Hey guys! Look what I can do! Betcha cant do this!
Image: Did you see me? Huh huh huh did you? I was going fast!! Super fast! I was raceing, Then I ran barrels like mom and and and then I bucked like a rodeo horse does! Did you see me?
Rodeo: We were to busy trying not to get run over!
Ernie: Im outta here, its to hot to play with either of you!
Image: Ohh no you dont! Come on uncle Ernie lets play!
Ernie: Its HOT - do you not know the meaning of 95 and humid? Go play with your mom. MOLLY come get your brat! Im sick of babysitting!
Image: I'll race ya uncle Ernie, I really will, come on! Back to the barn, come on!
Ernie: Hey.... do I look like a race horse to you?
Image: Well no... your kinda short, fat and you have a funny forelock.. like a 70's afro!
Ernie: HEY you.........!
Image: Haha too slow, youll never catch me now shortie!
Ernie: Darn, rotten, no good, bratty little, why I outta... I cant loose to a 3 week old.... HEY who you callin shortie?! And whats wrong with my afro! Get back here!
Whew! Im hot, fan time!
While all this goes on.... here stands Miss Molly

Image: Did you see me? Huh huh huh did you? I was going fast!! Super fast! I was raceing, Then I ran barrels like mom and and and then I bucked like a rodeo horse does! Did you see me?
Rodeo: We were to busy trying not to get run over!
Ernie: Im outta here, its to hot to play with either of you!

Image: Ohh no you dont! Come on uncle Ernie lets play!
Ernie: Its HOT - do you not know the meaning of 95 and humid? Go play with your mom. MOLLY come get your brat! Im sick of babysitting!

Image: I'll race ya uncle Ernie, I really will, come on! Back to the barn, come on!
Ernie: Hey.... do I look like a race horse to you?
Image: Well no... your kinda short, fat and you have a funny forelock.. like a 70's afro!
Ernie: HEY you.........!

Image: Haha too slow, youll never catch me now shortie!
Ernie: Darn, rotten, no good, bratty little, why I outta... I cant loose to a 3 week old.... HEY who you callin shortie?! And whats wrong with my afro! Get back here!

Whew! Im hot, fan time!

While all this goes on.... here stands Miss Molly