Gelding my aged stallion

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Young stallions (up to 2 yrs old) generally don't need sutures. But I was told that my 4 year old I'm taking in on Monday would get them because he so large and has bred mares. I don't know, but I would feel more comfortable with an older stallion having them. While gelding IS a routine procedure, there are still possible complications that can be easily avoided.
My yearling also had trouble going down. The vet gave him stuff and he simply hung his head, but we couldn't get him to lay down. Finally he did, and the vet wanted to work fast, but with me holding the back legs, and vet tech at his head, and the vet gloved up--and had a testicle in her hand, he thrashed, so she had to get more in him. The tech couldn't find his vein, so the vet degloved and worked at it--no luck. Poor boy was stuck so many times.
She finally used something else--I don't know the names of the drugs--but it blocked the pain, but he'd be awake--something like that. When the job was finally done, I just wanted to cry for him. She said he'd get right up, so we all had to get off him carefully--there were two of us holding him. He did get right up After a gelding (Jazz was first--not fun there either, then Tucker) she always stays for quite a while to make sure all is well. She had me give him extra meds to prevent infection because she wasn't sure if the area remained sterile. But he healed quickly and perfectly.

Geldings are just one more reason I'm glad to be done breeding. I had five fillies, and the sixth and last was my Tucker.... ugh. Just another reason to be glad a filly arrived for the first 2.5 foaling years.

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