Drug testing in AMHR/ASPC?????

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2009
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I saw this on a thread (down below my comments) not meaning to start a panic here but

I was unaware that AMHR did or allowed drug testing as done by the registry itself. I know some states require it at all shows like CA but it is the state testing not the registry.

At the open BOD meeting at Convention last year there was some talk about implementing drug testing but I was not aware of it actually happening as of yet

if AMHR/ASPC is actually testing as quoted in the rule book on Karens thread that leaves a lot of unaswered questions for me some of which are

Has anyone actually had a horse tested by AMHR/ASPC? What are the rules of such drug testing is it a urine only test? Are you allowed to reject a blood test and make the testers wait for urine (like they do in other breeds)

Is there a listed chart of substances allowed or not allowed and at what level it is deemed unacceptable?

Who are the authorized testers and vet? What lab has the registry designated for these results?

Who is in charge at the registry of getting and keeping said results (since the testing vet has no idea the end result of the tests)

I would really like to see all of these rules and regulations and personal in charge of this program described in our rule book where Karen S pointed it out. I have not yet looked it up but she knows her rule book rather well

ASPC/AMHR Rule Regarding Drugs:
Part 13 – Drugs

A. The use of stimulants, depressants, or any drug

affecting the showing of a horse in halter or

performance is strictly forbidden. Exception:

Therapeutic medication necessary for treatment of an

illness or injury. The show management and Show

Steward shall report to the ASPC/AMHR Board any

person known to have administered stimulants or

depressants. The ASPC/AMHR Board has the power

to hold a hearing regarding such use and to issue such

penalties as it deems necessary.

B. All horses shown at ASPC/AMHR shows are subject

to drug testing and failure to comply by a trainer,

owner, or agent is to be considered an admittance of


C. All therapeutic medication given to a horse showing

must be reported to the show management with such

information as drug type, dose given, time given, etc.

Many therapeutic medications will show up positive

on a drug test and, if so, and it has not been reported,

will be considered a forbidden substance.
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I haven't heard that we are going to start actually doing it, but it's been in the rulebook. I'm sure someone else can explain further. Personally, I think we need too. But that's just my opinion.
Well Ithink we need to as well however a lot of legalities have to be put into place (as someone who drug tests for AQHA)

I am just curious why it would be in the rule book if their is not a program in place and would that then mean if by some random chance someone(thru a steward or other show official) decided you should have to test your horse you have the right to refuse totally until such a program is in place?

I think it needs to happen I guess I am more concerned with the legalities of the whole thing and the result that could have on our registry as it sits right now

I mean what if someone protested stating they saw person A drug their horse. What would the steward do seeing as it is in the rule book but there is no procedure to follow thru with?
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Well, I assume we would follow USEF protocol on testing. If we started it, it would probably start at the national level with a USEF Vet and Lab. I don't believe we will willy nilly just start pulling blood and collecting urine at local shows. People who don't drug their horses have nothing to worry about. Those that do might.

Once it's stated that random classes will be drug tested, I don't believe anyone has the right to refuse to have their horse tested. Doing so would be cause for disqualification.
I agree wtih all of the above Carin I am just surprised it is in the rule book and states someone can be punished without the ablity to actually test a horse at that moment and time. How could anybody be known to be giving their horses anything without a test unless they freely admitted to such?

While you can not refuse to test without admitting guilt you can refuse a blood test and require the tester to wait for urine at least at the AQHA I tested for. I sat for up to 8 hours sometimes with a horse/owner until we finally got urine. Wasnt to bad for me as I had someone to talk to and made a new friend after all that time together

the good thing about the program is no one knowing when someone will show up to test at the local level at a small show with 40 horses or a huge one with 200 or the National shows. Of course even the testers themselves do not know until they get to the show what type it is

I am all for drug testing in our registry and hope it does come to be -heck I would love to a a pee pee tester for my own registry
I am not bashing the registry at all just looking for some clarification on the rule and procedures I guess I never noticed it in there before and was sort of shocked since I heard at the BOD meeting that they are looking into how to cost effectivly implement it in the future.
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I am sure that I heard them call for drug testing in random classes at Nationals already.

Never run into it at local shows. Probably because it would be an extra expense for the show.
[SIZE=12pt]Lisa, [/SIZE]

First I ask where was this statement taken from , I guess what I want to know is what were they talking about when KAREN quoted the "Rule Book"

Next that rule she quoted has been there for sometime.. It is nothing new.. !! We have been discussing the possiblity's of Drug testing and have some folks looking into the cost etc.. it more than likely would be for the Ponies at this time ONLY !! They seem to think there might be more of a problem there than with the Minaitures , My thoughts are still out on that !!!! USEF is who we have talked to about it along with a couple of more places...


I'm all for drug testing be it ponies or miniatures.

I also think random drug tests should be done on those miniatures who are pushing the height limits just to be sure they are not under any influence to help them measure in.

they were talking on a thread about supplements and how certain supplements can test positive in drug testing and how that can be a concern that is there Karen posted the rule.

The thread is -Black as night a new thread -or something very close to that

I knew it was not something that was happening yet as I clearly remember Larry discussing it and not so clear on this but I think they were going to get a committee together to look into all the questions I had above and more

I never even realized it was already a rule in our rule book since I knew we did not yet have a procedure in place. I was surprised to hear it was there but I guess it has been in our rule book for a while and I just never knew or saw it before and was just curious how it would even be enforcable as of this very moment. Which led me to ask if procedures had already been put in place casue I was positive it was left in the information gathering point in Nov and I am sure discussed further at the spring BOD meeting

and again all of that said I think it is a good idea to have random testing procedures in place even if they are used very randomly although I am not sure how much drug use is a issue in the minis? Maybe it is and I am just clueless
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I am all for random testing at least at Nationals, as AMHA does at World. Lisa, I imagine it would become more likely with miniatures in the performance classes, as with big horses...

I haven't read the other thread but I know there are ingredients that can cause a positive test probably in more than a few supplements that are given unknowingly. We were struggling with a problem in an APHA mare some years ago and a holistic vet suggested giving her belladona. I balked, just because I'm not familiar with how it is used and it sounded downright dangerous lol. The mare was going to World and we realized later on that of course it would have caused her to test positive. Look at the Olympic equestrian horses who were disqualified from testing positive for capsaicin, even at that level something was given unknowingly - I think in a liniment. Would be great if a published list of banned ingredients were available in the rule book or on a website.

So many other breeds already drug test, and I dont have a problem with it myself.

I would imagine it is in the rule book in case of a dispute in a class, or something else reported that was not on the up and up.

I have seen trainers showing horses with colic, coming down with a respiritory problem, etc.. that were medicated and put in harness anyhow and taken to the ring. I'm sorry, but if the horse is that sick, lame or whatever that it needs those type of medications, it should be vetted out and NOT shown!!

I also know of someone here in the state who had a horse they had to drug to safely drive in parades!!!
And noted it on another public forum! This is not training! I wondered if the horse ever went to any other competitions, drugged down to make it behave, to compete against others who spend their time training the right way. This is unsafe abuse to an animal that needs to be drugged in some way to be used to do a job- no matter whether it is halter, etc...

If the horse is not suitable for the task it needs to do, then don't do it, whether it is a lack of training or whether it is ill or lame.

I would not mind any drug testing at all. This is not to say that SOME drugs (your horse is finishing up antibiotics from something that happened a couple of weeks prior, or something of that nature) that do not interfere with the normal utility of the animal and it's movement or well being, should not be allowed.

Just my opinion. And I agree with wildoak.... a list should be published.
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I'm all for drug testing be it ponies or miniatures.
I also think random drug tests should be done on those miniatures who are pushing the height limits just to be sure they are not under any influence to help them measure in.

I agree with Carin, those who don't drug their horses have nothing to worry about... bring on the testing if they choose to!

Not sure what drug can change the height of a horse or mane hair placement... but I think there should be drug testing on mellow stallions...
Thanks Carin for posting the link to the banned substances list. Obviously the responsibility is on the owner/exhibitor to know what is in any meds or supplements you are giving, lots of things on there I would never have even considered. Lemon balm?? And penicillin is banned but I don't see many other antibiotics that I'm familiar with. And gee, I'm sure glad they banned LSD
........for horses??? Seems that would kind of go without saying lol, but I suppose everything needs to be spelled out.

I have a question... I thought you could "disclose" any drugs or medications your horse received to the Steward prior to showing...

I am not clear if that means if your horse receives a drug and you simply make a statement to management prior to the show, it sort of "covered you" against penalty should your horse randomly get tested?


Oh I found it in the rulebook:

The use of stimulants, depressants, or any drug

affecting the showing of a horse in halter or

performance is strictly forbidden. Exception:

Therapeutic medication necessary for treatment of an

illness or injury. The show management and Show

Steward shall report to the ASPC/AMHR Board any

person known to have administered stimulants or

depressants. The ASPC/AMHR Board has the power

to hold a hearing regarding such use and to issue such

penalties as it deems necessary.

B. All horses shown at ASPC/AMHR shows are subject

to drug testing and failure to comply by a trainer,

owner, or agent is to be considered an admittance of


C. All therapeutic medication given to a horse showing

must be reported to the show management with such

information as drug type, dose given, time given, etc.

Many therapeutic medications will show up positive

on a drug test and, if so, and it has not been reported,

will be considered a forbidden substance.
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