Foods chickens absolutely love????

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The Brahmas are awesome, they remind me of Big Bird, kind of gangly, very fluffy. They look big but when you piuck them up they are all feathers. They have feathers on their feet also. I have a rooster that is a big boy but very friendly. They all make this chortling sound to each other and now this little hen is making it to me. She doesn't fight at all when I have to treat her. The brahmas stay right together as a little pack. When they run it is a riot because they have really fluffy butts, to funny.

I have some black chickens to that 2 are roosters, one is getting aggressive to chickens, dogs and humans and I may have to make a decision about him soon. I cant have him attacking everyone. Unfortunately he is my daughters pet, but she is getting afraid of him at this point. Someone told me you can neuter a rooster. Anyone heard of this?
I'm so glad your little Brahma girl is doing well. Looks like you are taking very good care of her. Brahmas come in bantam and standard sizes. I've had both and they are a joy to have...their personalities are awesome. A few years ago I had a clutch of Buff Orpingtons I was brooding. For some reason all these chicks started to pick on this one chick overnight and when I went to feed them in the morning they had made a hole in her head and I thought she was a goner. I put her in an separate adjoining brooder. Didn't put food or water with her because she could not even lift her head. So I kept putting medication on her and at one point she started lifting her head. Then I started having hope that she may just come out of it. Eventually she got stronger and stronger, the hole closed up, she started eating and regaining her strength. At one point I put a more docile chick in with her for company. As they grew and no longer needed the brooder light I put them all together and she became one of the flock again. She lived to the ripe old age of 11. You could not tell by looking at her she had a defect...but I could because there was just a wee bit of a curve to her neck and head area. I called her Bell.....
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Glad to hear she is doing well! I've also fed them scrambled eggs (they love them!) and canned corn. I have also tried red jello in water (not so it sets just watery).

I've had a free-ranging flock for a year now, and this summer I raised 6 Barred Rock & 1 Easter Egger from chicks I got in the mail. I can't believe how much I'm enjoying them! It's been fun, the set I'm raising now are much tamer than my others I got as adults.
I would sprinkle some chicken scratch grains in the kennel with her. Chickens eat almost all the time. Also to the question if they will eat dead mice? Mine do. I don't have many mice any more. None that you can see. Anyway, I would use one of those live traps where you can catch as many mice that will go into the trap. After I cought mice I filled a 5 gallon bucket with water and walk away. After about 5 minutes I would get the bucket and take it into the chickens, open the trap and dump the water and mice in the chicken pen. They would snatch up the mice and actually fight over them. Of corse they were freshly dead.

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