Just had to share =)

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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East Central Wisconsin
I just had to share this...it's amazing how this stallion turned around from being a nippy, cranky, "can't lead me" boy into the most gentle, kid-friendly gelding! He was always a sweetheart from day one but as soon as those things dropped, he knew he was all man and muscle lol.

Anyhow, the family drove from IA to WI to pick up Chase for their little 3yr old son, Gage. As soon as I led Chase outside (with pretty red ribbon in his mane and all!), Chase immediately attached himself to this little boy! Myself and my family were shocked to see how gentle he nuzzled the boy, gave him kisses, hugged him close...he was just loving this little boy and being so well mannered! I was happy to hear their mom tell me she just loves how Chase looks and is so impressed with how gentle he is, and that he has found a forever home with them!

I miss all my mini's...but i'm glad I get to share this happy ending for Chase with you all!

A few photo's...we all remember Chase all spruced up for his first show last May!!!


And he walked away with 4 second places in halter! (only shown here with 2 ribbons though)


Now here he is meeting his new forever home family last Saturday!



"Really, I just want to give you a kiss!"


A happy ending!...or is it a happy start? =)


Thanks everyone for letting me share...this is bittersweet being out of mini's...a financial and responsible relief but such heartbreak...every day I wish I had them back...some day I will return and I can't wait for that day =)
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I'm so sorry you had to sell them, but glad you found good homes.

I hope the rest of your life falls into place.


PS-I have some appy minis for sale on ER. *LOL*
Oh! It looks like he has a really nice, new family where he will be very loved

I know it's not easy... I have sold 7 horses the past year to both make room for the types of horses I need to do what I want to do with minis and to give more time to each individual horse. It's not easy but it does make you feel so good to see and hear how much they are appreciated by their new families

One of my little mares is due to leave to her new family really soon and then I think I am done loading "my" horses in new people's trailers for awhile
Looks like a match made in heaven!
: Must have been a "happy/sad" moment for you. I'm sorry you had to sell your mini's. I can't even imagine! Hopefully things will improve for you. Good luck! :bgrin
Its hard now...but memories last and can make a smile appear out of no where...now when the memories start to cloud...I bet you will be ready to start over with new ones....and have you noticed how time flys these days?
Looks like a match made in heaven!
: Must have been a "happy/sad" moment for you. I'm sorry you had to sell your mini's. I can't even imagine! Hopefully things will improve for you. Good luck! :bgrin

Looks like a match made in heaven!
: Must have been a "happy/sad" moment for you. I'm sorry you had to sell your mini's. I can't even imagine! Hopefully things will improve for you. Good luck! :bgrin

Looks like a match made in heaven!
: Must have been a "happy/sad" moment for you. I'm sorry you had to sell your mini's. I can't even imagine! Hopefully things will improve for you. Good luck! :bgrin

Looks like a match made in heaven!
: Must have been a "happy/sad" moment for you. I'm sorry you had to sell your mini's. I can't even imagine! Hopefully things will improve for you. Good luck! :bgrin

Looks like a match made in heaven!
: Must have been a "happy/sad" moment for you. I'm sorry you had to sell your mini's. I can't even imagine! Hopefully things will improve for you. Good luck! :bgrin
What a woooonderful forever home for him! I know how you are feeling and I am sorry...your memories and love for your horses will remain in your heart (((hug)))
I'm glad to see that he has a nice home. It's sad to see him go, but think of how happy you made that family. Cute pictures!
Thanks everyone =) It warms my heart to be able to share these photo's with you all, and to show that there are great families out there looking to adopt/buy/bring home a beloved mini of their own =)
Just curious what color he is. My mare has that marking around her mouth. I am terrible with colors. I just registered her white.
I am so glad you found a great forever home for him!

you can visit next spring and get a mini "fix" when our first 2 "Shaman" babies arrive! LOL

jennifer :saludando:
Although I think you would have had a really hard time finding another home as nice as that one, my heart still acks(sp) for your losses
I will greatly miss you.
greystone - those markings are called "mottles" or "mottling" it is a common appaloosa characteristic! Chase is a silver dapple snowcap appaloosa, you can't see his silver because the appaloosa pattern he has, a "snowcap" is covering the color on his back, sides and down his legs. It is exactly how it sounds, a "snowcap" of white color on the horse!

Jennifer - of course I have to stop by when your Shaman babies start coming!! Remember to keep me on your mailing list!!!!

midnight star - I am not gone yet =) I will still be around to read and share stories with everyone here! My step mom bought my youngest filly so she is still around and i'll probably be sharing photo's of her once in a while, I plan to still show her but not until next year. I had quite a few comments that she was too skinny, so we fattened her up now she is well rounded, but unfortunately for the few short weeks she was kept with the goats (we had to move a few horses around while working on the pastures) the goats ate the center section of her mane clear off, so now she has mohawk mane in between normal mane....ack!
