I recently was given the opportunity to help some animals. It felt to good to help in my heart, it prompted this little poem.
If I could have a wish
I'd wish for a million acres
and at the public livestock auctions
there would be no mean takers
And all the horses
and donkeys and mules
would be on this land
where nothing is cruel
There would be a open barn
for shelter from the cold and rain
and a clean flowing stream
flowing through this land again and again
There would be beautiful grass
to graze on all day
and in the winter
it would be bailed into hay
and all these animals
would never go without
the attention they deserve
and love would never be in doubt
All the people would be gentle
and would never raise a mean hand
no not on my million acres
there would be nothing horrible on this land
No whips allowed
no chains at all
nothing to hurt
and no one locked up in a filthy stall
and when another poor animal
needed a place to stay
abandoned or starved
we would say "come this way"
and no animal would ever be turned down
there would always be room
no one saying "go away we are full up"
there would be no doom
and if you needed medicine
there would be a great supply
for anything that hurts you
your legs, your back, your eyes
Now that's a mighty big wish I have
If I could fufill it I would
but if every one just helped a little with what they had
and shared whatever they could
It would be better than having nothing to offer
and saying "no, don't bother me"
maybe you have a little place you can spare
with a little fence somewhere under a tree
And it wouldn't take so much
if people would just open their hearts
and make room for some helpless creature
and try to give him a new start
It's not that much more to spare a bit
just a handful of grain sometimes will do
and a bucket of clean fresh water to drink
and a shelter or a tiny lean-tu
But if you sit back and let others do it all
and turn your back on helping out
there will too many animals that won't be saved
and too many left in doubt
So the next time you get a chance
to help an animal in need
think twice before you ignore it all
it will lift your heart to do a good deed
Marty Garrison
If I could have a wish
I'd wish for a million acres
and at the public livestock auctions
there would be no mean takers
And all the horses
and donkeys and mules
would be on this land
where nothing is cruel
There would be a open barn
for shelter from the cold and rain
and a clean flowing stream
flowing through this land again and again
There would be beautiful grass
to graze on all day
and in the winter
it would be bailed into hay
and all these animals
would never go without
the attention they deserve
and love would never be in doubt
All the people would be gentle
and would never raise a mean hand
no not on my million acres
there would be nothing horrible on this land
No whips allowed
no chains at all
nothing to hurt
and no one locked up in a filthy stall
and when another poor animal
needed a place to stay
abandoned or starved
we would say "come this way"
and no animal would ever be turned down
there would always be room
no one saying "go away we are full up"
there would be no doom
and if you needed medicine
there would be a great supply
for anything that hurts you
your legs, your back, your eyes
Now that's a mighty big wish I have
If I could fufill it I would
but if every one just helped a little with what they had
and shared whatever they could
It would be better than having nothing to offer
and saying "no, don't bother me"
maybe you have a little place you can spare
with a little fence somewhere under a tree
And it wouldn't take so much
if people would just open their hearts
and make room for some helpless creature
and try to give him a new start
It's not that much more to spare a bit
just a handful of grain sometimes will do
and a bucket of clean fresh water to drink
and a shelter or a tiny lean-tu
But if you sit back and let others do it all
and turn your back on helping out
there will too many animals that won't be saved
and too many left in doubt
So the next time you get a chance
to help an animal in need
think twice before you ignore it all
it will lift your heart to do a good deed
Marty Garrison