sure. I have always wanted to be a cop or a social worker.
Ashley said:
Thanks Rabbit.  At least someone has something positive to say.


Ya know Ashley that ticks me off, why does anyone bother to reply to you at all with an attitude like that. Plenty of people offered you ideas and encouragement but I guess you can't see it.

I just won't waste my time anymore.
Ashley --

I want to encourage you to go for the school. But, I don't want to influence you to do anything that would jeopardize you keeping a roof over your head, either!

I also feel you should talk to the school and see what kind of financial aid is available. You deserve it and it's people who work hard and try hard like you that can really turn that kind of help into many, many times over the amount of financial help you could probably get.

My fingers are crossed!

Don't know how much help I will be but...........

My biggest regret in life so far has been going to work there and not going to school even though I was excepted in during high school.
My biggest and pretty much only regret in life is that when I had the opportunity to go to college on a track & field scholarship and chose not too. Four years seemed overwhelming at the time (age 18), even with a scholarship I was afraid I wouldn't be able to swing things financially because my family couldn't help at all, I was afraid of the classes and the schoolwork being too hard and I was afraid of letting the college down if I didn't do as well as they expected me to in cross country and track.

SO........I didn't do it and I will always wonder if I could have. The only good thing that came of it is every time I've wanted to do something since then I've remembered that regret and I've decided to go for it and not worry about all the "what ifs".

I did complete a one year travel and business school and take a few college courses but I still don't have that BA degree. I am very lucky in that I am good in sales and marketing and have held some good paying jobs over the years in a field where a diploma is not as important.

You are also working a job that pays well but isn't mentally challenging or personally fulfilling and knowing you, the fields you have an interest in would suit you more and you would be happier.

Going back to school now is a good idea, it doesn't get easier to consider as you get older and more settled and have more bills to pay. It is just a matter of figuring out exactly how to go about it. Have a plan first.....maybe do an informational interview at the police academy here in the cities or with a social service agency. You don't want to waste time and money taking courses you don't need or going to school somewhere that isn't quite right. You may also find options in those fields that don't require as much schooling as you think or that only require an associates degree or a one year specialized diploma. Also look into every financial aid should qualify for a variety of grants, scholarships, student loans or work study programs. You probably pay a lot in taxes, being young and single and don't forget the tax breaks you will get if you can claim yourself a full-time student.

you could consider taking some online courses, but need to be sure it is from one of the few reputable legit colleges out there that offer them.....I know U of M has quite a lot of distance learning courses that all count as regular college credit, you just need to be motivated to do it on your own. I've got a single friend with two young children that is working nearly full-time at a medical clinic as a medical assistant and is taking online courses full-time. something in the nursing/medical field, but I can't remember exactly what. It is stressful and her days are full, but her hours at the clinic vary so she can go online when it works for her and do her homework. Her instructors check in with her on a regular basis and she has homework and papers and tests just like a normal class. She is on a VERY tight budget but got financial aid and student loans that are very low interest and she doesn't have to start paying back until she has been graduated six months, I think.
I went back to school after some time off to work F/T and until I knew what it was I wanted to go back for. It was hard but I was determined and I started off the first two years working and taking classes as I had bills to pay and mouths to feed as well. F/T schooling entailed 8-12pm everyday and working F/T from 12:30-9pm or so at night (the mouths to feed were not of the human variety). I also took a class or two in the summer to speed things along. Doesn't leave alot of time to study but it worked. I think you are on the right track and am a big advocate of going to college for something you are interested in and making it work. There are lots of grants and loans available out there. Talking to the financial aid office and counselors at the school was a good suggestion. Lay out a goal and stick with it. Good luck!
Trig- I dont consider everybody saying to get a part time job and go to school a positive thing.

I am doing this on my own, no help from anybody. I big reason I didnt go right out of high school is I couldnt afford it and some other issues im ready to work through.

YOu dont know me that well. Anybody that knows me can tell you I am a very hard worker. If there is something I want and its in reach of getting, I will get it. I dont give up easy when its something that matters.

I dont think takeing 2-3 class a semester and working full time will be that hard honestly.

If I do this I will be giveing up my dog and selling down to 2 or 3 horses. IM not a typical 21 year old that goes out and partys all the time. I am pretty much a homebody and am home as much as possible.
Ashley, I did work full time. I had children to raise and that meant keeping my full time position a must. That is how I knew how hard it is working nights and going to school. I also had full time hours at school by taking extra classes just did not drown myself with the extra demands of nursing clinicals as well. And what I did not put on here was that I worked two jobs for two years and put back money so I could pay for it by myself. And we lived by ourselves and I payed 100% of everything. I worked night shift went to school in the days and took care of my children and gave them the rest of me after school. I did not say for you to get a part time job. I was always a hard worker and instilled it to my children that if you don't work hard you don't get nice things. My son works 4 ten hour days a week, that is full time. He lives on his own and is paying 100% of his education also. There are a lot of hard workers out there and I do applaud you for being one. But you aren't the only one out there. And I also wished you luck and told you that you can do anything you set your mind to. I don't know about you, but to me that was being supportive.

God bless

Can your foreman gaurantee you any shift? Day or even graveyard (even though this shift sucks). Or would the same apply. If she could gaurantee you day or graveyard, you could always take night classes. I worked full time graveyard and went to school full time in the day, it was tough, but I did it. I even had a part-time job on the weekends working a day shift sat and sun. - I was beat, but I did it. Had I not went to school, I would be no where today. You've got to get yourself out of that factory (they give you nothing but ulcers and trouble), and the only way to do it is to go back to school. I know you don't want to move back in w/parents (especially since you've been on your own), but I think you should. Now - here is what I would do - this is just my opinion and it would be hard. Go back home, go to school full time (get gaurantee student loans that you don't have to payback until you finish school) full time somewhere else - somewhere not so hectic so you can concentrate on school or even just work part time if you can afford. If you don't do it now and you keep putting it off, you'll never go.

Moving back in w/your parents is really going to be tough, but you are not going to be there a whole lot because you are going to be busy. I wish you the best of luck and want to see you get the heck out of that factory!
No they cant promise me any shift. HOwever I know I can always find somebody to take my days thats why I figured I would go to school then.

There is no way for my own health and sanity that I will move back home. Besided, leaveing this job means I loose all insurance. I couldnt afford paying $300 a month extra just for that, plus I would have to pay rent at home anyway.

2 more years with the company then I am vested so I figure if I can handle school and working there that long it would be best. Also if I quit to go to school, should I ever want to ,they will hire me back. BUt if I just quit I wouldnt ever be able to go back.
I hesitate to reply because, of course, such a decision is going to make a big change in your life and only you can decide the best road for yourself. That said I think there is nothing more valuable than an education. Even more important is to study in a subject you love, we all spend more hours of our lives working than any other single thing...I can speak from experiance in saying having a job you love makes all the differance in your life so educate yourself in a field you are interested in with a specific career in mind. May take time and giving up other things and eating a lot of Ramen noodles and Mac and Cheese but well worth the cost.

Go for the education even if it means changing jobs.
I don't know you so can only advise what I would do.

I went to school full time and worked full time and did very well at school, I graduated with honors. I do better under pressure.

I would take the bull by the horns and go for it!! Like I say I can only tell you what I would do!

You can do it, you may struggle, it may get tough but you will be able to do it!

Where I live there is always some type of work, I waitressed all through school and the biggest motivation to keep going was rude customers who made you feel less than!!

I would think "Yeah, you just keep talking pal. I am smarter than you!!

I don't even use my degree now, I majored in Economics, I am home with my kids but I am so glad I completed it. It gave me great confidence and no one can take it away from you. I worked hard and I have something to show for it.

For me failure is never an option, so once I commit I am too proud not to make it work
I think you sound like you would be very capble of getting it all done.

Good Luck in your decision!

Just as a warning I am a very spontaneous person and am rarely cautious, keep this in mind when you read my advice

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