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I like prefereed stock and stetson, but I absolutely LOVE most of the AXE fragrences. My boyfriend uses the bodywash deoderant and sprays and he smels great( but not too strong) all day long. The body spray is a little strong when you first spray it, but it just seems that way becuase there is so much of it in the air. Plus I love the way the apartment smells after he showers LOL
: I think the Touch one is my fav, but there are some new ones this holiday season too. They even have scratch and sniff on the box. (hope nobody gets offended that they can't afford soap
: LOL)
I love Aspen or Drakkar! Can't lose with either of those!


One whiff of Brut and this ol mare prances, tosses her mane, flares her nostrils, flags her tail and winks!

I do Not squat and pee though! :lol:

The original "Tommy" will knock any gals socks who you where it around

and ANY "Perry Ellis" is very nice too
Okay Russ, Rachel, age 16, says to get Axe Touch or Tag. She says use sparingly.
I had to laugh!!! I coach high school cheerleaders and all I hear about is Axe. I get to smell it a lot too, being around the high school and yes it does smell good and it is more of a light body spray. Not a heavy fragrance. I think it is also sort of a unisex neutral thing because I'm told girls are starting to wear it too.

Also.....(according to the varsity cheerleaders) all the hottest most popular high school guys wear Axe.

Target carries it I know, and there is a big variety of different scents and it is pretty inexpensive.

Let us know what you end up getting. I love it when guys smell good (beyond being showered and clean smelling and wearing deodorant) but I can't get my husband to wear anything at all. I've bought him stuff I loved over the years and he never wears it and he runs away when I try to spray him myself. I have to catch him off guard.
You smelled just fine to me last time I saw you Russ! Don't fix what isn't broken. :bgrin But if you have to..........My vote is for the Axe fragrances too. My brother-in-law uses it and I'm planning on buying the hubby some for Christmas.
: Aspen is a long time favorite of mine and I like Chaps too. Not big on Brut - reminds me of the boys in high school who didn't have time to shower between milking and catching the school bus so in my brain it is associated with covering cow odor. LOL
another vote here for just plain clean. i'm one that can't stand perfumes or cologne......makes me gag.

we do use scented soaps here (a friend makes the most fabulous goat milk soaps and they're GREAT for my sensitive skin) and i guess they leave a bit of subtle scent but only if you put your nose right on the skin
Most perfumes and colognes make me ill. My brothers would bathe (it seemed) in Brute and English Leather and I would be so sick from the smell. Young guys and gals think if a little is good then more is better. Sometimes I get near people who are drowning in a sent and I get nauesated. I have to get away from them before I loose my lunch.

But I absolutley LOVE Old Spice, the original. That's what my hubby wears ( my dad did too) and any time I smell it it makes me smile.
mmmm colonge...
: I like Lacosta, although its far from cheep, but it sure smells yummy. And hummer is a good cologne as well
Oh boy! A lot of talk about Axe here and my son is using that now. If you want something the young guys wear (for crying out loud, my son is 10!!!) try Axe but use it sparingly. And I mean sparingly. Try explaining that to a 10 year old!
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Russ you are such a typical guy to be shopping for a new cologne a few days before you need it, :lol: .

You have to try various ones and see how it does with your own personal chemistry. You can buy the nicest scent in the world and it could not work on you at all. Please go to a real department store, arrghhh and not Walmart, and ask someone to help you find the right one for you. Specifically ask them how much to apply because that is the part people always forget and end up reeking rather than smelling good. Yes, it may be expensive, but you don’t have to drown yourself in it—a little goes a long way. If someone can smell you coming and long after you have left, you’ll be the talk of the party. Perhaps in a not-so-good way.
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Well, this is an interesting thread, so I have to throw my 2 cents in here as well. I am 29 and single....infact it had been over six years since I had a date.....pathetic I know.....but thats part of living in a "hick town"!!! LOL! Anyways, one night I saw this commercial on TV for the "Tag" body spray, how it "attracted" women and made you "irresistable" to them. So I thought, I'm gonna try this stuff. I never have really worn cologne because I have migraines, and often times stuff like that triggers them, so just always deoderant, but have had people tell me before that I smell good. So next time I hit Walmart, I looked for it and found it.....4 bucks a can or something, 5 different scents, I thought it was a worth while risk and there was a young gal stocking shelves in the aisle, so I asked her which one she liked the best, and she picked one out.....think it was called first move or something.

So let the experiment begin......I put it on and really liked the smell, and immediately started gettting compliments from the ladies, mostly married women I work with, but hey still positive comments! No lie, the 3rd day I wore this stuff sparks flew between me and another girl from was like she was suddenly attracted to me, we had been working together for six months or so and never had I seen any sparks of interest on her end.......but after we kissed for the first time a week or so later, she told me that the way I smell drives her it luck or what, but after six years without a date or much interest from a lady......3 days of wearing this "Tag" spray had worked for me.

Now I wouldn't recommend the "dating someone from work" thing, because 10 months later we are a little rocky, and work isn't nearly as much fun......and not much fun to fight with your girlfriend at work....looong story and a whole diffferent subject.......but I have 3 varieties of the stuff, and every morning a little spray on the neck, and when I walk by her, I can tell she notices. So maybe there is "something" in the "chemistry" of this stuff that messes with a ladies mind!!! For me it was the $4.00 I ever spent at Walmart........cuz I'm head over heals in love with this girl!

So give it a try.....what the heck, not much of an investment! LOL! I know the Axe wash is pretty hot in the high schools too, but haven't tried that either. Good luck, you never know when you will bump into "miss right" or "miss right now" LOL!!! Just had to share my experience.
horsedude, very interesting...thanks for sharing that info. I went to Kame Apart A.K.A. K-Mart yesterday.....was in a hurry and just sprayed some Tag on to test run it.....not even sure what scent. I thought OK...BRING it on just like the commercial :aktion033: . Strangely enough all I got is a insistant older grandma gal who stocks shelfs asking,,,,,,do you need help finding anything? :new_shocked: NOT KIDDING!

I am still looking for something, not sure what yet.....I like my shower gel "After Hours" Red Zone by Old Spice.....that will have to do for this weekend party. It smells clean with a slight scent

Lewella....thanks for the nice compliment :bgrin (I didn't think anyone noticed at the sale) I try. :bgrin

I thought maybe you got a wiff of the "junior" Breeder of the Year standing near by. :lol: :risa_suelos: Everyone gets us mixed up ya know
My favorites that my husband wears are Lacoste (comes in a red bottle) and D&G (Dolce & Gabbana), which is a lighter scent. He also has Obsession and a bunch of others I can't remember. And way back when I worked at a feed store and this Aussie guy used to come in and he always smelled amazing, so one day I asked him what he was wearing and he said "Quorum." I've never been able to find it, but I'm always looking!

I absolutely can't STAND cheap scents ... Tag, Axe, Polo, Stetson, Brut, Old Spice ... if you can buy it at Walmart, just don't buy it! Actually, one year, when my husband dressed up as trailer trash for Halloween he threw on some Brut to complete the costume. It was so nasty!

To me, an expensive cologne means a man isn't afraid to spend a little money - and I like a man who isn't afraid to spend money on me!
Lewella....thanks for the nice compliment :bgrin (I didn't think anyone noticed at the sale) I try. :bgrin

I thought maybe you got a wiff of the "junior" Breeder of the Year standing near by. :lol: :risa_suelos: Everyone gets us mixed up ya know
:risa_suelos: Nope, he has his own distinct scent. :lol:
My two oldest boys (16 and 19) dont wear much cologne. They do however, use Axe shampoo and body wash, and it gives off just a hint of a scent without being over powering.
:lol: Ok, normally I wouldn't ask this on the internet but I am going to ask your help because I know there is a large group of gals that know their scents :bgrin .

I have a Christmas party this weekend and I'm out of my trusty Wal-Mart "Really Ribbed Abbs" body spray :lol: no laughing :nono: I have my back up Old Spice RED ZONE "Showtime" Body spray scent but I'm sick of it. I used it this show season and frankly it smells like a funeral home . Works great on toning down horse smell though

What type of mens colonge/body spray/ ode to toilette water fragrence do you like on a man?

Serious here, I need some help...I don't shop much and want something different...I do NOT want a strong male escort type(wild and crazy guy) or a fruit scents smell :lol: Something nice/ that any younger guy could wear.....I'm kinda plain...just nothing that says PLAYER type :lol:

I did kinda smell some samples at a mall yesterday. I got a flu shot and was up for anything after that :lol: Man, is this stuff pricey. :new_shocked:

I tried a POLO Black by Ralph might be appropriate for me since .... polo kinda refers to ponies....and I do belong to AMHR ya know.
: Anyways it didn't smell too bad. Way back in high school I think I wore Eternity or maybe that was Brute.....I can't remember.

NO LAUGHING for those who know me. OK....LET IT RIP with your suggestions?
My hubby has worn stetson forever and I still love it..........

My sons have some AXE body spray that sure doesn't attract women like the advertising says...makes me gag and I think it may repel fleas..... :bgrin :bgrin :bgrin :bgrin

however the axe bodywash we use the snake peel variety...yes I said WE it is technically hubby's but I occasionally use it as it smells nice and is very exfoliating.

Of course we aren't high falootin so we don't buy the high priced stuff...................and actually I prefer a little essential oil over ALL colognes try some bergamot oil.................

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