Easy Entry Cart in Country Pleasure

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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2007
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Cottageville, South Carolina
I have a Easy entry cart that is brand new and in perfect condition I have thought about using it in country pleasure because that is the only driving class except obstacle I plan on entering and I dont really want to send over $1000 on a cart I will only use when iam in one or two classes and never at home. I was told by AMHA/AMHR that is completely legal in both those classes but people just dont do it what do you think I really want to show win those classes and my horse is very nice driving but I just cant spend that on a cart do you think it would be ok to do or are the judges going to count off and Iam I going to look dumb and get laughed at

Please help
We have a few a local level that drive in an easy entry cart at AMHR shows. I have seen them do very well and they seem to place right where they should.

When you get to the Regional level or higher you will not see it in my experience though.

I do not think anyone will laugh at you or that you will get marked down for using one. Go have fun and enjoy your horse. Do the amateur class and test the waters.

Maybe someone in your area will answer this as they may know what goes on in your neck of the woods a bit better.
I do not think anyone will laugh at you or that you will get marked down for using one.
It just depends on your area...in some places you will be the laughingstock of the show in others no one will care. According to the rules it shouldn't matter but it does...at a show I was at once before I got my Jerald the judge came and told me after that it was a shame I had an easy entry. Just my experience.
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I have seen people show at AMHR shows in an easy entry cart and place well, and even win. I probably wouldn't want to use one at the Area/Regional level nor at the Nationals, but that's just me. I think for the shows it sounds like you plan to do, it would be fine and actually a very good idea until you see how much you even like to drive at shows.
this is kyle driving an easy entry at our regional show in gordyville a few years back. he got 2nd and it was his first time out
I see them a lot in amhr. I say go have fun!

Well I dont know if I would try amateur or not I dont show amateur I and not new to driving or showing been doing it for about 20 years now just not driving minis but big horses that's why I just have an easy entry for the minis they wont quite fit the large cart but I if my horse showed the potential to go to nationals in country I would probably spend the money I just want to see how he does at the shows first hes AWSOME at home but you know how that can go and hes a stud and normally gets very happy when around a lot of mares so we will see
I use my easy entry at our area show. I never noticed it making a speck of difference with the judges. I placed where I deserved to place by performance, sometimes above a competitor with a show cart. Go and have fun! And if you place well and anyone complains, it may be because you out-performed him. The only "negative" comments I ever got were that my horse is too fat! But, our AMHA show is very friendly and helpful and maybe that is why my experience is so positive.
I have been showing for 4 years now and this is the first year I have had a show cart, prior to this year I have always used a easy entry cart and placed accordingly. I do not feel that I was marked down or discriminated against because I used an easy entry cart nor was I the laughing stock. I think an easy entry cart will be great for you especially since you are just testing the waters, like you said you can always spend the money later to get the show cart. Good luck and have fun!!

I have not seen anyone use one in our area, but sure wouldnt see why not on a local level!! ENJOY! Driving is just too much fun!!!
I have seen several SHOW AND WIN in a EE cart at the local level of course I wouldnt use it any higher then that but I intend to get a wooden EE for us to use locally. It is all I can afford now and I am tired of waiting year after year to be able to afford the right "show cart"
I may be showing in one starting next year, probably in both country & pleasure driving. As well, I've got a Smart Cart on the way, & will be using it as well, depending on which horse I'm driving. I know some have started showing in Smart Carts in the country pleasure division, but I have every intention of using mine in pleasure driving classes as well. I checked the rule book & I checked with a judge/steward who confirmed that there's no rule against using it in open pleasure--and so I will!
I am going to be using my older EE cart that I got a couple months ago. I like it and its very light for my lil mare. One day I will get the money to buy a show cart but I dont think thats going to happen right now since I have a baby on the way. So I am using a my older lil cart. I dont go to any higher end shows right now anyways..
While there is no rule against using them. there is more presidance for using a show cart. I would not show any rated shows with an ee but I use one at home. Your horse has to be really outstanding when using out of the expected equipment. IT is partly your horses movement and part the whole picture. How does it look when you drive. There are many judges who will not really look at the ee carts at the shows. Not fair I know but fact.

Well I feel that is complete discrimination I have a wonderful horse who is awesome driving but I will get penalized because I cant spend over a $1000 dollars for a cart I think that is ridiculus that means its all politics its not about the horses and how good they are its how much money you have I totally resent that! That makes me sick its just not fair!
I say go and give it a try! Like many of us have said, we see it in the AMHR shows on a local level and they seem to place right where they should. I have yet to see anyone laugh at a new person that is just showing and if they do then they should be ashamed of themselves. We all started somewhere.

I do not see it in our area at the AMHA shows however.
Well it CAN be "discrimination" but showing is all about having THE "perfect presentation possible" to get the judge to notice you, and place you above another nice horse that might not have all the details together.

Showing IS about spending lots and lots of money, after all!!! There are lots of fun things to do besides showing, and no one says you CAN'T show without expensive things...

Everyone else in the ring thinks THEIR horse is super, so turnout IS important.

This is a horse SHOW. You can go to have fun, and you can go to be competitive. It's really up to you.

Some judges will look past budget and some don't. That's the nature of showing, and different opinions.

Yes you CAN show a quarter horse in a plain saddle with no silver in a western class, and show in plain non-rhinestone clothes, and no horseshoes, and no fancy bridle... but you won't stand out against those who do and appear to be making that ultimate effort for a perfect presentation.

I don't really feel it's "politics" to not have the equipment expected to show, however.

And there ARE ways to get equipment at a reasonable price... items such as cart and harness can be purchased used, by cheaper "knockoff" companies, etc. THAT the judges aren't as picky about as long as your equipment looks safe, clean, and gives a nice overall impression.

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While I somewhat agree Andrea.. on the same page is.. no matter how nice of a turn out you have, no matter how well groomed your horse is... many judges will tell you a pig in a dress and lipstick.. . is still a pig and a beauty queen in overalls and no make up is still beautiful
: and many can and will see past it for a horse that is nice and doing its job

only way to know for sure is to go and try. Heck I saw a couple people at Nationals showing in a wooden CP cart not the usual Jeralds
Oh absolutely Lisa! I am not saying by any means that the turnout makes the horse! It only helps it though. Because... I mean, there are trainers that sure can dress up those pigs in some pretty nice dresses and lipstick and win like that!!! That's how it works sometimes!


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