Foxy has been down right HATEFUL the past couple of days,...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2005
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Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia
I will have to take some pics of her tonight,.....but,....Holy cow,......soon as I go near her her ears are pinned down,...and she is very short tempered with me!!!

We still take her out EVERY night for a couple of hours and stuff,....Do you think it could be the fact that she doesent have a fence yet,....or the baby getting to her or the combination of the two??

I give her her space when she acts like that and back away,..All I keep hearing in my head OVER and OVER are the words of my farrier,.....IF you get her to stressed,..she may abort!!!! :no:

I dont want her to lose her baby,..but,..I also feel that she is learning,..If I act snotty,..mommy will leave me alone!

What would you guys do!,...I really want her to be happy,.but,...I want to be happy too!!!

I pick up my fencing supplies on the 20th ,...YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :aktion033: Please help me wish for an EARLY spring thaw,..Fred says that the frost in the ground right now is at 2 feet under!!!!!! :new_shocked:
Sounds like you have a combination of things that are making her hateful.

First let's not forget that she is still very new there. Horses just don't move from place to place and take it lightly as we'd like to think all the time. They are upset and some have issues as any child would, say, having to change schools in the middle of the year. Sad, confused, scared, and yes, angry too.

Pregnancy of course is enough to give any female a little "tute" that I would say is a "given" I'm sure she is having a hormonal rush there and is going to be a little cranky from time to time.

The biggest thing I see is that she is being left locked up. Didn't realize she didn't have a pasture to go to yet. Bringing her out on a line just for a couple of hours doesn't seem to get it. I would very much increase her turn outs to several turn outs a day as possible. Can you imagine being hold up in a box for so many hours and then having someone walk you around? She can't run and kick up her heels and "be free" she could be going a bit stir crazy. Try more walkies until you get the fence up for her.

Last but not least, sounds like she is already showing you that she's going to be the boss. She's acting terrirorial and dominant. Not real good.

I give her her space when she acts like that and back away


You do that when she pins her ears at you????????


Oh no you don't. That is exactly when I would step right into her space and claim it as mine. I'd reel her right in really quick and say "oh no you don't"......


If you don't correct that quickly, she is going to continue and probably be worse when you turn her loose. So when she pins her ears back at you, do not retreat. Do the opposite and go right in her space towards her and let her know that you can go anywhere you want to and you are the boss of her and put your hands on her.


I know she is cranky for all these reasons but still, you have to get a grip on her now or she can make owning her a real challenge instead of a joy. I don't think mannering her is going to be stressing her out. It's not like you are going to get out there and give her a whooping. You don't have to handle her with "kid gloves" so-to-speak to make her adjust her little attitude. You still can be warm and loving, but with that, Just be firm.
Thanks Marty,...

I completly forgot about her being still new! LOL

It seems like I have had her for years now.

I KNOW that she is probably not happy about the whole fence/not being up,..issue!

I am not very happy about it either.

I is really hard right now for me to take her out in the daytime,...I feel a lot better if someone is around to help if need be,....Remember,..She has NEVER been worked with,....and she spooks easy :new_shocked: ,...I am scared that if I take her out by myself,..somthing bad will happen and I will have no one around to help catch her! :no:

Fred works all day and the girls are in school,......If only I had my fence up!!!!

I was thinking that if I didnt show some authority that things might get worse down the road,...Thanks,....I will start working on going into her space tonight!,....Wether she likes it or not. I was just scared of hurting her and the baby,..cause she does get worked up. I will let you know how it goes.

thanks again,....

Although I wish there was some solution about the day time outings and the fear of something going wrong,..on my own.
Yep, she's going to have to learn that YOU are allowed into her space. If you give in, what's going to happen when the foal arrives????

I have a couple b*tchy broodmares.....that's just the way they are. But bring in a curry comb and a brush and they will put up with stuff. Maybe that could be your avenue to her heart. It's also a good way to allow a chance to check her bag.

Added to the lack of freedom and the cramped environment is the fact that she is alone.

As you know horses are herd animals, some adapt better than others but an awful lot has happened to her in the last couple of months, so sit back and look at it from her point of vies for a moment.

She was living in a field with other horses.

As she knew no better, she felt she was fine.

You came along, took her away from all the other horses and the place she knew and put her in a lttle dark place in a barn (I am not criticising you, I am merely describing it bluntly and from the horses point of view, so it may seem rather harsh, I know
: )

She now has no freedom.

She has a small barn to live in.

She has no friends or company (sorry, you do not count)

She is possibly in foal.

Once a day she is taken out on a lead rope.

From a horses point of view, that is a VERY high price to pay for being well fed, she has no care for that, and no appreciation of it- that is a human thing.

Ideally, the fence should have been in place before you brought her home, but she is here so lets work with what you have.

Somehow yo have to give her more space- is there any way at all you could do this??

Is there any chance of buying or borrowing some of the sheep hurdle things that interlock and do not need posts driven in??

I think it would be a good ideas to start considering your options.
I don't know how big of an area you have her in, but I have show horses that stay in stalls all the time. They only get out a couple of hours every other day. What I would do is buy some horse treats and just make a point to go to her stall several times a day and give her treats. My horses love nicker makers. You can get them at Jeffers. Also I would take her for a walk every day. Give her treats when you approach her and put a halter on her and just walk her around the yard. Let her eat some grass. She will warm up to you in time. Try this and see if it works. You don't need to let her make you afraid of her. She will take advantage of you.
OMG Fizz!!!!!!!! :eek:

You are soooo right!,..I never took it from HER standpoint!

I kept saying that I want to be the BEST mommy to her,..and all I have accomplished was locking her up! :deadhorse2:

I dont have ANY money till the 20th,..but,..I will see what I can do,....

I am so sorry for not thinking like her,....That doesent sound very nice of me does it?,...

I promise Rabbitfiss that I will work on this tonight!,.there has to be a way???? I dont know anyone around here that I could borrow anything from,..We have about 8 old wood pallets,..but,..that still wont be big enough???

But bring in a curry comb and a brush and they will put up with stuff. Maybe that could be your avenue to her heart
LOL,..Miniv,...I have been working on that one,....I think she thinks the brushes are eatable,....cause she always tries to grab my hand (along with the brushes),...She is fine with me petting her till I whip the brushes out,..and she is grabbing at them and moving her head away right quick again,..the minute she sees them.

Farmhand,.....She is in a 10 by 12 box stall and I have an old plastic laundry detergent bottle hanging on the wall for her to play with,..but,..I think she is scared of it,..cause soon as I touch it and try to get her to smell it her eyes go right big and she backs up quick.

I hope I find a solulution soon,....The last thing I ever want is to hurt my girl,...(emotionally & physically),....I kept thinking and I tell her EVERY night,..Hang in there Foxy baby,..Spring will be here soon,..then you will have almost an acre to play in,..But,..I didnt realize till Rabbitfizz,....

Thanks again Fizz,..for the wake up call,..I do LOVE my Foxygirl sooo,...Told you guys, I am a snivelling,weak person,..I am crying again,...think Im gonna go give Foxy a hug and apologize to her.
I totally agree with Fizz. This mare(as does any horse, unless confined to stall rest as per Vet's instructions) needs ROOM...they don't need acres, but she should at least have room to move around, and even break into a short trot. Is there any way you can attach some page wire field fencing from one stationary object to another, and so she can be confined within that area? A roll of this fence is about 330', so even if you put up 3 sides, and for the 4th side attach it to her "barn" this would at least give her room to move around in. It is probably about $150 for a roll.

Maybe if there are trees, or small buildings, you can make a makeshift yard attaching fencing from one thing to another? I really don't know what else to suggest. Maybe those 16' cattle panels(6" mesh size)...if you had even access to 6 or 8 or 10 of those for awhile, they too might help you come up with something temporary, but they are quite expensive to buy.

I know I really HATE the idea of tethering a horse out, but this may be another alternative, but first she would need to know how to stand tied, without fighting. Not sure if she has that training or not. Also, she can never be left would need to keep an eye on here throughout the day while she is out, but at least she would see daylight and more time outside.

When is she due to foal??? Is there no way you could keep her somewhere else until you get some fencing up?
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Definitely she will be getting grouchy because of several things....

as the others have said, the lack of turnout time, the lack of company, and yes as she gets further along in her pregnancy that can contribute too.

I agree that you must not let her think she can get the best of you by crabbing at you. But, at the same time, I can see where she is annoyed by you--and rightly so. I have mares that get grumpy and want to be left alone--they don't want me doing a lot with them, they don't want the other mares too close for the most part. That's not to say that they crab at me if I do go & do something with them--they know better than that--but at the same time they are outside in their paddocks & they are free to be on their own & do their own thing. So, they tolerate me when I do handle them--actually more than tolerate, they see me & they come over to see what's up, what I have for them....however, I go out there, do what there is to do with them, feed, groom, trim feet, whatever, then I leave them alone.

If you are going out to the barn 10 times a day & 10 times a day you approach Foxy just to see if this time she is going to pin her ears & make mean faces at you the same as she did last time and the time before that & the time before that, I'm sorry, but that is nothing but annoying to her.
Mona,.....I am going to get Fred to come out and help me look around to see what we can find as soon as he gets home from work,...

QUESTION?,....If I tie lumber pallets together on their side,...will the stay up,..if it is tight enough? or will they fall over?

She is around 40 inches tall. I cant use nothing to short.

As for tying ,..I dont really like that idea either,...but,..might have to try it if we cant find nothing else,....I dont think she has EVER been tied before,..She was running in a field for about 6 or 7 years. Could be a difficult situation. :new_shocked:

I honestly dont know when she is due
: ,.....sometime within the next couple of months,..I think?

I dont know of any place that she could go too.

We moved out here 2 years ago,..and dont have ANY friends here yet.

If this was Nova Scotia,...I would be fine with help and advice,..but,..out here in Sask, is A LOT different.

I am buying sheep fencing,..maybe even 2 rolls,..but,...cant do that till the 20th of this month,....did I ever tell you,..I HATE WINTER!!!! If it was spring,...I would have no problem at all.

If you are going out to the barn 10 times a day & 10 times a day you approach Foxy just to see if this time she is going to pin her ears & make mean faces at you the same as she did last time and the time before that & the time before that, I'm sorry, but that is nothing but annoying to her.
Annetta,.....I dont believe that I have EVER mentioned that I was going out to the barn 10 times a day!!!

Exspecially just to stare at Foxy and agitate her! :eek: ,....I go out in the morning, chore time ,...and at Lunch to check her water and stuff,..and then after supper ,..chore time.

so she has plenty of "alone" time.

Although ,.I did go out an hour ago,..just to tell her what a good patient girl she was and how much I loved her!!!
: And she whinnied as soon as she seen me , she always does.
Rabbitsfizz is doesnt matter what you do for her/with her, being alone without another horse = lack of safety/security for a horse and is more important to them even than food!! What I mean is, if she could choose between food and security, security would win out every time. Is there anyone that could loan you a companion for her?? Preferably one that likes people so she is an encouragement for Foxy to want to come to you??? Or is there anyone that would let you put her with a quiet horse of theirs till you can set up your paddock?? Some horses are just more sensitive to change and being alone than others. :lol: I`m sure she will be fine in time.
Hi Slaneyrose,....

No,..I dont know of anyone close,...that I could borrow or anything for a companion animal for Foxy,....Fred's boss has 2 riding horses,..but,...We are talking 16 hand high horses vs a 40 inch mare.

She is not alone in the barn,.....We have a milk cow too,.....And we also have ducks and a chicken.

I was sorta hoping she would be alright, companion wise till her baby came.

We are looking for a milk goat,..with out horns,..Do you think a goat could be with her without either of them getting hurt,..and what if the baby is born? Would she try to protect the baby from the goat?
: I cant do nothing about the fencing tonight,..It is dark now,..and Fred called from the farm,...They have a cow calving and he will be home late.

We do have a small section of paige wire fence that we had used to catch our run-a-way pig with,..It is here by the house,..I tried to drag it to the barn,..but, is stuck in the snow and wont give.(We have about 2 feet of snow still on the ground here. ) :new_shocked:

ALL I know is I want to do the right thing, I said before,..I do love her!,....

I usually don't post on here very much, but I just wanted to tell you that your mare will be fine. Yes, horses like other horses (usually
: ) but there are hundreds, probably thousands of horses who are the 'only horse' at their house. Yes, she has had quite a bit of 'stuff' happen to her in a short time. But, if you will just give her some time and patience (as you seem to be doing) she will adjust. As for keeping her in a stall, again, there are thousands of horses who are stalled 24/7. Do I think that's a good thing? No. But, don't beat yourself up over something that you can't help right now. Find something she likes and when you go to see her, give it to her and talk to her. Be her friend. Vary your visits. Brush her sometimes, just talk to her sometimes and just give her a treat and walk away sometimes. I was going to suggest a way to give her a little more 'out' time, but you said you didn't think she has ever been tied. If you find out that she has (by trial & error?) and if there are any trees you could use, tie a cable up high and tie her to the cable. High enough that she can't get a foot over, but not high enough to be uncomfortable. Don't leave her alone, but it would give her a little 'feeling' of some freedom without actually being 'attached' to you. Be sure, if you ever do this to make a 'stop' before each tree so she can't get wrapped around them.

Good luck and you're going to be a fine horsey mom!

Hi Foxygal, This is certainly not a life and death dont knock yourself out trying to fix up anything by yourself....As I said have others....she WILL be fine and you are doing a great job, the other things like company and space will just make it easier and is ultimately what she needs, but theres no mad rush.

I know a lot of horses have goats as companions, so yes, it could work well...the only thing you will have to watch for I suppose is that they communicate differently so if there is a "dispute" she may kick or bite whereas the goat would will have to gauge the situation between them as a lot will depend on how she takes to the goat, and what her temperament is like with it. Ultimately the ideal is to have another mini so they can groom each other, play together and stand head to tail in the fly season.......but you can only do what is practical for you, the tethering sounds like a great idea for now, and the rest will come in time.
: I certainly wouldnt mind being your horse anyway!!!! Keep up the good work.
PLEASE do not tether her!!!!

Recipe for disaster.

This mare has had no freedom and is a bit of a wild child anyway- she will go nuts and she will end up hurting herself.

The solution is to build a paddock- whenever you can.

As I said, Ideally you should have had all this in place before ever you considered getting the horse, but we have to deal with what you have, not what it would have been better to have had.

I have never agreed on this "goats are fine" thing, nor do I agree that horses are happy on their own, they are not, they just get used to it, but a horse that is singled out and left alone is a wary, scared creature, and that is what you are getting.

Try to cut her some slack on the attitude, she is defending herself (as she sees it) as she has been isolated from the herd and shut away- she is naturally on the defensive.

She is getting well fed, so has lots of energy, and cannot run and play to let off steam.

I do agree that you should not move away from her when she makes these moves but try not to be too in her face.

You have to understand that, at the moment, she has NO idea that you love her, or that this good treatment is going to go on, you have to win her love and earn her respect.

From her point of view, the only thing that has got better is the feed.

The housing she will not like at all, so, from her point of view, she was better off where she was before.

As time goes on she will come to appreciate all you are doing, and to like it.

You will probably find she is a real "stall bunny" and you will need to go and push her out to get her to exercise, but, right now, she is not liking her new lack of freedom at all.

Ultimately she may provide her own companion, but what will you do if she does not have a foal??

I would concentrate on giving her as much exercise as you possibly can, and get a paddock put up as soon as you can, that will be the very best solution.
rabbitsfizz, we are singing from the same hymn sheet, you and me! :aktion033:

Minis are horses when all's said and done, they need a herd, they need space and freedom to be horses.

I do not agree with lone ponies, if you can't have at least 2 don't get ponies, have a dog, at least he can be part of the pack.

We have goats, the goats are goats and the horses are horses and ignore each other. Our lot even split themselves into big guys and little guys. If we put a new Shetland out, only the Shetlands go straight in there and introduce themselves, the Icelandics stand back and watch. After a day or two the Icelandics will venture to say hello.

All the Shetlands go off in a group and all the Icelandics stay in a group, 'cept Andrew who thinks he is a big guy!

In the short term, you are providing the best care available, we must all strive to be better, nobody or their horses or their management is perfect, we all have to do the best we can. There is no right and no wrong way to do horses. Don't worry too much. Once you get sorted you'l be fine.
Rabbit Fizz I don't mean to be rude, but I think you are wrong. Yes this horse is having to adjust, but horses can be happy alone and so can donkeys. Yes they are heard animals, but only if they have run in a heard. I have purchased broodmares that had been raised in a heard and put them in stalls to get them ready to deliver and they adjusted and actually like the stalls. They can rest after having the baby and don't have to worry about others bothering it. Yes they still have their pecking order and all that, but the particular horse we are talking about here will adjust over time. Yes it needs some turn out time, but this time can be used for horse and owner to get to know one another. The mustangs that are caught and adopted out. The requirement is that you keep them stalled with a small paddock behind the stall. I don't agree with this because these are wild horses, but it is a requirement and lots of these horses turn out to be great horse companions to their owners. I don't think we should be so critical of our new horse owners. I have show minis that stay in stalls all but a couple of hours a day. They are happy and healthy and love me. They have adjusted. My show horses are not heard animals and wouldn't know what to do if turned out in the heard. Also my broodmares have babies in stalls and are kept separated from the heard. I turn baby and mom out alone together. When I have another baby the moms and babies are turned out for a few hours a day and then go back to their stalls. They adapt. I do this for the babies safety from dogs, ect. Lets give Foxy a break here she is not abusing her horse.
Try not to beat yourself up to bad about this - it will work out. It would of been ideal to have your fence ready prior, but you're not the first one who put the "cart before the horse". Just get the fence up as soon as you can. Until then, do not let her push you around, be firm with her. Yes, she is going through a lot in a little time, but she will adjust.

Many people only have one horse - I agree that two or more is always better, but you will have that when baby comes. If she's not bred or god forbid, something happens to the baby, will you be able to get another mini? A goat will work (no horns), but another mini is best.

Also, many people stall their horses 24/7 - and they are fine according to them. I don't feel that's an ideal situation either, but people do it and say the horses are happy. She's just going through a lot in a short period.

I will tell you this - I got two new minis about 3 weeks ago (I already had two) , these two were stalled together when I got them - we were only in the market for one, but didn't want to split them. Both horses were angels the first week and a half, but I've noticed changes in the one this past week or so (I am stalling them together as they were). He is not very friendly anymore and is very shy suddenly. First I'm going to have the vet out to rule out anything that could be physically wrong (you should try the same if you can), then I'm going to work on some ground rules with him. This particuliar horse has been through alot in the past 5 months - been taking to the sale, bought by a lady who didn't take the best care of him, then bought by me. He is not used to all the attention that I give as he hasn't had any in months. It is a big adjustment for him and he is not taking it as well as the other horse. He needs more time to adjust than what the other did. Foxy is probably going through the same thing.

Get your fence up when you can, have the vet out to make sure everything is ok and work on some ground rules with her, simple stuff. She will adjust - some take longer than others. Good Luck.
Guys,....I do sooo love EACH & EVERY one of you,..and I know that you are all trying to help in your own way,......

Rabbitfizz,...I do respect you and your advice,....I know that each one of us has our OWN special,..tried & true ways of doing things!

Do I like having her with no pasture,....NO,.I most certainly DO NOT!!! :no:

I have been around horses for a long time,..maybe not as long as most of you on here,...but,..I can tell when horses are depressed and I AGREE with all of you that little Foxy is depressed,....I talk to her all the time and tell her I am sorry and that spring is coming soon,..just be patient a little longer,...

She is definitly NOT a wild horse though,..I just have noticed that she seem agitated with me lately,..and for good reason,....I DID bring her here, a barn and put her in a box stall,....and she wasnt use to that,....I DO try to get close to her and pet her and groom her,..but,....she is not use to that,....That is why I am trying to take things slow with her,....I dont force new things on her at all,.....I know there is a chance that she might lose the baby,....and I am truly scared of that fact,..but,...If I can be a GREAT horse owner I will consider getting another one,....but,.....unless Foxy turns out truly happy and content,....that will not be happening!

I never told you guys the story on how I got her ,...did I?

Well,.....Ever since we lost our horses down home,..and moved out here,....I have been wanting horses in my life again,....The tack shop lady in town was laughing at me the past few years,..cause EVERYTIME I went in there,...I would just stand there and smell the scent of horses ,..then I would go sit in my van and cry!

My girls were getting frustrated with me over it even!

Losing Freedom was more than I could take,.....Soooo,..As you guys ALL know,..I would "horse shop",..on the net,...with NO money and sit and dream,...I even called a few and made promises of buying ,....but, money,...payments ONLY,....then I would get discouraged,...somthing would break in the house or whatever,..and the payment money was gone!

I was starting to get really depressed,....Then an ad came in our local paper,...oversized mini horses for sale,..starting at 100 dollars.

I jumped at the chance,....I paid CASH 270.00 for little Foxy,....with NO fence,sight unseen,....I know 270 to a lot of you doesent seem like a lot,....but,...I was sooo proud of myself,...I actually paid for my little girl,...IN FULL!!!!,..She was mine.

I never even thought about the fence until after,.....but,...If I cant do right by her and make her happy,..I will search and search for that forever home for her that she WILL be happy at ,..and totally give up my horse dream,....forever,...I can promise you all that!!!,...all I want is Foxy's happiness,...(here I am blubbering again)

I do appreciate each and EVERY one of your comments,...not necassarly(sp?) because I agree with them all,..but,..because I know that they come from your heart!

gonna go lay down for a while,..I have a wicked headache,..didnt sleep well last night,....

P.S>,...thanks for all the kind words in trying to help me become a better horse person,..and sorry so long,..I do have the gift of gab sometimes.
I don't know your financial situation, but you could buy 4 cattle panels and 5 T-posts for under $75.00. We had to do this in a hurry once when some neighbors lost all their fencing in a tornado. We used the side of what was left of their barn as one wall and then put up the panels, one wide and two long, so their two minis had a temporary corral that had a wall for shelter, was 16' wide and 32' long. At least the horses had a little room to be outside so they could roll around, kick up their heels a bit. Could you wire your pallets up against the wall of your barn? A couple of T-posts would help secure them from being knocked over. T-posts are cheap and can be pulled back out when you're done with them. Best wishes, Linda

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