dog lovers--Parvo questions

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Phew, Karla, I'm happy you didn't post pictures of him until you had good news. It would have torn at my heart even more. Thank God he is doing better. What an adorable baby boy
HE'S EVEN BETTER TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh HAPPINESS!!! The nice doc (one of the two from before) I talked to said he's been barking and moving around and wagging his tail!! They are going to try solid food at noon--and see if he keeps it down. I asked if he'd be ready to come home later today--if he keeps it down, but she said Monday would be best because this is such a rollercoaster virus and she doesn't want him to have a set back. We're headed to visit as soon as Mark gets back from errands.... they will disconnect him from the IV so we can take him on some stones....

I followed the story all the way to page 32. Man, this puppy HAS to get better and come home! It just would not be fair if he didn't. Is he actually going to be able to come home today or are you still waiting for discharge from the vet? I'm hoping and praying that he comes home and starts a normal life there on your farm. The photos you've taken of him are just adorable. Can't wait to read the post where you tell us "Buddy is home"!
Those quilters have really attached to this story, haven't they, Sterling?
The vet said they'll get solid foods in him today and see how he does. She felt to avoid any possibility of a set-back, he needed to wait till Monday.

Here's the update I wrote out:

Oh my GOSH!! We took him outside by a picnic table surrounded in stones--it's easy for them to bleach that area--so we couldn't go on the grass. But he was WONDERFUL!! He walked all over--peed three times--let me snuggle him--licked our faces--he seems practically normal! Amazing!! We were with him for half an hour!

Mark didn't get back in time --Rach and I couldn't wait a second longer, but we can go back to see him before 3:00!! Then visiting tomorrow is too hard for them... but he should be home on Monday!!

I talked to this NICE vet and she said there's a very slim change Buddy would ever get this again because he's built immunities--the precautions are more for any other puppies coming to our place. This is the first puppy we've had here in 11 years--so no worries there. We're still going to bleach some areas we know he pooped in after he came back from the vet's the first time and keep him off where he pooped before, but not for 7 months. Once he's had a series of vaccines, he should be good. WHEW!! This doc also said it's very good for him to see us.

Oh how I want him to come home today... but we've been through all this--I guess Monday will be fine.

If he didn't come home Sunday, I was headed to a horse show two former students are in... so they'll be happy I can go. Wed morning I'm helping a teenager with her horses at the county fair--but Rach will be here and Buddy adores her. Then Friday is my surgery--but it should only be about 3 hours we're gone... hopefully. My dad would come over to take him out of his crate if we needed him to.

BUDDY"S BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I am SO happy to hear he is doing better!

What a CUTIE. He has such sweet, kind eyes
Karla, was so nice to see the outpouring of concern on your quilter's site. I love how they and LB folks rally around people just when they need it most. I'm so happy to know that Buddy is better. I can't wait until Monday for him to come home and be where he feels comfort and love.....and Buddy isn't even mine!
Im so glad for Buddy! I do wonder why your vet didnt test him the first time he came in. Usually the first question on a puppy is "has he had his shots" followed by a parvo test. Im just really shocked that all that time he was there the first time he was never tested. But at the end of the day Im just glad hes better
Kay--the first incident was a head trauma. And he wouldn't have tested positive for it yet because he hadn't gotten it yet... he got it at the vet's during that first visit. They knew he hadn't had shots because his appt to get them was on a Wed--and his first emergency was the Sunday before. They don't give shots if a pup is not 100%, so he still won't have them. I believe they will start one week after he'd been home to make sure all is well.

I cannot wait to call tomorrow morning--9:45 (they say to call at 10--but no way can I wait) and hear "You can come get Buddy!"

We have bleached the yard twice--all his blankets, toys, crate, towels, dishes, and we'll do the kitchen floor tomorrow. I loved to sleep there.

I couldn't get any info about him today since the clinic is closed--and wonder how often he was taken out to potty and who hugged him up and if he kept his food down and how much food he was given. Sigh... we'll make up for this crummy start to life somehow. I bet he'd love to start with a nap in the grass--under the trees.

Sterling--that's what the quilters say--I love this reply: "what kind of people are we that we check in so many times each day to make sure about a little dog we've never seen who belongs to a woman we've never met?

i'm astonished every time. look how many people care about you, karla."

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YAY!!! We have all been waiting for this day! I bet you guys go on a doggie toy buying spree!!!! Yay Buddy!
He's home!!! He was a wild man at first!
They after three hours of constant wathcing, we had him go to his crate for a nap. He barked twice in protest then fell sound asleep.

It'll take me a bit to get photos onto photobucket and here... but in the mean time I posted a bunch on page 37 here: Buddy
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This just made my day!!! Yeayyy for Buddy!!!
Please give him a BIG HUG for me and a kiss on those sweet little puppy dog lips. Love those photos. I'm just so glad he's home...I'M breathing a sigh of relief. Yea, now starts the fattening up of the little guy, spoil him rotten Karla!!!
Thanks for sharing our joy! It's funny--he's rowdy with Mark and so mellow with me.
He watches me everywhere I go. He was sound asleep in the kitchen, then I came into work at the computer, and there is he sleeping on his so so soft bed right behind me. I'll go upload some photos...

Here you go...

When he first came home... such a skinny boy! He'l look better in just a few days. He's on a bland canned food--W/D for 12 cans... I start mixing with his food after 6. He's on Pepcid AC and an anitibiotic, too.


Found his bed and his favorite toy!


Felt good to stretch out!


Just taking it all in...


He did lots of rolling in the grass and barking.


He's right behind me now....


It seems the owner of the mama dog lives around the corner from my sister's friend. He came to claim the mother--said she had 13 puppies. He took the dog home but I guess he didn't ask about the babies???
When Buddy was found he was only with one sister--no mother. Then just two days ago--weeks after these two were found--the mother showed up at the my sister's friend's with two more puppies. The puppies all found homes--thanks to my sister. I was scared the guy would say he wanted the puppies back!
But I guess he didn't even ask about them. My sister said he must be a real loser if he never noticed they were gone all this time. When we went to see the puppies I asked her if it was posible they escaped rather than were abandoned, but there's a swamp behind my sister's house!
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