Recvd this from a friend today, just shows you how well they are doing.
Hi friends:
I closed the store yesterday and took my employees and headed for the Dome.
We successfully got in to volunteer our time and were able to pass out our
donations. I am sending this email to say that despite what you are seeing
on the news..... Houston is doing a wonderful job. I saw it with my own
They are not allowing media into the Dome in Houston. (for good reason)
So, they are left to speculate outside set up in the parking lot with their
camera crews.
I worked until around 11:30 last night in the nursery area. Despite what
you have heard the victims are welcomed into the Dome and have the following
Everyone gets! and I do mean everyone:
1. A bag of toiletries - soap, razor, washcloth, comb, shampoo, toothbrush
and toothpaste
2. 2. A change of clothing - men, women, and children
3. 3. A hot meal - last night they were serving lasagna, vegetables, roll
and (one other side- I just can't remember)... pizza was also a
choice...sandwiches, chips etc. are available as well.
4. There are stacks of bottles of water, formula for babies
5. The medical area is set up for emergencies and for general clinic care.
From were I stood (5 feet away) that ran smoothly and people were seeking
aid as needed. Lines were not too long maybe a 20-30 min. wait, but as
parents we wait in lobby clinics longer than that sometimes.
6. Babies are being given diapers, wipes, toys, bottles, socks, and clothes.
7. People are able to take a shower and there are cots and plenty of
blankets for each family to gather together and rest.
Houston, we should be proud. That said:
The victims are coming in with sad stories and they truly have nothing.
They are wearing clothes they have worn through mud for 4-5 days.
Please don't misunderstand my email. The victims of the storm do need our
help. They will continue to need our help for the coming months. It is not
the Plaza Hotel, but it is clean, air-conditioned and safe. Some have waited
in the hot sun for 2-3 days to make it onto a bus and then to the Dome.
Each and every victim, no matter the race, the age, the gender, was polite,
great manners!, very thankful and while the scene in the Dome is sad to see
so many people stranded.... it was very peaceful. People resting, children
playing with crayons, music and toys. Families reuniting.
It has been hard to watch the news reports with "rumors" of how Houston is
not giving back. I was there, I was giving, and so was Houston! I was
inside seeing with my own eyes, NOT out in the parking lot peering in from
afar through a camera lens.
The two things that I can think of that would make their stay more
comfortable would be:
1. pacifiers and bottles
2. shoes (for children) 0 - size 10,11
3. children's underwear and panties
Please donate and drop off your items at your local area. The supplies are
getting to the Dome....don't be frustrated by reports that they aren't
allowed in. They are! It takes man-power to open each donation, sort it,
and hand it out.... so each donation location could not just DUMP all the
stuff on the Dome. It is organized and people (Houstonians) are working
manual labor on their days off to move the donations quickly. The people
inside the Dome are grateful and the steady stream of supplies is perfect.
There were times we had too much of some things.... each hour a Red Cross
Volunteer comes to your area and asks what items you need. They radio (to
wherever) and those supplies start showing up to your area in a matter of
twenty minutes.
We sort again. It is a process.... and while we are sorting we are also
handing out. My line at the nursery was never more than 5 people deep at a
time. We were able to hand people clothes, diapers, food, wipes, female
products, infant clothes and bibs in about 3-8 minutes. We even helped
people box up their items to keep them together in that time. I promise
Houston is doing a great job!
In addition:
Baby clothes would be great, too. Last night when I left the nursery
section we had enough clothes to hand each family 2-3 outfits for their
children and we were feeding the babies food and formula while their parents
ate a hot meal.
Panties and underwear for children are needed. Buy them in the packs.
These people are grateful for anything, truly. Gently used items are FINE.
In the nursery area... people would walk up and ask for sizes.... there was
no grabbing, no disrespect and I can report there were no angry people.
They were getting what they needed. The victims were so nice to the
volunteers. BE PROUD HOUSTON.
I will return tonight to see the families again......please, know that the
donations are rolling in as fast as the man-power can organize it.... and
there are enough stock items inside now to help thousands.
I was not afraid and did not witness any of the reports of violence being
reported by the media. Again, I was inside with the people. Not outside in
the far parking lot..... where they are.
Please donate baby food, formula (they seem to like Similac) and pacifiers.
Hopefully, the dollar store has pacifiers.
May your loved ones be healthy and safe.