Hey ..so im not sleeping in my car bc i guess you have to buy a camper pass which is $138 just to sleep in my car! Or if im cought doing it w/out a pass its a $500 fine~
So im home nightly now. Today we got there pretty early. We found coco's stall which was way to big for him (no one could see him w/out a ladder) so the barn guy told us to move to the mini horse open barn. So we did and they gave us a stall that they said a guy had planned on using to put his Tack in ...but they needed the stalls so it would be to bad for them!
. Well i had to shovell coco's old bedding out of his first stall ..take it across the fairground to the other side and then put it down agian, Carry water buckets and a tackbox across it as well.
. Then after i came back from walking coco w/ jessica's QH for about 1/2 an hour ...there is the guy and his wife standing there w/ there hands on there hips looking at me pretty ticked off. (i know what about to!). Well they were like "this was our stall ...we payed $2 for it, where are we supose to put our tack, saddles ext". And im like "well put it beside your stall ...you have a 10 foot gap! Ryan told me to put him here and keep him here ...im not moving". So then they go looking around trying to find a stall to convince me to move to (which wasnt happening btw) and find this one w/ about 20 bails of hay in it. I deff was not moving them. So i call my dad and he is like "no matter what ..dont move". So i tell them that and there like "okay ...well then i guess there isnt much we can do about it".
Then about 2 hours later Jeni (girl beside me) moves her horse out of his stall since she only had him tied there while she was cleaning out his actualy stall. Well then this guy is like "well why dont you move your horse over a stall so we can move out tack in here?". Im pretty mad at this point and i go "I paid $32 for a stall ...and now i have this $2 one and cant get my money back. I already moved all this stuff Once and im to tired to do it agian. I dont care if you had champion mini last year or not ..i was told to stay here and im staying here!". Im not a person to be like that and mean but they had me SO angry!.
I was told though that they had the mini Halter and Driving champ from lasy ear and the 2 years before that in a row! I dont know how ..he doesnt look like a 'champ' to me. I now have even more motive to kick there (beep)'s!!!!!!
Did check out the compitition ..wow. There are about 3 or 4 that i am sort of worried about ..the rest im not really worried about. Jessica is giving me some tips on movement and all that. Helping me practice and im helping her w/ some of her Barrel stuff (even though she is about 3times better then me!). I think we have a pretty good chance. Thursday is out first show and its pretty easy.
PS: my worse dream came true today ...i was standing trying to crack my back during our little walk today ..and all of a sudden i feel a tug on the rope, coco roled! HE WAS SO CLEAN TO! ...now he looks like a bay!