Im just curious of what you think about heads

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I don't really care for long heads. I don't like it if there's too much space between eye and muzzle. Heads are not my first priority -- good conformation, of course, but for a "type" issue, I favor awesome, high set, necks -- but nice heads are way up there for me. I like dishy heads, small muzzles, tight "apostrophe" ears, chisled nostrils, large, wide set doe eyes... Some of our own foals sporting features I like:


I think this would be pretty much my ideal sort of a head in the breed. I like chopped off muzzles. Hate waterfall long muzzles. Hate big fat muzzles. I don't really care about the size of the head, as long as it fits the body. I have seen many Minis who did seem to have a head larger than I felt fitted the body. I like a moderate dish but hope the Mini doesn't go as far as Arabians have in recent years.

My humble opinion for what it's worth:

First the head should fit on the horse. I do not like big jug heads. I do not like long skinny heads. I like the head to have some kind of shape to it, not straight. I like a head short from eye to muzzle. Doesn't have to be super dishy or not even have a dish at all just as long as the head is pretty to look at; pleasing to the eye.

I also especially think a stallion should have a nicely defined jowel and look like a masculine stallion and not like a mare.

The eyes tell a lot to me. I love a big expressive eye. Here's one of my "twin" fillies. I love her face. Oh, you are not supposed to comment on the halter that does not fit and her chop job. lol

I agree with what some of you have said about " the head should fit the horse" I love a dish face, but I also love the QH heads to, the reason why is because I have both. I also do not love the overly dishy heads that some of the new minis are sporting, I am afraid also that they will start to come out like the new arabians and it's not a pretty look!

Another big thing I like is those big deer eyes and of course those eyes that let you look into the soul of the horse.

Here is my 2 yr old stud Knight with those big deer eyes...


and another one of my minis, Sox..his eyes are every soft and kind. He would do anything for me. (Knights in there too)


And last but not least, my "QH" mini and my first mini, Josh. He may not have the pretty refined head but I still think he is adorable!


To me all minis are beautiful and shouldn't be judged so much on their looks, but more for their personalitys. If mine were just judged on that then they would all be amazingly gorgous.

But those are just my opinions. Neat thread by the way, nice to know what everyone prefers!
I also don't care for a real "common" head. I like the head to catch my eye in one way or the other. Sometimes we get a solid horse that is not "colorful" so another reason to be sure we had a nice head on him/her. Here's Baby Chrissy. For those new here, she's not a baby, but she's always going to be my baby. She's a solid chestnut with not one speck of white, but she shines like a brand new copper penny. Nothing elaborate here. Not sporting an Arabian type head but yet there is some shape and definition to it, wider forehead and a big bright eye. To me, this is attractive even though she is lacking chrome.

Thanks, Leia and Lizzie. Hope x DunIT babies seem to knock it out of the park in my eyes when it comes to good heads
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Thanks for your compliments on my boy, Jinx!
He's supposed to be my daughter's horse, but I just love him! You are right, in that picture, he does look like a little Morgan. That's the best picture I have of him and was taken a few years ago by his former owner, Sheryl Stewart of Irish Hills Farm, when she was still using him for breeding. We were lucky enough to have a chance to bring him home after she gelded him and now he is an awesome youth horse! I said QH because he is a little bit, um, thicker now!
Still in great shape, but defintely more QH looking I think. Here is a more recent picture, not the best, taken during our fun show in May, but at least he is standing square!

My perfect head is short, with some width between large, expressive eyes, a strong, pronounced jaw, a gentle slope from forehead to muzzle...and that muzzle must be tiny! A thick muzzle is a big turn off for me. And the ears should be tiny, tippy and tight.
Ditto to this! I also look for a strong jowl to balance out the "dish" and maintain a horselike profile. To me, horses with streamlined heads/a poorly defined jowl look snouty.
One thing which I might mention, is the fact that it is difficult to tell heads and/or bodies, from pictures. A good horse can look really bad in photos and a poor horse can be looking rather better. Heads close to the photographer, can look really big compared to the body. I suppose it's always better to see the horse in question if possible and especially with an eye to breeding to him.

I like a nice smaller head, well i'm not sure if smaller is the word but I don't want it to have a brick for a head. I think the ears, eyes, nostrils/muzzle and jaw make a good head, as well as length and definment of the characteristics really make a good head. There isn't a check list that I go by when I look at heads, if its attractive and appealing to my eye, then to me its a good head. I don't like them to be flat profile on the top of the face and flat profile under the jaw line - there is one bloodline in the shetlands that I konw that produces the flattest profiles, but still some wonderful ponies. I am crazy about nostrils, I love to see perfect teardrop arabian type nostrils and really exotic sharp ears.

Here is one of my best heads....


Short and dishy all the way. A long head (especially one that is as long as the neck) is unbalanced and poor conformation (and looks ugly, IMO). A mini, especially, should have a head at least 3/4's the length of the neck (if not shorter).
Mind if I add my pet owner's opinion?

I do not show or breed, but I love my 2 geldings heads equally. My stocky 30 " Lil'Bit always looks up beat and cheerful. My "high neck" B size Bucky strikes me as very intelligent and willing to work. Their body types are very different and, to me, each head goes with that horse. In the world of "big" horses, I always liked a horse that was a balanced picture, regardless of the breed. Same with my little geldings. I am a sucker for a nice, kind eye situated so they can see well.

My young colt (wearing the halter) has what I call "pig eyes", a short wedged head, a neck that is too short, round barrel. ...I could go on about his faults,.... , but he is smart!

Guess the part of my guys' heads that I like best is... their brains!



I like a short dished head with big eyes.... in proportion to the body.
One of the main things that draws me to heads is "expression" and a horse can have that with a dishy head, plainer head ext......all things said what I really like is that look at me expression with a big eye, tight ears, not long(short maybe isn't the word as I think they can be "too short" too) from eye to muzzle, and then a muzzle smaller that tappers down, not a wide thick muzzle.

Love the head on my filly - Sheba


Sheba face.jpg
One of the main things that draws me to heads is "expression" and a horse can have that with a dishy head, plainer head ext......all things said what I really like is that look at me expression with a big eye, tight ears, not long(short maybe isn't the word as I think they can be "too short" too) from eye to muzzle, and then a muzzle smaller that tappers down, not a wide thick muzzle.

Love the head on my filly - Sheba

Oh I have seen this filly show. Just Stunning!!!!

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