How To Be Saved And Have Assurance Of Salvation

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Jul 11, 2007
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Has anyone cared enough to share the truth about Heaven with you?

The Holy Bible describes Heaven as a beautiful place where people live forever with no death, sorrow, sickness and pain. {Revelation 21:4}

HeII is described as a place of suffering forever for all those who are not saved. {Matthew 13:50}

The good news is that about 2000 years ago Jesus Christ(God the Son) paid for everyone's sins or wrong doing by dying on the cross and rising from the dead after three days. {Mark 10:34}

God the Son came as a sinless man. {Philippians 2:5-8}

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto God(The Father), but by me." {John 14:6} He is our ONLY way to God(The Father) in Heaven.

The Holy Bible says, "That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God(The Father) raised Jesus Christ from the dead, you will be saved." {Romans 10:9}

You should not wait until later to get saved because you may die before you get another chance and you will miss Heaven.

If you want to be sure you will go to Heaven after this life is over just pray a meaningful prayer like the one below with your mouth and from your heart right now to God and you will be saved.

Dear God I want to be saved. Dear Jesus Christ Son of God I want to make you my personal Lord and Savior. Please forgive me of my sins or things I have done wrong in my life. Thanks Jesus Christ for taking my punishment for my sins by shedding your sinless blood on the cross and dying for my sins. Jesus Christ I now confess you as my Lord and believe in my heart that God(The Father) raised you from the dead. Amen.

If you just allowed God to save you then welcome to the family of God because you are now a Christian on your way to Heaven.

Now that you are saved, you should strive to live a godly life and you also need to be reading the Bible for yourself. The Bible is essentially God's instruction manual for how to live our lives in a way that is pleasing to God. A good place to start reading the Bible is the first chapter of Romans. You should also find a Christian Church to attend in your area.

Assurance of Our Salvation (READ> 1John 5:10-13)

The salvation God provided at the Cross leaves no room for uncertainty. If you've received Jesus as your personal Savior, then the Father wants you to be 100-percent certain you're saved. There's a three-fold test you can apply to your understanding of salvation.

First, ask, "What does the Word of God say?" The Bible's teaching about salvation leaves no room for doubt. Acts 16:31 says it well: "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved." That's it. It doesn't tell us to believe, plus something else. It just says, "believe."

Second, ask, "What is the witness of the Spirit?" Romans 8:16 says, "The Spirit Himself testifies that we are children of God." When we receive Jesus as Lord, the Father gives us His Holy Spirit. This ever-present Spirit inside enables us to relate to and communicate with God. Because of the Holy Spirit, we can continually testify that we're saved. Then, we'll be confident even if our feelings about salvation ebb and flow.

The third question you can ask to better understand salvation is, "What's the desire of my heart?" When the Spirit begins to reside within us, we'll experience powerful changes. We'll develop a desire for intimacy with the Lord and become sensitive to His will. This doesn't mean we'll never sin. But it does demonstrate our born-again spirit reaching for God.

You can know that you're saved. If you've made the commitment to trust Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then rejoice today as a child of God.

Have a good day,

Ronald L. Grossi

[email protected] (Use this email address if you have a question.)

Please share this with all your friends and family so they can learn the truth about Heaven before it's too late.

Some of them may not like the message, but at least you cared enough to share it with them.
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