Hey all you leaf peepers...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2005
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For any of you who don't get to experience the beautiful fall foliage...

here's a couple pix...

the view from our porch...


our favorite tree in our yard...


We're pretty much right at our fall peak and it is just beautiful everywhere you look. This is my favorite season! I always have a thing for walking around the yard with it "raining" leaves. I also love listening to a good "driving song" and peeking out the rearview mirror looking at all the leaves you "kicked up" behind you. Kinda silly, I know!
: You live in cozy fleeces all day long and coffee always tastes better when there's a crisp breeze in the air.

However, by mid November...I'm done and I want summer back! LOL

Thanks for letting me share.
Oh, that is breathtaking!

We have very little in comparison. The vinemaples and big leaf maples turn colors, as well as the miscellaneous trees planted by people (i.e. non-indigenous), but the majority of deciduous trees in this region are Alder, and they pretty much just drop their dried-up green or greenish brown leaves when they want to, there is no real "show". *LOL*

Not like that anyway.

My Dad lives in West Chester, PA and he calls it (I believe it's a local nickname for the region) October Country because it is really beautiful there this time of year, and it is. I love the colors, and so I really appreciate your pics and the sharing of your enjoyment of it.


Liz M.
Its at its peak here in New Hampshire as well. It is so beautiful and this past weekend was picture perfect weather as well.

We know God loves us when we look out the window!!

I love this weather but also feel kind of melancoly because you knows whats coming, I absolutely hate November it is always so cold and dreary with typically very little sun.

But will enjoy this glorious time!!

Thanks for the photo!!

I love the foliage here in NH. It is my favorite season. Beautiful pictures!

We saw leaf-peeping traffic at its best this weekend
Thank you for the pictures! Here the only seasons we have are fall and summer, but we don't have the deciduous tress that change colors. I have never actually BEEN anywhere where the trees change color!

Thanks for the pretty pictures!
