Your Favorite Perfumes or Colonges?

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Spotsy., VA (USA)
We did this awhile ago, but my favorites changed. I thought it would be fun to see what everyone else likes for perfume / colonge / body spray!

My favorites right now are Clinique's Happy and Tea Rose.

It's sort of funny. I only fix my hair and wear makeup (okay, and a bra) if I'm going to the office or off the property. I can spend all weekend without make up, etc., but I always put perfume on after I get out of the shower or bath. So, might look bad but I smell good :eek:

[SIZE=14pt]What are your favorite scents to wear?[/SIZE]
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My favorites? None--I am allergic to perfumes, some worse than others, but all to some extent. Fortunately my boss is even more allergic than I am so perfume & cologne is banned from the office.
Gosh, I can't remember when I last wore perfume...oh brother's wedding last August and just ever so little of it. I adore love and cherish "Ambush" but can't find it any longer. It's a very old one made way back when I was a cosmetics buyer. Now my mother (God love her) reeks of scent and I gag but each to his or her own. I like soft scent, nothing bold. I do love scent on man if it's soft.
Deb --

The other day at my office (my suite is on the top floor), I stepped onto the elevator to go up as someone who apparently bathed in perfume stepped off.

The whole way up, I was praying no one would get on and think it was me reeking of so much perfume!

I like soft, floral types of scents and this was like super stinky stuff the other lady had doused herself in.

My fave perfume on my girlfriend when I was younger (yep, I dated girls in my highschool days
: ) was called Byblos. It's so amazing. I can still remember the scent.
Barnbumm, I can't help you with the hay (I do enjoy that but in my hay barn, not on me) or the crayons, but there are many perfumes based on clove:

Matt, I haven't smelled that perfume, but what you said brought to mind how you can get a wiff of something, and then remember so many things from when you had smelled it before.

I should have asked what cologne's men like! I will amend my original post!!!
I am not into makeup or much else girly but I have to have my scent on every day. I wear Bill Blass, now that the store I got it from closed, I had to get my last one on ebay.
Thanks Jill. I have a couple of faves. My ultimate favourite cologne is by Bulgari called Blu. It's so fresh and original. I also am liking the red Lacoste. I don't wear a lot of cologne (when I do, I spray once and walk through it LOL) but when I do those are the best. Nothing worse than being over-scented
I like 'Lucky You' ..

''Royale' ..i got it at Sears, i cannot explaine what it smells like. It smells like heaven ahhh :bgrin

The Blue calgon body spray, i cannot be without that.

''Curve'' although i cannot wear it anymore bc it reminds me of someone i am trying to forget!

This may sound weird, but i wish Pepi (the show spray for horses) made perfume for people. There is nothing i like better then the smell of Pepi!!!
Elizabeth Taylors' Passion. It used to be Lady Stetson but I guess my body chemistry changed.
I'm a Pink girl by Victoria's Secret, and I love the smell of Cool Water on that special someone
If they made "Crayola Crayon" or "Clove" or "New Hay in the Barn" scents I'd actually wear the stuff. :bgrin
Karla you can do what I do and just buy some clove oil, or other essential oil scents you like.
Two others that I like but am not wearing as often now, in favor of my "new favorites" are Anais-Anais and Sunflowers. I love the way the light, floral type scents make me feel more relaxed.

I'm allergic to most perfumes also. Some are so strong I get very nauseated :smileypuke: very quickly.

Jill if that had been me I would have had to get off and take the stairs. HUFF-PUFF LOL

The ones I like and use (which is rare) are very soft florals.

My hubby uses Old Spice "original" which is about the only man's after shave I can tollerate, or even like. My dad used it too.
Jill if that had been me I would have had to get off and take the stairs. HUFF-PUFF LOL
Well, it is a long way up to my suite :bgrin

There was a worse elevator event that used to happen when I worked at a bank about 15 years ago. An older woman worked there and one of her jobs was to hand deliver the mail around to the employees in the morning. She had HORRIBLE body odor! The gossip was it was a medical problem, and I think that must be so because she always smelled so bad. She was very nice and never looked like she didn't clean herself up, but always reeked so bad. You'd just want to die if you got on the elevator to see she was on as you KNEW she'd get off at the next floor leaving you to ride up dreading someone else getting on. I'd always step off and act like I had business to do on the same floor she got off on. And her odor lingered, too. You'd smell her awhile after she left the elevator (you'd know she'd been on like in the previous half hour).
My very favorite is Carl Lagerfelds's Sun, Moon, Stars, but has been discontinued. Don't wear much anymore because I am afraid the sweet smell will attract more bugs!
My favorite is Adidas for women, or right now i'm stuck on Bing Cherry - it's not sickly sweet but just right, and with a bit of musk too which I like. Lightly fruity with an undertone, those are my favorites!

For man loves Axe sprays, I like whatever he chooses lol but one of my personal favorites on men that would make me follow them to the moon is Gravity =) Ohhhh *drool*

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