"Growing up Chicken"

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Southern, NJ
I wanted to share with all you chicken enthusiasts some pics of my flock growing up......They are coming 5 weeks old this week.

In this pic you see Porcelain d'Uccle (white), Mille Fleur d'Uccle (brownish), Mottled Japanese (black and mostly white) and Barred Cochins (black and white barred)


Cochin and Porcelain


In the playground...I just love these little Japanese...note how short their legs are and how their wings droop down....they are so sweet yet cocky looking! And when they stand up their tail almost reaches the back of their heads......

Awesomw babies! We don't have any babies of any kind here this year.

I never saw those Janpanese ones before. In that third pic, I saw the wing sticking down and thought the chick was flying. Can you post pics again when they are all grown up?
Awww Dunk,,,

Gotta love the little chicks! I only have three old hens, a RR a barred rock and a mix banty. I noticed yesterday my old lady banty must be having seizures now. So sad, She is a big tattle tale and will run up and sit on your shoe and "tell" if the other girls are being mean to her or she is out of food and such! She is sweet.

Love the Japanese you have. Where did you get them? The most exotic chickens I find around here are araucanas.
Sharon--surely I will post as they get older and grow. Do you still have your other chickens and roosters?

Hey Kimmie! :saludando: What happened to all your silkies? Your little tattle-tale sounds like a sweetie with personality plus! These chicks I ordered them thru a hatchery "Strombergs". I've had Japanese before, but not quite this small or docile. They are so easy to pick up and hold...almost like a teacup chicken!

Next time I get a chance I will have to take a closer up pic. For some reason sony image station crops them, but when it does, it takes away the oomph of the bigger size. So I'll see if I can get more close ups of them when I get a chance.

Here's a link for those interested in the Japanese Bantams as to what they look like when they're mature. I just think they're NEAT looking!

Sterling- I still have my 1 rooster Fred, and I have 2 hens. The hens are from the original ones that I bought. The rooster is one I hatched. We are also down to 3 ducks.

Between the foxes in the neighborhood and the hawks that keep coming back and nesting in our trees, it's kind of hard to keep small critters living outdoors. :ugh:

In that link you posted of the Japanese chickens, are they standing? Looks more like they are sitting down.
We get alot of birds of prey around here and just varmants looking for a snack too. I have to keep my flocks mostly penned, unless I'm sure I'm gonna be right on the property and outside with the dogs to deter any from coming around.

Yes those little Japanese that you see in that pic are actually standing! They have short legs and are oh too cute!!
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