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So do mine, and that's why I say to avoid it! *LOL* I love the look of brass, it beats stainless steel aesthetically hands-down when all shiny and sparkling, but I never thought I'd miss the days when all I had to polish was the endless silver on my western show saddle.
I spend SIX HOURS polishing all those little tiny brass buckles for each CDE and I can't even do it a day in advance because if I do it's tarnished again by the morning of the show.
At least silver stayed shiny for awhile! And it didn't turn green when it got dirty and leave green stains on my horse.

For shows, yes, I tend to recommend brass. But I know a number of people who have surrendered the brass once they got out of the show ring (or for that matter, before) and gone stainless and I am SO JEALOUS of how quickly they can clean their harnesses! It's sickening.
If I had anything other than a flaming red horse who really needs a gold-tone harness, I'd switch to stainless in a heartbeat and never look back. I would never have ordered my Camptown marathon harness in brass in the first place except that I'd already bought the Freedom Collar to match my brass Carriage Harness and I didn't want to buy a second one.

Does anyone have a trick to keep brass shiny longer?? I can't understand why they can make brass doorknobs that never need polishing these days but can't do it for harness....

Does anyone have a trick to keep brass shiny longer?? I can't understand why they can make brass doorknobs that never need polishing these days but can't do it for harness....

I think there is a spray that you can use that coats it, I would check at Home Depot or Lowes. Kathy
They make coatings for brass doorknobs and hardware that prevents tarnish (Home Depot has a display showing the difference) -- why can't they do this for harness brass?
For brass fittings -

Many brass items such as doorknobs and fixtures are coated with laquer which protects the shine for a long time. For harness buckles and hardware which are not coated, after it is cleaned and rubbed to a shine, coat it with clear nail polish which will protect it for quite a while.

If it starts to dull, use NON ACETONE nail polish remover to get it off in order to start again.

This saves a lot of polishing time later if the brass is kept protected.

Brass coated in this manner can easily be cleaned with a damp cloth.

One thing to keep in mind when selecting the metal for your harness is that if you intend to show (or might want to one day) it should match the metal on your cart. I am a big fan of brass for any colour of horse as it is the most traditional and looks so elegant, silver is for draft parade harness

I love Ozark's harness! It is about the best value for your dollar of any harness I have seen or used. Every one I have bought myself or fitted for a client has fitted without having to exchange a single part. I have recommended them many times and not had a single disappointment.

As for a bit for your horse that will all depend on the horse himself. On a whole Minis tend to have a very shallow palate and a jointed snaffle is not necessarily the best choice. There isn't a great deal of room in their mouth so you usually need a relatively thin bit to allow them to close their mouth comfortably. Be aware that it seems that a lot of Mini bits are pony bits that have been cut down to size and welded back together giving them a rather lumpy mouthpiece. Look for a bit that is smooth and comfortable with well made cheeks whether you use eggbutt or loosering. You may have to try out several different mouths until you find one that your horse likes. I have found that a well made mullen is a good place to start.
Oh m'God- I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
Why in h-e-double-hockey-sticks didn't I ask about this sooner?!

I'd heard that car paste wax would delay tarnishing too and had bought some but not applied it yet. I may try the nail polish on all the small buckles and the wax on the big easy parts just to see. Again, I love you guys!!

(Sorry for stealing your thread, Flicker.

If you are going to be strictly correct, brass goes with brown harness, and "silver" metal goes with black harness.

I don't mind either, and sitting on the floor surrounded by bits and pieces of harness, and "Brasso" cleaning wadding is all part of the "fun" of showing!!!

Biological washing powder cleans brass really well, but don't use it on a bit!!

The only trouble with nail polish is getting the stuff off if you need to, and getting it on evenly (it's clear, remember!!) in the first place, I've never used it after a few disasters, and I have toyed with the idea of a spray lacquer- you would have to mask off the leather fairly well- if I were going for a lacquer this is the way I would go, I think.
I would think that one of our wise tack retailers would ask their harness-markers to do this and get an edge on the market. It would be much easier to do before the harness is assembled.
Jane, you make an interesting distinction...over here, it is stated that it is correct to use 'brown'(russet) harness with a natural wood(that is, NOT painted) vehicle, when it has 'brown(russet) 'appointments'-i.e., shaft wraps, trace holder loops on the shafts, etc.-and that black harness is appropriate with a painted vehicle OR when a natural wood vehicle has black appointments...AND,as already noted, that the metal of the harness should 'match' the metal appointments of the vehicle--shaft tips, rein rail, etc....for showing. I've never seen anything that mentions what 'color' of metal (brass VS 'white' metal, like chrome OR stainless) is correct for what color of harness. (This would be in ADS, and as far as I know, for LIGHT horses; not sure if there are any such 'rules' for Drafts?) So, probably, just a difference in 'locational' tradition and practice?

BTW, I agree that brass is 'prettier'; but I LOVE my harnesses with chrome/stainless! I ordered my latest cart, the Missouri Flyer, w/ chrome trim, also(on this particular cart, it would be very simple to 'change out' the metal appointments--rein rail, and whip holder--so if I 'wanted' to use my one remaining single 'show' harness, a black leather Smuckers 'Pleasure' harness w/ brass appointments, with it, I easily could. Odds are, though, I'd just 'take the hit' in Presentation, and 'go with' things as they are!

If I were recommending an 'everyday' harness, it would be one with white metal; that said, in a very HUMID environment, I might ask for(and pay extra for; all-stainless appointments, IF you could get them on an inexpensive harness?, WOULD, I believe, cost MORE ...)Many 'better, and therefore, pricier, harnesses, will 'automatically' have all or mostly all, stainless fittings, I *think*--and yes, in the breed show ring, you may well 'do' better with brass harness fittings, in many judges' eyes...? FWIW.


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