Marty ~ Jerry ~ Dan

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Your family is still very much in our minds and prayers. I know we've never met but I've been thinking of you alot and just wanted to let you know that you are being thought of. I still have a candle lit for your family.
I was just thinking the same thing. I know we seem to have let you go for a while, but it is not because you are not still on our minds and in our prayers. When you are ready to talk, we are here. If you want to be silent, we are still here. Just put one foot in front of the other ,slowly if you must, one step at a time.
They are on my mind too. I wanted to call her today as the last time I called they were not home or answering the phone, but I think I am just too emotional today to do anyone any good. So many young lives lost is making me stop and take extra time with my kids. I laid down with each of them tonight and just studied their faces while we talked and giggled and I thanked God for this time with them. I can't imagine the grief Marty, Jerry and Dan are going through. I don't want to imagine it. Marty, Jerry and Dan, please know your son and brother is on my mind everyday. I sit here now with tears in my eyes again. And again, I stress the importance of not forgetting this family on those anniversaries that are coming. Today is an anniversary of sorts for a loss of mine and it still hurts deeply. This pain will never leave them although it will lessen over time, and a part of their heart will always be missing. My prayers to you.
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This is Dan

and thank you all a lot for what you do for us. I am learning my way around the LBforum a little bit and today I posted over there on the youth forum. Mom said I could just one time if I watch my mouth.I've been on and off watching the things on here for a while now but I don't do horses, I just put up with it all. I do cars. Mom won't be able to talk here because of the medicine the doc put her on to keep her mellow and when she doesn't take it, it's not good believe me!!!!! I don't know when she will be back but thanks a lot for everything you guys do here for us. We can't believe it!!!!!!!!All she does is right poems to Michael like sending him messages it's all messed up.

You are all good people!!!!!
Thank you for posting Dan, to let us know you are around and for the quick update on your mom. Everyone handles their grief differently and it sounds like your mom needs to write these poems because that is her way of expressing her grief. I know I used to talk to my loved one and write poems myself, just waiting for a sign from him. Your mom will come around again and be able to be there for you. I know this is such a hard time for you too, losing a brother you are so close to. I can't fathom the pain you must be going through and hope you have the support of your family and friends by your side and want you to know we are all thinking of you.
I couldn't sleep tonight so I got up and came to check out the forum...I saw your post and was so glad to have heard from you Dan. Its a long hard road honey...but your Mom will be back,,,it may just take awhile for it all to be better. You just make sure you take care of yourself...and remember you are so loved by both your Mom and Dad. and thought about and loved by so many people...If you ever need help with anything please email someone whether it be me or anyone else...there will always be a hand or a shoulder to lean on ...
Sweetie, hang in there we are all rooting for you.

We are keeping you, your Dad and Mom in our prayers all the time.

There is not one moment of your day or night when someone is not thinking of you

Thanks for posting - I know it's hard. Just want you and your mom and dad to know I'm still thinking about you all. It'll be a long hard road, but things will get better. Hope you'll come back here often.

Thanks for posting Dan!!

We'll definitely tell your mom you behaved yourself when she comes back on. Just want you to know you're thought of often.
Oh Dan, you have so many "aunties" here who love and care for you. I know it hurts alot not to have "your mom" at this time but given time you'll have her back loving you more than ever. If you need any of us privately click on the PM button you see at the bottom of each box under our names. We are SO here for you no matter, day or nite. Warm hugs from another mom who loves you. Debs
I sure could use a Marty post.
Me too...I wake up at night thinking about them...I have a care package ready to go in hopes it will make them smile - if even for a moment

Thanks for the update Dan - take care...
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Hey Dan, add me to the list of folks that is thinking about you and your family all the time. We sure haven't forgotten about you!! I lost my first husband in 1995 in a canoeing accident, I know how hard it is at first but it gets a little easier over time. Just remember all the wonderful times you had with your brother and all the great laughs!!! Hug your Mom lots and your Dad too, and we would love it if you keep coming back and updating us on how you are all doing.

Dan, I'm glad you checked in with us. Your mom will come around, just give her some time.
:saludando: There are so many people that care for your family. You are a special young son. Your Moms writings are always a joy to read. Please give Mom a hug and tell her Mary Lou from Florida (Seven Acres Board) sends her love.
Dan I'm so glad mom let you post with an update. We still have a candle lit for your family most every night. Things are bound to be all messed up right now but with her doctors help mom will come back to you in time. As for you and cars all of us here can understand that for sure I have two grandsons both 13 who run mini stocks at a local track so if you'd like to talk cars with an old lady feel free to PM me or Scoopie Doo on this forum cars we know maybe even better than horses. I also sent you my e-mail in moms letter. Stay safe and know there are many many people who are here to help lift you up when things seem so messed up. ((((HUGS))) for you and mom and dad.
You sound just like my son who's almost 17. He does what he HAS to with the horses, but really hates it. He got lucky, you might say, and landed a job at a car dealership bodyshop for the summer. Unfortunately all he is doing is sanding a fleet of schoolbuses. But he hasn't complained yet. This was his first week.

You'll be OK You have your whole exciting life before you and you've got a whole lot of people pulling for you. Plus, you're a real cutie, and that face can take you places. You also sound like you have a great personality. Keep posting updates on what you guys are doing and how things are going. Even small steps to recovery are worth celebrating. And don't feel guilty when you smile. We are thinking of you everyday!
Hi Dan! So glad you posted with an update! Things will get better, so hang in there. Give your mom and dad lots of's good for all of you. I'm so sorry you lost your brother; I can't even imagine what that feels like. As for the car thing........well, this is the "back porch" so car talk and pictures are allowed! :bgrin
Hi Dan.

Thanks so much for your post. There's not much I can add here that hasn't already been said, but I'm another one who has not stopped thinking of you and your parents. Your mom has often said that she thinks of me as her "soul mate". Please be sure to tell her I love her and think of her all the time.

I have three older brothers and can't imagine what you're going through in losing yours. I just hope it helps you to know that there are soooo many people loving YOU, thinking of YOU, and praying for YOU all the time.

Be in touch when you can.
Dan, thank you so much for posting. I am sure this is very hard on you too, we just all handle grief in a differant way and things will get better with your Mom. In the meantime if you need any of us you just let us know, thru a pm, we are all there for you. You give your Mom a great big (((HUG))) from ALL OF US on the forum, and tell her that we miss her very much. Corinne
Hi Dan, Thanks for the update.

Reble from Ontario, just tell Marty her long distance card is still waiting for a call. When she is ready to talk.

Bless you and take care of yourself.

I know with being medicated, it will help her sleep. I know when my father past away, very

long time ago, still miss him dearly, the doctor had me medicated for at least a month.

I slept, and slept and slept. Could not handle life at that time.

One day my higher power helped me get through a few hours at a time without being medicated.

: are still coming your way for you and your Family

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