I feel so sorry for Nathan...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2004
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Western OR
And boy does it show. My normally very easy to care for, minimal crying child woke up BAWLING about an hour ago. I got some Tylenol in him, and fifteen minutes later he cried himself to sleep as I was standing in the bedroom rocking him.

Finally figured out a trick so I could lay him down and not have to hold him- had to tuck a blanket and stuff under his little legs/feet. His shots were given in his upper legs, and so, everytime he'd move his legs in his sleep (and he kicks and wiggles in his sleep alot) his legs would hurt. And so he'd kick more... and eventually get to crying again.

Poor guy- one of the shot sites is bruising already. I really wish I could do more- and if he's still this bad later, I'll try applying a cold wet washcloth. For now, he's resting in the bedroom (where the AC is!) and doing ok- don't want to wake him up if I don't have to right now.
WEll it sounds like you are doing it all right. Tylenol often is great. Keeps em sleepy and sleep is best. I hate baby shots for any babies but human babies are the worst. Cushioning his legs is brilliant! I do it with mine all the time. I also would keep him as minimally clothed as possble on his bottoms. Those gowns are super for these times. He should feel better in a day or so, if not be sure to contact your Dr. My son Shain had a reaction to the P part of the DPT. (pertussis). If you have any concerns let your Dr know. You're a good mom, be sure to rest when he does in case it's a loooong nite!
My mother used to have to come with me at baby shot time cause I would be so upset knowing how my baby was going to cry.OH I used to hate that so much it would make ME cry and really loose it. I tell you it killed me every time. Poor baby Nathan. He'll be ok tomorrow but maybe you won't!
It doesn't get better
My 7 year old has asthma and had to get is flu shot today and for being such a big boy he was my "baby" again for a few minutes.

I always used to give the boys tylenol prior to their shot visits and it really helped. (Though I am NOT a doctor and this is just what our docs said to do:) )
OH, I am so sorry!

I am absolutly TERRIFIED of needles. Last time I had to get one, took 4 grown men to hold me down, and that was when I was 12... now I am 16. I just HATE needles. More then anyone would ever know. Yikes, scary stuff!

Any ideas on how to de-sensitize myself?
Feather1414 said:
I am absolutly TERRIFIED of needles.

Any ideas on how to de-sensitize myself?


Sounds like my hubby- he can't stand needles (he watched when he got his tattoo- bad idea)... if you find a way to de-sensitize yourself, tell me about it! He has to turn away whenever they start messing with them- so I was the one who had to hold Nathan's arms!! And then Daddy got to be the one who gave him comfort (and his bottle!) when it was over

If I didn't know he needed these things, I wouldn't do them. I hated seeing him cry like that! The only times he has cried like that since we brought him home was during the first week or so, and only during diaper changes. One of the Dr's at the pediatrician's medical group we use called it the "I already gave!" cry.

After we got the second dose of Tylenol in him he was alot better and less ouchy- he doesn't even have to have his legs kept tucked up now, which makes burping him alot easier. I WILL be giving him Tylenol before we go in the next time for shots- I couldn't this time because I had no clue what the dosage was. The Tylenol bottle doesn't list a dosage for a child this young... But the pediatricians have this wonderful photo copies of dosages by age/weight for both Tylenol and Motrin products!

He's doing alot better, and so am I- I was truely very worried when he had that crying jag, because he's not a big crier. Even had his father call the Dr's office to make sure it was ok! Thankfully he seems much much better now- he just had his 3rd dose of Tylenol half an hour ago, and I had a hard time waking him up enough to get him to swallow it... he was so soundly asleep and comfy!

He's also gotten to snuggle and snooze with Mama more then usual because of it all
I had a hard time getting him to sleep in his crib at night for awhile, so he ended up in the big bed with me quite often (my hubby got a pic of the morning he came home to find us both asleep there). Well, I snoozed on the couch with him after we got home, and he snoozed on me and the pillows in the big bed a little while ago.

I can remeber having my set of 3 Hep B shots when I was around 16, and my last tetnus, too. I've also still got vivid memories of the IV I was given when I had him, and when I went to the ER the weekend after that.
I can really understand how not fun that is- and it's got to be worse when your so little and don't understand why it hurts to move your legs.

It is amusing- my husband is the one who really gets worked up and nervous when all these things happen. I'm the calm one, and end up looking incredibly detached. Sort of feel bad about it- what must people think when they see my husband cuddling his son while I'm reading a magazine on parenting/babies/kids/housekeeping/crafts?

Ah well. We did find out that Nathan is still very healthy- and now weighs in at 13lbs and change (nearly 14lbs), and is 22 3/4th at 7 weeks! He'll be 8 weeks old this coming Friday- hardly even seems like it's been that long. He's in the higher percentiles for weight (95th percentile) and as I recall, height/weight combined (75th percentile)
Well, heck!!! I've been off the forum so often over the last couple months I didn't even know you had your baby!!! Congrats!!!!

I remember the shots well. I really hated for them to get them. My kids always reacted badly to them.

Enjoy that little one! The time will just fly! I see he is ALREADY seven weeks! Before you know it, he will be 7 months!
Feather1414 said:
OH, I am so sorry!
I am absolutly TERRIFIED of needles. Last time I had to get one, took 4 grown men to hold me down, and that was when I was 12... now I am 16. I just HATE needles. More then anyone would ever know. Yikes, scary stuff!

Any ideas on how to de-sensitize myself?


Yes. Have children!

I was the same way but once you are pregnant they poke you, they poke you when you are in the hospital to deliver, you even get used to IVs. Don't panic. I never thought it would happen but I can tolerate them now, 3 children later.
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What Debra said is the truth! Needles, needles and more needles....I had three different IV's with my last son, and blood draws galore. No wonder I was terribly anemic! *LOL*

I am so sorry little Nathan had to have those pains, but better little ones than big ones. It is very hard to watch them in pain and not be able to explain to them what it is for, etc.

Just hold him and love him, and he'll forget about it soon enough.

Hope he's done having a reaction, mine were mostly minor, if at all.

Liz M.

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