Little Church Minis last foal (new photos page 2--check eye color, please)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2008
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Finger Lakes, New York
Chloe was oh so ready last night--April 30th. When I checked her after school, I was 90% sure she'd foal that night. Kennedy came after school from 5:30-11:30 to hang out with me, but we'd agreed with her mom that Mark would take her home at 11:30 if nothing was happening. Kennedy worked in front of the Chloe show on TV while she finished a project for Spanish.
But 11:30 came and Chloe was not giving us any reason to beg Kennedy's parents for more time. Kennedy was sleepy and had school the next day. We were bummed there was no action, but I still felt confident she'd go later that night. When I checked Chloe again at 11:30--while Kennedy was headed out the driveway, I saw her bag was tighter than ever, and she had waxed. Vulva was as loose as it can get and was deep red inside. I knew I'd be calling Kennedy back soon.
Chloe kept laying close to the front of her stall--half off camera, but as soon as I thought she'd had a contraction, I made the call, about 1:30) and yelled upstairs to Mark. But when I slipped into the barn, Chloe was standing with her head over her stall door, seeming to think it was time for a treat. Oh no. I had just roused Kennedy and her dad out of bed for a false alarm?
I left the barn lights off and backed away slowly. And waited out of sight. Within 5 min Chloe was back to getting contractions started, and I knew the phone call and Chloe's delay would result in Kennedy and her dad could witnessing the entire foaling. Perfect.

Chloe's always had peanuts--Blessing and Claire are about 30", but as soon as this foal's head was out--I knew it had to be a colt. It looked boyish--nothing feminine about this head--compared to the delicate features of Mazie.
Chloe was too close to the stall wall, so I had to help a bit. The sac seemed especially thick; as always, just so glad I was there.

Tucker nursed right away with no complications, and after two enemas worked out his meconium. I stayed in the barn until 5:30 AM waiting for him to pee.
I finally had to give in and come inside, but thankfully saw he had that function mastered soon after. I'm not used to these boy parts!

So, here's the last foal for Little Church Minis for some time, and our first colt. From two foals in 2005, 2007, and 2009, we've had five healthy fillies and one strapping colt. Jazz sired the last four, he makes nice babies.
No more babies, and I'm fine with that. So many wonder how I can stay up most the night and teach all day, but I explain that I got the mares into this situation, and I am committed to seeing them through. It's that simple. But, to foal out the way I insist on doing it is too stressful while working, even with my dad's help. I'll be forever grateful for the awesome three years experience of welcoming foals into the world in uncomplicated fashion. I've learned so much! But now I move on to other horse activities. The activities director of Quail Summit called today- about a field trip for my students to their facility (I didn't go into work today--we talked from home
) and she can't wait to share the Tucker news with the residents. They will be coming out in July for their third annual visit. It's always a great year when there are foals to share.

Little Church Minis is refocusing, and that's a good thing.

So--here he is, Little Churchs Time for a Tucker. Most the photos were taken by Kennedy's dad, Peter. Color is buckskin? And how about that dorsal--it will stay? I always thought Chloe carried the dun gene.

Tight fit with the wall!






I took these this morning.




Oh--here's how Kennedy spent some of the hours, waiting for her turn to meet Tucker.
(photos by Peter)

I'm thinking Miss Mazie is going to be my therapy horse--the one I can toss in the van and take to Quail Summit for visits!



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Hello Mr Tucker!

Welcome to the world. He looks great Karla

Thanks so much for sharing all these great pix!

Kennedy is a lucky girl to have the job of foal snuggler

What wonderful pictures!!!!!! I LOVE that 5th one down of the baby reaching for the mom
Made me feel like I was right there in the moment. Such a pretty baby too! Love the color!
Congratulations! How wonderful for Kennedy that she has someone like you to let her experience all of this

He is SO So beautiful!

Maybe after you retire someday you will be ready for a couple more foals :)

Susan O.
:wub Congratulations!!! He is gorgeous!!! My first thought was silver but with the dorsal I'm thinking grullo too! Or maybe smutty buckskin!
Beautiful mare and baby! Congrats on a lovely, healthy pair Karla!!!!!

"Little Churchs Time for a Tucker" is perfection and a great way to commemorate Daddy, Jazz!

I LOVE his dorsal stripe and it is so distinct that I think there is a good chance he will keep it.

It was great looking at the progression of birth - through your pictures - I felt like I was right there with you!

Thanks for sharing your little man with all of us! I'm glad you will now be able to get some sleep, it will be nice having the weekend to bond.

The pictures of Kennedy and Mazie are precious!
Ah Karla, I am pleased for you. Wonderful pics and a perfect ending to a new beginning.
Congratulations, Karla and I love that name!!!

For his color, I think he my be grullo but I think also greying. The reason I think so is with that dark dorsal, I don't think that is "just" counter shading and DunIT is grullo but born w/o the darker head that dun factor usually produces, and Passion his daughter is grulla and also born w/o the darker head that dun produces -- they both greyed but they didn't have goggles right at first. EITHER way, grullo or grey, they're awesome colors in my book.

I'm happy you got two geldings now. Some days if I had a magic wand, I think I'd make it so I just had geldings to be honest. They are the most fun and the ones I get the most attached to. Plus, you will love seeing Tucker and Jazz playing together, etc., as time goes by. I think the daddies know even as the horse becomes an adult. Derby and his son, Skipper, both geldings, are very bonded.
Congratulations Karla!! He's a love, very refined and handsome.
I get the feeling I'm missing something with the name- can you let me in on the joke?
Those photos of Kennedy and the girls are just darling. Send them in to the Showcase!

congrats! finally a colt! woohooo. Hes so cute! Glad you had such a great foaling season and now you can rest

Welcome, Tucker! I love that name, too, Karla. Beautiful pictures and lovely telling of the story. What a nice gift to have that colt, finally, that you've been wanting
Thanks for your kind words, everyone.

hobbyhorse--I just thought it was "Time for a Tucker" because there'd been a Blessing, Whisper, Claire, Rosie, and Mazie... so it was just time for a boy. Time for a Tucker.

He's so sturdy! It's like he was born 2 months old.
But when he's learning to give in to pressure as I hold him for touches/cord dipping--he melts right away. His eyes seem blue--I've never seen foal eyes his color. Please tell me what you think from the photos.

Here are more pictures from his first jaunt out last night. He'll go out today, too, but I want the dew off the grass so he doesn't get shivery when he naps.
default_rolleyes.gif really have to be careful to ask me for too many more pictures...Kennedy's dad took 350 the night he was born. They tell the story. He felt it was a nice idea since it was the last foal.
I narrowed it down to about 120. I've taken more since. I like my camera--and new subjects.
I can post pictures of this boy for a long long time.....





This is Jazz look.


So--what's the story on his eyes?
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