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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2003
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Please for give me whilst I :488: , I adore my child and enjoy others BUT I treasure my time pretending to be an adult. Just me!
: Debbie, not Bob's wife, or Shain's mom, but me! I can be ugly
: , I can be pretty
: , I can sit all day and eat chocolate and watch chic flicks if I want to :538: or I can read a book and listen to Josh Groban or Kenny G
: . Oh my I am just a happy old lady. To make my week off nicer barnbum is coming for lunch and nice visit. I wonder if I can talk her into taking Missy home in the back seat? Wouldn't she be so cute with Whisper and Blessing!

Talk with you later! Gotta clean this pigsty!
: :saludando:
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Love those "alone" weekends now and then - mine was last weekend, and I got more done around here than I do in a week usually. No one here to make a mess, too cold to go outside more than necessary.....so I cleaned, read a book, watched the Olympics and generally relaxed. Enjoy your week!

Whoopee :aktion033:

I wondered how you had got on, you kept dashing in here then you were gone....and blow me down, now you are gone again!!!!

I bet you are dancing naked in the yard, aren't you????? :488:
Ha ha, don't worry about cleaning up Karla. It's home and you'll be the first visitor to see it "lived in". Ok I may sweep and do the dishes but sheesh that's enough. :lol:
[SIZE=10pt]Oh I envy you big time - a whole week for just you? :new_multi: :488: I would LOVE that! :aktion033:
: Once in awile I enjoy a few hours all by myself and I simply love that time. ENJOY!!

a WEEK..a full WEEK to YOURSELF.
: .ohhh, would I LOVE that, it would be like vacation! :lol: I am lucky to get my 9 hours a day while Bob is at work, and MAYBE a day on the weekend..thats only if there are any fishing derbys going on! :no: But a week---ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ENJOY!! :bgrin Corinne
I hope you didn't send them here!

I've already got enough!

Blasted snow days off from school.........
Deb I share your joy! Next week I too get to be home ALONE!!! Hee hee but in my little motor home on the farm with my horsies instead of this big old PIA of a house and it will be 5 days a week, until we sell it. Let's do the happy dance while we can :bgrin
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Jane! Dancing naked....ummm not this old lady. Gravity has done things to me that no one alive should ever see! However I am enjoying the peace and quiet.

Jane! Dancing naked....ummm not this old lady. Gravity has done things to me that no one alive should ever see! However I am enjoying the peace and quiet.

Shirley I agree 5 days is pure bliss and doesn't come often. I hope you enjoy your new life.

Marty, the boys are at the other boys home, that mom's time now!

Corinne, you come to the hollow anytime, I'll keep you safe and peaceful.

And Fiona, you will have your turn soon enough and I'll so spoil you.
Enjoy the peace and quiet (and noone peeing on the floor, *LOL*)!

I am alone pretty rarely these days and when I am, I do savor it as well.

Definitely do a lot of "nothin'" but isn't it amazing how much longer the "housework" lasts when they aren't around to mess it up right away after it was done?

Hee hee,

I am also doing the happy dance starting next Monday I get 5 days alone on school vacation!!!

Although I have a million things to do or need to do!

Still no teenage attitudes!!!! For 7 whole days oh the joy!!!!

only 3 days to go!!!!

I can do this

I can do this

I can do this....

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