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My hubby helps me by getting the hay done and put in the barn. He then puts a bale in the ring when I need him to. He is the reason I have a barn with water and electricity. He goes with me on horse camping trips even though he doesn't ride. He rides in the cart with me sometimes and has helped the vet with a horse when I couldn't get home. Bought me a new saddle just because I wanted it.

He mows the pastures for me and in general will fix (or hire someone to fix) whatever I need fixing. He is my champion!
Or maybe I should say my knight in shining armor without the horse, those are mine.
My hubby likes to complain about horses. But he does the little things. Bought me no more flats at the tire store a couple weeks ago becuase he saw them on clearance and decided I need them (which I do becuase the inner tube with goop can only go so far). Then today, it was like 2 degrees outside with the wind whill. He went out and fed and watered everyone. I didn't want to go out as I was too wimpy to venture out there.
He also bought me a shetland show halter for Christmas even though he threatened he wasn't going to get me any horse stuff. He knew that was what I truely wanted.
My husband helps out so much during show season. If my dad can't drive my mom and I to a show, he makes sure we get there. He preps everyone, stands outside the ring with the next mini for my mom or me if needed, takes pictures, and subs for me if can't show (only had to do this once after I pulled a back muscle).
Hus doesn't do my daily horse chores in the barn but:

He mows because I will wreck the mower

He builds because I will saw my arm off

He sets the fence posts because I will wreck the post hole digger

He plows up the manure pile because I will wreck the tractor

He hauls hay because I will wreck the truck and trailer

He hauls the horses because I will wreck the truck and trailer doing that too

He thinks I'm accident prone
My hubby loves the horses as much as I do.

Got into minis to be our hobby for our retirement.

He fills the water buckets in the winter.

Trims the horses when showing.

Trains the horses for the driving classes.

Helps with foaling.

Helps with cleaning the stalls, when we do the full cleaning out.

He is my handy man.

Boy did not realize how much he does.. What a good man.
I don't give my hubby enough praise and support for what he does that I have just grown to expect throught ten years of marriage. He even gets upset with me if I open a door before he can get to it, at a store or on the truck. He claims to have no interest in the horses at all, but he has been building a fence and barn for a year now and buys everything I need. He has been racing a dirt late model car for about three years, but it has been put on hold while he works on building my dreams now. I think he enjoys playing with toys (tractor) more than anything. He is irreplaceable and I love him dearly. Together, we have more horsey friends and shows then he ever had with racing.
You're actually ASKING me to yammer on MORE about Keith? Good...cause I can't say enough about him.

Keith is my love, my buddy, my rock star, and he is the patron saint of all animals and children. One look at Keith and they all know that he will protect them from the world.

You could say I married a fancy man, but that was then. We were both confirmed city dwellers, wildly impractical artists and musicians, staying out late playing gigs and sleeping til noon. How lacking were we in basic skills? We used to hire my sister to mow our lawn...we were too busy with artistic, musical and intellectual pursuits.

Then I discovered gardening...Keith asked me not to work so hard, as I was making him look bad. Hehe...I think his ears were seared by my response...

As they say, life is what happens when you're busy making other plans, and so it goes. For love of gardening, we sold our first house and bought a 1/2 acre in the middle of Portland. In posession of a 1/2 acre, I fell into fulfilling a lifelong dream of owning a horse.

When the opportunity to adopt Mingus came, a logical, realistic person would have said no way.

Keith said "You HAVE to do it."

He went from thinking he was afraid of horses to falling head over heels with first, Mingus, then each horse that found its way into our lives.

You would still never call either one of us "handy" or "practical," but thanks to our horses, Keith has discovered talents and muscles he never knew he had. Due to my health problems, these days Keith does all the heavy lifting, both literally and figuratively, including hauling heavy buckets of water in the wee hours in horrid weather, loading hay, and felling and cutting up trees. Those who knew him in his earlier life are flabbergasted. Whodathunk?

But what I especially love is seeing the true measure of his love for our horses when it is combined with his love of music. He often sits out in the corral (in summer, of course), playing guitar, surrounded by his biggest fans.

One of my absolute lifetime moments is Liberty Class. I am merely the assistant, which allows me to watch my horse and my husband perform to the original music Keith wrote and recorded for Mingus. I have to say, it's very difficult to be a good assistant when your eyes are filling with tears.
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When we bought our first mini, my husband was actually the one who answered the "how many minis do you think you will have eventually?" question with "SIX". I could have jumped up and hugged him right there!!! We only had room for one, and we now have 7. (We hired someone to add to the barn).

Gary has a "real job" while I "work from home" so I do most of the daily feeding, chores, and training. But he helps clean stalls on weekends, hauls water, spreads manure, fixes fence, helps me get hay, and comes to the shows with me. He shows some and has just added driving to his skills. When he thinks I'm not looking, he will be out in the barn scratching or hugging one of the minis. Ours is a real partnership; I am very blessed.
When I had my minis, my husband was supportive to the point where he built me barn, pasture, etc (He whined the whole time)...bought me a trailer and made dividers (whined the whole time on how we were ruining the beautiful cargo trailer) and things like that. I will be the first to say, he didn't like any of it one bit, but for me, he did it and only whined. He rarely volunteered to help me in the barn, but he only whined minimal when I requested it. When I had to have surgery for internal bleeding after an appendectomy he did all the work (whined the whole time, but he was a trooper).

But I did catch him a couple times kissing one of the minis and when he talked to other non-horsey people about them, I could hear the enthuisasm (sp?) in his voice after he whined about how much work they were.

When I decided to sell, the smile that came on his face was remarkable and it was the first time he didn't whine when it was regarding the horses!

He is still a great man, my best friend and a super husband...but horsey, he is not...I still love him anyhow (even though he is a whiner!)

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