Is this rude??? You buy a horse,,,,,at one time

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
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Muncie, Indiana
Would you think me rude to email you and ask about the horse, how it was doing?

I sold the horse to person A,,,,person A sold it to person B,,,,,,,

person B is who I would like to contact.

Would it bother you?

Just checking, that's all. And no, I do not know person B,,,,,,,,not sure if that makes a difference.
No, of course not , but then I will talk to anyone!!

You are a lot more tactful than me, Carolyn, I would go for it.
I would say that that is the opposite of rude, it shows that you care enough to know how the horse is doing.
I wouldn't hesitate to contact them, I like to know the history of the horse, past foals, etc, wouldn't bother me a bit if a previous owner contacted me, and I would send them updates on the horse if they wanted. The nice thing about e-mail, if they don't want to reply, they don't have to! I've contacted folks that have a full sibling or half sibling to one of my horses.
Its not rude. If you would ask me about a horse I would be more then happy to give you information.

I think the owner just might be real pleased that you were interested! I wouldn't mind at all for someone to contact me that had previously owned one of my horses. Go for it!
: Mary
I would love it!! It would show me that you cared and that means a lot to me. People who care about the horses they breed and raise and want to knwo how they are doing.
I think it would be perfectly fine, IMO.
: I have contacted and been contacted by people a lot about horses, and I'm always happy to give info on a horse's background or ancestors and share pics, and others have been good to do the same.
I'd ask about the horse with no reservation. I've done it and had no bad feelings at all. Just be yourself and say....

"Hi, I'm Carolyn, I heard you have one of my furkids and I'm so pleased. How is he/she doing? Any's my # or email, I'd so love a pic if you've got a sec and give him/her a kiss from me."
i think it would be great... i would love to get a phonecall from a past owner of my would show me that in the past my horses had a caring owner..

infact i have been toying with the idea of phoning the breeder of one of my mares.....but thought it might seem rude.....after reading these replies... i am going to phone tonight....

It can lead to a long-time friendship.

I bought my half-Arab gelding from a jerk (knew nothing about horse, nor relating to people) and wanted to know more about his history, so I went looking for the breeder. It took me 4 years to find her, but now we've been in touch for more than 12 years, she loves knowing where her babies have gone and loves the updates on our boy (she is thrilled that he has a forever home - a couple years ago she came across baby pics of my boy and e-mailed them to me - I bought him as a three year old, so hadn't seen baby pics). I'd love to go visit her, but she on the other side of the state and I just can't get away from here.
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I love keeping in contact with the folks I sell horses to. I in turn have tried to keep in contact with people I have bought horses from and in more than one case had to contact the original breeder who may not have had the horse for years, but I needed info regarding things and it has never been a problem and the breeders or future owners seem to enjoy knowing what their 4 legged kids are up to and where they are and how they are doing. I say go for it!
Of course not.. go for it! I do it often... I love to keep track of horses that I sold either for myself or for the RF Bar Ranch that I managed for years. Those horses were very special to me and I love to see how they are doing. I have ALWAYS had a positive response, in fact I emailed a Forum member last night about a horse that she has that came from RF Bar Ranch breeding and sent some photos of her dam as a foal and sires and grandsires information. I think it will help her to know which direction to go with her appaloosa breeding program.

Let us know how it goes!

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
I don't think it would be rude at all. I have been contacted by the previous owner of a horse and was thrilled that they did. I had rescued the horse from a very bad situation (literally starving) and was glad to find out information on her from her breeder. The breeder was also glad to find out the mare was now in a better home.

Feel free to contact me anytime if I ever have a horse that previously belonged to you.
sounds like a resounding 100% YES to contact someone, whether past owner/breeder of a horse you have, or current owner of a horse you bred or used to own... and i have to agree, even with our rescues we try to keep in touch, once an animal has passed through our gates they are family forever...

and you have all inspired me with your encouragement, i have to get the pictures set up to post but i have a mare i need to trace the breeder on, i will start a "search" post soon!
I don't think it is rude--in fact I just contacted a lady in NC yesterday, that was the registered owner of a mare that I owned and had traded for a stallion. The mare had been sold to the now registered owner and I wanted to see how the mare was doing.

It was so nice to speak to the lady. She had recently had to reduce her herd and sold the mare to a friend who was a knowledgeable horse person and the mare has a great home--in fact she had been taken to a County Fair and won Grand Champion Mare--That was GREAT.

It was so nice to hear that the mare was doing great, was still producing nice foals for them and was in a loving home.

I don't ever mind hearing from folks asking how a horse I bought is doing and I hope that folks don't mind me calling to see how an animal I sold is doing. It just means they are interested in how the horse is getting along--just like calling a relative to see how everyone is doing.

I love to hear their lives are going.
I would not consider that rude at all! I bought two fillies a few years ago from someone in another province. The person who had sold these two to the person I bought them from, and who was the breeder of one of them has emailed me more than once to ask how they are, and to comment on the first foal that the one of her breeding had. I quite enjoyed talking to her!
Wouldnt bother me at all. It would be nice to know that someone cared enough to ask.
I have actually done this, only I didn't just call I actually went to visit several times and was very welcomed on each occassion. In both cases the new owners were as eager to hear from me as I was to talk to them. They always have questions.

Don't even hesitate. Might even make new friends.

Good luck,


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