[SIZE=14pt]Joint ill generally occurs when bacteria enters the foal at the umbilical stump. the infection migrates to the joints usually stifles and knees and settles there and grows. Foals begin limping or favoring a leg, run a slight fever .We thought that Tess had been stepped on by her mother. She was limping on the second day of life, then couldnt put any wt on the left hind leg by the third day. Our vet that mis diagnosed her said stall rest. By the time we got her to a third vet she was dog sitting and unable to stand on either back leg. not much swelling but heat in the joint. The new vet thanks to Ginny St P., put her on iv antibiotics and then started flushing the left leg joint. When she finally could get inside it the periostium or portion of the bone that grows was completely eaten away. This baby was born in a sterilized foaling stall, extremely clean conditions and was still sick. We believed that she may have gotten it even in utero so we flushed Fancy with gentocin before breeding her again.[/SIZE]
This year we had Lucky who didnt have any problems.